Avatar of Raging Fenrir
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    1. Raging Fenrir 7 yrs ago


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Ayame Masahiro

Ayame flinched as the basketball went flying across the room in a smoldering mess. She looked at the president in awe. If he ever hit a person like that... she shuddered even thinking about it. But, it seemed his demonstration and further explanation had won over some of the more skeptical members. Ayame was certainly convinced that this was legit, but the prospect of fighting monster was still pretty scary to her. However, as her fellow club members went up to grab talismans, she began to feel excited. After performing the instructions, everybody did something amazing. A plume of smoke, a gust of wind, levitating objects. Saito sat at the desk, undaunted by all of this. Were these things seriously normal to him? Either way, after seeing everyone around her, Ayame couldn't hold back any longer. She took a breath, marched up to the desk, and grabbed her talisman.

Kitsune are crafty foxes that can be either benevolent or mischievous. The longer they live, the more power and wisdom they acquire. There are legends of kitsune growing as many as nine tails, denoting its great power. Kitsune use a pale blue flame called foxfire to create illusions and ward off their enemies. It is also possible for kitsune to possess a host...

Is that what happened? Was she possessed by the spirit of that dying fox she saw? And it didn't say what kind of powers she would get from the spirit. Would she wield foxfire? Well, she had the means to find out right in front of her. She pricked her thumb, smeared a drop of her blood in the center of the talisman, and held it to her chest. The room went quiet. She couldn't hear or see anything around her. She would have panicked were it not for the calming warmth blanketing her body. I will protect you. The voice boomed in her head, coming from nowhere in particular, and then just as quickly as it all began, she was back in the classroom watching her classmates experiment with their new powers. She held her hand out in front of her, wondering how she would even go about using her powers. Then she felt a nip at her ankle.

Ayame jumped and looked down at what bit her, and she saw a tiny orange fox looking up at her. Her eyes widened. She stared at the fox; the fox stared at her. "Oh my gosh, he's adorable!" She went to go pick it up, but it nimbly leaped just out of her grasp. "Wait, don't run. Are you the voice I heard? We'll be working together so we should try to get along." She reached out to the fox again, but it hopped to the side. It looked up at Ayame giving her -- was that a smirk -- and then darted about the room, hopping from desk to desk, showing off its speed and agility. Then, it disappeared in a puff of blue smoke. Ayame stared at the now empty air with a bewildered expression.

Saito Ryuuji

Once everyone had a chance to try out their new powers, Saito cleared his throat and called for everyone's attention. "Alright, you guys got a good taste of what you can do. I'm glad to see you're all on board. I think it should be obvious that you are not to use these powers to hurt humans. If you're having trouble controlling them, by all means ask for help, but anyone who deliberately tries to hurt another human with their powers... well, let's just say it won't end well for you." He looked over at Akio, who seemed to have no shortage of questions. "You're free to tell your parents whatever you like. But don't go flaunting your powers needlessly. Basically, just use your heads and try to be discreet. However, there is one more thing I had planned for today." He hopped out of his chair and looked around the room. "You guys are gonna take your powers for a test drive."

"We've let something loose in Yume Park. It's a harmless little thing. It has no interest in hurting anyone. However, it should give you rookies a run for your money. We're gonna go to the park, you guys are gonna try to catch it, and I'm gonna watch. Sound like fun?" He gave a small laugh, packed up his things, and then headed out the door. "I'll meet you guys there," he called over his shoulder as he left.
@ZardoricNo worries. Catch up when you can.
I'll be putting my next post up tomorrow. I'll be opening up things up a bit, so you'll be able to interact more freely.
Ayame Masahiro and Saito Ryuuji

Ayame pursed her lips and paled a bit as Saito went on with his speech. She had seen some strange things, sure, but it was hardly comforting to know that they were all real. It was somehow easier to accept that people just thought she was weird than that there was something -- probably evil -- living inside of her that had been scaring people away all these years. Still, this was the closest she had ever gotten to answers. At least she wasn't the only person hesitant to join up, though. One by one, the other club members voiced their concerns. Some were skeptical, some apathetic, and it seemed like only Kaito was fully on-board.

Ayame looked around and finally spoke up. "Let's at least give him a chance. I'll be honest, all of this sounds terrifying. Knowing that there's something in me, something real that's been scaring people away from me... well, I'd have been happier just thinking I was a weirdo. I can't change what I am. None of us can. But we've got nothing to lose at this point seeing what he can do for us, right? If anything, we can just leave once we've had enough, but I'd like it if we could all stay and be friend." She gave the group a smile. She was feeling uneasy too, but she didn't want to back out just yet.

