Avatar of Quincy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 175 (0.08 / day)
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    1. Quincy 6 yrs ago
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2 yrs ago
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4 yrs ago
New Year. New Ideas. New Motivations.
5 yrs ago
This has been a long summer, hasn't it?
5 yrs ago
Wow. Just wow.
5 yrs ago
It feels like forever since Quin did a RP thingamajig.


I like slice of life and anime. I prefer simplistic, yet imaginative writing. Walls are not for Quin.

Discord: Wandenreich#2534

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Quin hopes you're able to!



P R O F I L E //

S E N T E N C E //

A S S E T S //



You and six others have lived a rough and erratic life. Several weeks ago all of your crimes against the oppressive empire has led to an unfortunate end – or so you thought.

Your capture by imperial agents would ironically lead to your very salvation as you worked together with six total strangers to overtake the interstellar vessel that had been only hours before your transportation to the galaxy's most cruel and devastating prison. With the imperial agents killed by your hands you found yourself with a ship, a crew, and new possibilities. However, try as you could your run of luck was decidedly short. An imperial patrol ship identified something was wrong almost immediately and a violent dogfight led you to crash land on a nearby frontier planet. The ship is in dire need of repairs and you don't see any trace of civilization on the planet. You're lucky you can breathe its air.

Though you don't feel so lucky. And in time, you will see exactly why. The frontier planet of Hades is a violent, dangerous world full of cosmic horrors you could never imagine.



I'm very “rules-lite”. Don't be a jerkface, listen to me if I make a ruling, be patient as I live a very busy life, and communicate.

For my second RP on RPG I've looked at Terraria, Dead Space, and Rimworld to create a sort of cosmic-horror-adventure thing. Characters will be largely anime-influenced, so I expect people to not use realistic faceclaims. Understand that your character in this adventure is a criminal and while that does not define their morals, I will probably insta-decline any lawful good space paladin-types – the inverse also applies, so no evil sadistic baby-eating monsters either. I think a lot of character types can be made from that.

6 (plus me) dedicated player characters. This might mean we have a seven player story or less with me doubling up. I only ask for sticking with the RP.

Writing level is casual section. But effort makes the bestest. Word vomit is bad, but good paragraphs aren't! Not a rule but Quin was taught in school that paragraphs should be at least three or four sentences, so use that as a guide! Any other rules and stuff should be in the character sheet. Quality over quantity!

Would anybody want to play this idea out or should Quin go back to drawing board?
I am thinking about this thingamajig.
Both creating and adapting characters have value, methinks.
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