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Oof, those are some long posts. I don't know if I'll be able to maintain posts of that size on a regular basis, but I can try.

Are my character and faction accepted? I haven't heard or seen any evidence of the acceptance since editing my faction's territory.
Hamazasp Sulser


He trims his beard regularly. He always carries a smile but never shows his teeth. He throws his shoulders back and walks upright, making him appear taller than he actually is. He wears a plain T-shirt and thick slacks inside his quarters but wouldn't be caught dead outside without his overcoat.

Age: 26 Earth years

Origin: Born and raised in the Taurian Concordat

Personality: An offensive baseliner. In socials, in combat, in romance, he won't engage before calculating a high probability of "success," or his definition of it, then storm forward with full investment. He can wait hours, days, weeks for this opportunity depending on the situation. He's quite patient and observant, though sparingly few friends realize it. He talks so boorishly that acquaintances dismiss him as an irrelevant triviality. Whether this is a front or a genuine aspect of his character, not even he knows himself. He has pondered that occasionally in moments of self reflection. From the perspective of others, the vast majority of interactions are bright, brief, and brash.

Where are the allegiances of such an elusive fellow? They lie with small creatures. After all, he was an outcast once; he sympathizes. He recognizes death and loss; he's seen and caused plenty over his short lifetime. Nonetheless, he'd open up his hatch to release an entrapped dragonfly should the need arise. If he finds a homeless person, he'll divert his routine to keep the vagrant warm and well fed. He'd do his best to reroute his vehicle around buildings, roads, and electric lines, if only because he understands their vitality to the common man's everyday activities. His quest to find purpose will cause no collateral damage.

History: The Sulser's dairy industry, like most on Illiushin, was renowned throughout the known galaxy. The youngest of six siblings, however, Hamazasp was impeded from higher positions of company leadership. He found solace in mech simulations. His older sister fell ill, and he assumed her duties. Misinterpreting his benevolence as a power grab, she demanded his exile when she recovered. Instead, his mother assigned him a role in their newly-established branch within the Draconis Combine, the family's furthest domain: banishment in every way but name, thankfully with honor still intact.

He labored diligently towards his newfound duty for little benefit. Unfortunately, despite his product's quality, brand recognition prevented it from mainstream attraction. Illiushin's gouda advertised and sold itself with its reputation; Shinonoi colby jack felt offbrand and fake. He tried to market through his home network, but they wouldn't return his calls. Finances forced him to downsize, eventually to where he himself operated the machinery. Managing a franchise doomed to fail depressed him, but the levers' and switches' methodical coordination calmed and comforted him. His childhood simulations provided useful advice, but practice was another matter entirely.

He steered the business until its dying day. He personally slaughtered each of the remaining cattle, the last employees long since departed. His hands' work stillborn, he roamed the Inner Sphere for new opportunities. One night, while contracting on Vega VII, he received a quarter life crisis. He wondered how it would feel to handle a metal titan for real. He knew that mechanical operation was different but wanted to know the extent of its difference. Foolhardy? Sure, but he had nothing better to do. Would it kill him? Maybe so, but his parents wouldn't miss him. Very well. He'd sign himself up in Rasalhague.

Gunnery: 1
Piloting: 2
Guts: 4
Tactics: 5


Misc: Keeps a pocket harmonica, and plays it as the mood arises. Maintains a physical library of novels and reference material in his cockpit, as space allows. For growing up on a world that specializes in cheeses, is oddly lactose intolerant.
I have edited my application. The only aspect I've improved is the dossier under "Territory."
@tundrafrog1124 It appears that Area 12 is mostly undiscovered and left available for future content. If it’s permissible, I’d like to stake the Pinochle’s claim in that location. If not, Areas 25 and 11 suffice!

Vault 48’s intention is to grow any outpost into a full-fledged settlement, but the current expedition doesn’t have the manpower to make the outpost self-sustainable. They will allocate space for a farmstead, but it will remain fallow. There will be a single erected structure with a brick foundation and a wooden upper half. Largely, it will act as a supply depot. Supplies will arrive from Bishop (or another nearby outpost), to be either stored or traded with locals. I read that there is a nearby cave; the expedition would use at least its entrance to store goods away from the elements.

In short, it will be a farmstead, but for now it’s just a dwelling and a trading post.

Does this suffice? Would you like me to incorporate this information into my application? Currently, I’m at church and away from my computer, but I can insert this later this evening.

Howdy! I'm interested, and hope to apply soon!
Salutations. I figure this would be an interesting roleplay. The only Besthesda games I've played are mobile, so forgive me if my theming is slightly off. Still, I'll try to adhere to lore as best as I'm able.

Please expect an application by the end of the week.
Municipality of Lingayen - 10/11/2022, 18:26 UTC+8

Caffeine this early in the evening would on any other night have been an abysmal idea. Yet tonight, Rear Admiral Adrián Abasolo maintained a full pot of coffee and a large mug beside him. Jasmine had been sweet enough to craft it. He preferred a completely uninventive drink: hot water and Indonesian grounds.

In the twelve hours between dismissal and reconvening, the admiral's civilian staff had shuffled relevant equipment into Sison Auditorium. After this morning's fiasco, he figured that direct communication with his assets would assuage concerns and strengthen trust. Not everything could be repositioned, though, hence the band of wires taped to and running along the bottom of the wooden floor.