Saito leaned casually back against the desk as the students, one by one, voiced their objections, falling just short of calling him a fraud. "Whew, you guys are a tough crowd. But, I guess we'll start with the easiest part: the proof." He went behind his desk and pulled out a beat-up gym bag. "I debated bringing an imp or something to school in case you guys didn't believe me, but I figured it'd be bad if it got out, so we'll have to settle for this." He took out a perfectly normal basketball from the back and walked back in front of the desk. "For generations, members of my family have been adherents of the dragon Raigeki. As such, the dragon endowed us with certain powers...

He tossed the ball to Akira, since he was the first to demand proof. "Just so you know there's know trickery, I want you to examine the ball and assure everyone that it's a perfectly normal basketball." And indeed, nothing strange could be found about the ball. It had seen a little bit of use, but is was still in good condition. It felt like a basketball, weighed as much, bounced like one. There was absolutely nothing strange about it. Once Akira was done inspecting it, Saito took it back and rolled his sleeves up all the way to his elbows. "Alright, those of you in the middle aisle are gonna want to move to the side." He gave everyone a moment to shift their desks, tossed the ball up, reeled his arm back, and then punched it.

Upon impact, their was a flash of lightening, and a crack of thunder that shook the room. The windows rattled and anyone sitting in the front row would likely have a ringing in their ears. The basketball burst into several pieces. The bulk of it slammed into the back of the classroom, but a few pieces flew about, one landing dangerously close to the brownies. The rubber, once a bright orange, was scorched and blackened. A putrid steam of burnt rubber rose up from the pieces as the slowly cooled. "There ya go. Proof. Now, for the rest..." Saito let out a sigh and continued.

"Get power, go to a fancy school, save people from monsters. If those three things don't matter to you, then I don't think I can make you care." He pursed his lips and looked around. "I really don't want to scare you guys, but for the skeptics, let me give you a few numbers. From the 1900's all the way to the early 2000's, the rate of hostile encounters with the supernatural was at a steady 1/1000. Only one in a thousand people would encounter something bad, and even then it usually wasn't fatal. However, today that number is at 1/100, and fatalities are becoming more common. If the current projection continues, by the end of the year, that number will be 1/50, and by the time you graduate it will be 1/3. So, if you're cool with 1 out of every 3 people you know running into something nasty, by all means, there's the door." He looked around, trying to gauge everyone's reactions. The last thing he wanted to do was scare everyone away. "But," he continued in a brighter tone. "We're being proactive, so it shouldn't come to that."

"Now, as for your other questions..." He looked up, checking them off one by one in his head. "Gods and devils, yeah, they exist. They just don't always care about our affairs so we've gotta look after ourselves. The organization I work for helps see to those affairs, but the spike in supernatural activity has left us a bit understaffed. We were perfectly equipped to handle a rate of 1/1000, letting people with power naturally stumble into us. But, things are moving more quickly now, so we need to bolster our numbers before it spirals out of control. Unfortunately, due to the nature of our work, we can't just put up a help wanted flier, so we made The Hunters Club. As for how we found you, we've got a psychic. Don't ask me how she does it, cause I haven't got a clue. I just know she's good at her job."

"And, as for how I'm gonna bring out your powers..." He smirked and went back to the gym bag. "I thought that would be a fun first-day activity. Just try not to go to crazy once its awakened. I haven't set up the portal to the dojo yet." He pulled out a stack of small papers that looked like some kind of lucky charm, and a case of sewing needles. "I've done all the prep work for you. Each of these talismans is catered specifically to the kind of power you possess. All it needs is a drop of your blood right on the center. Once you do that, hold it up to your chest and let the energy flow through you. Might be tingly, might hurt a bit, might feel totally different. But, don't worry, it's not going to harm you in any way. It'll just give your powers a kick-start. On the back of the card, there's a little explanation on where your powers are coming from. Easier to do it that way than one-on-one meetings. Now, find the talisman with your name on it, and have fun." Saito sat back down in his chair and leaned back, curious who would be brave enough to go first.
Expect my next post to be up on Tuesday. So, if you want a reaction to the speech, get it in before then.
@MissCapnCrunch I can see Reo and Ryuuto being arch rivals.
I'll go orange. I don't mind.
I don't mind switching to orange or something. Do you mind if I leave the sheet as is, though?
@Zardoric Well, it's only been a day since I did my post. I know posting schedules will be tricky in the beginning since everyone is just starting, but once we get going you'll have more freedom.
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