Avatar of RadGeek
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  • Posts: 6 (0.00 / day)
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    1. RadGeek 9 yrs ago


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Ok, so, how many characters and what genders shall they be?

I'll PM you.
<Snipped quote by RadGeek>

I'd lean more towards Orphan Black or Doctor Who myself.

In terms of roles I can play:

Doctor Who:
Rose, Mickey, Shareen, Tenth Doctor, Martha, Eleventh Doctor, Amy, Rory, Twelfth Doctor, and Jack.

Harry Potter:
Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco, Luna, Snape, Lily, Neville, and Minerva.

Orphan Black:
Sarah, Art, Cosima, Alison, Felix, Victor, Beth, Cal, and Rachel.

In terms of roles I'd like to play against:

Doctor Who:
Ninth Doctor, Tenth Doctor, Donna, Rory, Amy, Eleventh Doctor, or Jack. (I try to not include Clara or River for personal reasons.)

Harry Potter:
Harry, Draco, Luna, Remus, Snape, Lily, or Dudley. (I try not to include any Weasley these days for personal reasons.)

Orphan Black:
Doctor Leekie, Alison, Sarah, Art, Cal, Helena, Duncan, Kira, Beth or Donnie. (I try to use as little of Paul as possible, for personal reasons.)

I should also note that I have a busy life, I am a fully time college student but I will reply in order of who posted and has been waiting for a reply the longest. I do this to be fair and so that people don't get left out or feel as such. I also enjoy mature themes, be them gritty or sexual in nature, granted there isn't too much drama or angst, since that does tire me out and makes posting hard if there's heavy tones at every junction. As far as post sizes, I do like to give somewhere around 3-6 but that depends if we double or not and where you're comfortable but you'll never see less than three paragraphs from me as a general heads up (usually because I am into it, not out of say, obligation.).

Let's go with Doctor Who then. Of the ones you mentioned you play, I most enjoy playing against Rose and Tenth Doctor. As for the ones you play against, I'm fine with playing any of them. I understand a busy life since I have a full time job, and I'm an online student.


-Arranged Marriage



And Alien Invasion

How about we go with polyamory?
Oh~, I'm interested in a few.

Alright. Which are you interested in?
<Snipped quote by RadGeek>

Let's see here...

Most Inclined:
Doctor Who
Harry Potter

Somewhat Inclined:
Pokemon (All OCs would be acceptable)

I would mention Hunger Games, however I'm in one as it is and it's fairly comprehensive that adding another one would be straining for me. And Orange is the New Black and Divergent are ones I've seen but don't see myself too eager to roleplay without meddling in some fanfics or something, to see what I even want to try. I could suggest other fandoms as well like: Orphan Black, Star Trek the Next Generation, Daredevil, Rita, Game of Thrones or possibly The West Wing. Crossovers between the four mentioned ones above might also be doable in my mind, but it all depends on roles and what direction we're comfortable with starting towards.

I'm good with doing Doctor Who, Harry Potter, or Orphan Black. Do you have preferred pairing or characters you most want to play/play against? I'm probably more leaning towards Harry Potter or Doctor Who.
Hey, this may seem like an odd request, but I have a rp buddy on skype who's currently looking for an rp. Do you have Skype? She's expressed interest in rping Pokemon, arranged marriage, and band scenarios.

Sorry. I don't have Skype.

For fandoms, do you stick to OCs or Canons? Or do you prefer to mix them together? Or does it depend? Personally I would love an all canon cast but for some fandoms, I may be willing to adjust. I know each writer has his/her own taste/vision when it comes to fandoms so I thought'd I ask and see.

I'm flexible. All canons would be good with me. Which fandoms are you interested in?
Regarding writing level, I'm quite flexible. I'll adapt to my partner's style and abilities. Mature themes are often included in my roleplays, so I'd like my partners to be 18+. I will not do anime or furry. I enjoy playing and playing opposite LGBT+ characters. However, I do partake in straight romances and other genres not featuring LGBT+ characters. I'm comfortable playing cis male, cis female, transgender male, transgender female, and non-binary characters. Normally, I'm able to do multiple replies a day. I expect, at the very least, one reply a week from my partner.


Boarding School
Long Distance Relationship
Arranged Marriage
High School
Road Trip
Summer Camp
Best Friends
Starting a Family
Rekindled Romance
Alien Invasion
Broken Family
Super Humans
Haunted Mansion
Foster Care
Alien Hunters


Wizard x Apprentice
Open x Closeted
Real Life Celebrity x OC
Photographer x Model
Assassin x Target
Alien x Human
Superhero x Supervillain
Single Parent x Child's Teacher
Werewolf x Vampire
Artist x Muse
Celebrity x Bodyguard
Cop x Criminal
Professor x Student
Inmate x Inmate
Superhero's Kid x Supervillain's kid


One Direction
Harry Potter
Doctor Who
Hunger Games
Orange Is the New Black
Lost Girl
Dragon Age (Origins & II)
Fable (I, II & III)
The Middle
Red Band Society
The Fault in Our Stars

Interested in any of the above topics, pairings, and/or fandoms? Fantastic! Send me a PM.
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