Avatar of RabidRabbit
  • Last Seen: 9 mos ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 91 (0.03 / day)
  • VMs: 4
  • Username history
    1. RabidRabbit 7 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Wow
6 yrs ago
I follow you quietly, my voice you'll never hear. At your side come morning and evening, but at noon I disappear. Who am I?
6 yrs ago
Wanna mildly sass me? K, you can die.
6 yrs ago
Seriously starting to think the day I don't have something going medically wrong with me is the day I die.
6 yrs ago
Heading off for a, ugh...gastroscopy, to find out just how bad this stomach bleed is. Wish me luck peeps.


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Most Recent Posts

Genetically Engineered Catgirls for Domestic Ownership when?
@ScarletRose Likewise =D
Underrated: The Overlord Games. They're just good dumb fun.

Overrated: Any war game published by Activision after 2010
I suppose not many people here like TiTS.
*Emerges from under rock*

I-is it over?
This is very quickly moving from annoying to ridiculous. The apparent lack of response and action from Mahz, I have no idea what is actually happening on the back end but this is simply how it appears, is beyond frustrating. I fully understand that this site is a hobby, and I'm grateful for the work that the mods do to keep this site running, but when it routinely takes me five to eight refreshes and twenty minutes to load a single page then we have a problem. This is how better sites have died, for good.

Even a single post from Mahz himself saying "I know, and I'm working on it." Would put many complaints to rest. It's a consistent lack of dialogue between the admin and public that is perhaps the most frustrating. For all I know, the mods messages to mahz have gone completely unanswered and nothing is being done to fix this, or maybe Mahz is working tirelessly, day and night, to fix this. Either way, it's the silence and uncertainty that is killing the guild.

Clearly there are some serious admin oversights that have been highlighted by this recent issue. Mahz seems to be the only one with the ability to fix these problems, yet the mods seem to have no reliable method of getting in immediate contact with him. Perhaps a change in contact protocol is required. Alternatively Mahz need to find a mod or admin that is more active and that he can trust with whom he can share some of the backend access, so that the ability to fix problems like this lie with more than just one person.

*end venting*
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