Avatar of pyroman
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Pyroman
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 5982 (1.57 / day)
  • VMs: 1
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    1. pyroman 10 yrs ago
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Current Oh yeah. It's soup time again.
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4 yrs ago
Soup Time. A Year Later.
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Soup time.
5 yrs ago
I am currently sick and putting all of my energy into work, please forgive me if I don’t respond right away or forget things!
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5 yrs ago
Sometimes... it is


Normally unavailable between 3pm-9pm, always welcoming RP ideas, large groups, small groups, 1x1s, you name it!

Most Recent Posts

Would you mind me writing up a villain/anti-villain? I was thinking the blue beetle route, but the character overpowering the scarab's will and bending it to them to fulfill their own desires. Either that, or I could go with a non-powered person. Your choice.
so many green boys, lov'em
alright guys, time to knock some non-presidential skulls.
Sorry for the tiny posts!
It took the words of a new patron to bring Preston out of his thoughts. He was so concerned with seeing the fight through and getting out of the bar that he forgot that there were other people in the bar with him. He could smell the drink of the man next to him. Cheap. Preston only let himself have two. He couldn't be flying around drunk, if the ring even let him do that. The Guardians told him that the ring would last exactly one day on whatever planet he was currently on. In the case of deep space, it would last twenty four hours relative to Preston.

"Marvin Hayes is getting his tail handed to him." Preston groaned. "I got money on this, and I just want this fight to end already." Once again, Preston's hands were in his pockets, slipping off his ring to keep people from seeing the vibrant piece of jewelery.

He looked over to the man in full. He looked to be a few years older than Preston himself, but had that classic dead inside look that so many people had nowadays. His hand moved out of his pocket in an attempt to shake the gentleman's hand. "Preston," He introduced himself. "Who are you rooting for?" Maybe this guy was a casual bar sitter, maybe he wasn't here for the fight. There was no better way to get to know people than to outright ask them.

Something about the man reminded Preston how it was only lunch, and he had already downed two beers. He wasn't a drinker, he swears, but it was just the environment and the people around him that got him to drink after a stressful three weeks on Oa.
@BluetommyEveryone at the superheroes anonymous meeting: "Hello Vinny."
Not a big post, sorry. Just wanted to have Preston be around some trouble. I figured this would suffice since he could easly drop back into coast city if the RP needs him to.
12:25 PM, The Silver Spoon Bar, Hub City - November 3rd, 2019

This was definitely where Preston didn't want to be. A nearly sentient ring with the power to send one man across galaxies in mere moments, and somehow he still ends up nearly two thousand miles away from home.

But he couldn't say he didn't mind being here.

Another drink was poured down for ol' Preston. It was fight night at the local bar, and Preston still had some cash on him from when he picked up that alien ring three weeks ago.

"Hayes, you better finish this!" Preston shouted at the television. His money was on the contender, not the defender. Even if Preston hadn't seen a fight in three weeks, he had been putting his money on Marvin Hayes for a while now.

The first round was over, and Hayes wasn't looking too goo-

Bang bang!

Preston froze. He couldn't have been the only one to hear the gunshots. His hands dug themselves into his pockets, fishing for the artifact that was now in his possession. There, he had it! As nimble and quick as as man named Jack, which he wasn't, he slipped the ring on and hurried himself outside.

"Hey, where ya goin'?" A patron called over to Preston, stopping the pale man in his tracks. "You gotta see this to the end, buddy. My money is in your pockets."

Dammit, he put money on this fight, didn't he? He could just knock some heads together, it would be all too easy to now, but he was a peacekeeper. He couldn't just jump into the nearest bar brawl. He needed to sit it out. Maybe too much time wouldn't be wasted.

Hayes, you better win that fight.
@Ceta de CloyesI think it's fine, personally. I mean yeah green energy, but there are more than enough differences to make them interesting, even if they're working together
Shawn, shawn, shawn. Curse my innability to make jarring decisions, and curse the fact that it bled into your character
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