He was alone at his desk, though a station for each remotely-involved officer took its place along the walls. Security was postitioned at each entrance and egress of the room, because a little paranoia never hurt anyone. To his right, five chairs in two rows greeted him. The blackboard beside them faced the main doors of the facility with the following language:

Irregular Team A:
1st Lt. Noel Alonso
2nd Lt. Indra Larsdottir
Sgt. Nil —
Ms. Callie Lidman
Mr. Nico Makri

The chairs and blackboard to his left were the mirror image, with the exception of the blackboard's scribblings:

Irregular Team B:
Pvt. Kaitlyn Price
Agent Myron Makaraig
Ms. Hannie Cavalet
Mr. Iker Orozco
Ms. Lei Qingshe

The assignments were strictly based upon cohesion between special abilities. Still, Abasolo winced one last time that leadership roles so heavily favored the first team. Nonetheless, it wasn't his first discomfort when arranging this mission. The remaining chairs were positioned across from him, with their blackboard simply declaring, "Reserves." The space between the three sections was a simple square.

Beside him was a speaker, through which Abasolo hoped to broadcast reports from the field and so maintain transparency throughout the chain of command. Soldiers operate best when they understand the current situation. At least, such was his philosophy. He nonetheless maintained headphones, like all his officers. Several paces behind him was a sizable screen which displayed a virtual map of the South China Sea with live updated positions of deployed ASEAN assets.

The Arms Masters shuffled in with varying times and punctualities, yet another discomfort Abasolo bore. Still, he requested 1800 for a reason. The operation was to commence at 1826, which allowed ample delay. Until then, Admiral Abasolo stood up, moved into the empty square, and addressed the crowd at attention. "I haven't heard any complaints, so I'll receive your attendance as a gesture of undivided support. You've heard general outlines of the mission thus far; I figured I should clarify further. If some of this is old news to you, it's because I want to ensure that everyone is up to speed.

"The QRS
[Abasolo presently didn't bother to expand the acronym] is located at Mischief Reef, which is currently under siege. We cannot teleport supplies to the region, and so we attempt to run this blockade. To this end, the Australians have leased us two auxiliary oiler replenishment ships, His Majesty's Australian Ships Supply and Stalwart, under the command of Commodore Heather Munro, to carry what our allies require. We have contributed two frigates and a corvette to escort them. The Indonesians have similarly contributed two frigates and three corvettes.

He stood at ease; formalities could wait until after the engagement. "The PLA would very likely notice this and send its full local fleet to intercept this blockade run. In order to divert their attention, or failing that their resources, we have set up a joint Indonesian-Filipino strike fleet comprised of small, nimble boats and submarines to harass the enemy. Both operations will occur simultaneously, so keep focused for the duration of this engagement.

"I've assigned two teams of five. If either prong of the offensive is under duress, I will provide coordinates and a location to Myron and signal "go" to one team, commencing with "A." When selected, you will step forward, and Myron will teleport you to those coordinates. From there you will manage whatever threat presents itself to your current fleet. If possible, you may return to these headquarters to await further orders once the threat is neutralized. In lieu of that, five additional Masters will reoccupy your seats as a new makeshift assembly, which I will employ as the battle progresses.

"To be abundantly clear: protecting the Supply and Stalwart is our primary objective. If you must choose between sinking Chinese ships or protecting our fleet, choose the latter. If you must choose which ships to save, prioritize the Supply and the Stalwart. The escort will attempt to avoid any confrontation; when operating on the escort, I suggest you do the same."

With that, he turned to his officers, announcing within earshot of the Arms Masters. "You all have your orders. To victory or defeat, let's make this a flawless exercise." He returned to his station and pressed a button. "Milkfish. Come in, Milkfish. We seem to be having problems with our radio. Is everything good on your end?"

Reed Tablemount - 10/11/2022, 18:26 UTC+8


"Milkfish reads you; give us a moment," Commodore Arlene Roxas responded. She collected the Romeo flag and stepped outside the bridge of the BRP Ramon Alcaraz. She knew the general location of her target, but she still needed to readjust her sight in the rapidly approaching twilight. She waved her flag out towards the distance.

The man on the other end would be Commodore Harta Lucas, her Indonesian counterpart. She'd told him to watch for her signal, and, sure enough, she saw the Charlie flag waving from the rear deck of the KRI Alamang. She trotted back inside and resumed her response. "Affirmative, Pearl. Everything's good on our end."

"Excellent. And you, Carabao?"

"Affirmative on our end," replied a third voice.

"Very well. Return to your duties."

Municipality of Lingayen - 10/11/2022, 18:37 UTC+8

"Pearl! Come in, Pearl!"

The admiral nearly leapt at the call. "Milkfish, is that you?"

The sound of an explosion, followed by the blap-blapping of large arms fire replied before Milkfish even got the chance. "Affirmative. Alamang is down, and they just nabbed the Kujang. Commodore Harta is incapacitated. Repeat, Harta is-"

Well, that could kill morale. He turned off the speaker and equipped his headphones. All his soldiers heard would come from him.

The admiral freed an ear from his headphones and pointed at Irregular Team A. "10.868383, 116.630628. Deck of the BRP Ramon Alcaraz. Your target is a PLA corvette about one nautical mile away, at approximately ten o'clock."

He stood up. His baritone voice was calm and resolute. "Go."
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