Avatar of ReaptheMusic
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2864 (0.75 / day)
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    1. ReaptheMusic 10 yrs ago
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Current Been a while.
6 yrs ago
Back a year later with starbux
7 yrs ago
Wow Typos
7 yrs ago
Life working full time is a vortex of "IM SORRY I CANT POST YET IM SWAMPED WITH WORTH" Sorry ya'll<3;;;
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7 yrs ago
Dang thicc hips, Bomb ass lips, I could rule the world on my fingertips. ~<3


Current look and haircut~<3

A Flamboyant and Stylish Mini-Boss has Appeared!

Most Recent Posts

@Gemini Token

Green and White after the antagonists at the moment.

Red is the color of roses, and blood, they are the PVP guild, whose heart burns with passion.

How Poetic<3
I would love to be a roleplay partner for you and I happen to really enjoy writing male characters in general, especially for romantic situations. I'm also 21, though I'm graduating university this semester myself; good luck on your hunt for your university of preference~
Cute answer but that doesn't answer my question. I'm not interested, thanks.
Okay... what would the plot be though?
Azga the Amazing

Azga merely smiled at Crimson Streak and folded his arm, as small hmph under his breath. Before he could respond, the Green King made his appearance, causing the blonde avatar to tilt his head into his direction.

A small chuckle lulled in his throat.

"What a remarkably catty thing to say,"

Azga flicked out his arm, glitching into his hand a familiar, trademark pair thick eyeglasses which he pushes over his eyes whilst tilting his tall form down just a little, his hand on his hip and a smirk on his face.

"Could it be that... you're jealous? Eheheh..."

The mage winked at the Green King, merely teasing, his deep voice full of depth and saccharine. He straightens, flicking his hand up with it. As he does so, the glasses on his face also are tossed upward despite him not touching them and vanish, glitching into air.

"If this is the best you can do... you've something of a rude awakening coming to you, Verdant Grin."

With a grunt, Azga kicked himself over behind Crimson Streak. He brings his mage staff up, tossing it into the air. Glitching in the air, Azga moves his arms back, the staff switching over to two arm braces with grenade launchers landing elegantly along them. He pumps his arms back to charge them, then aims them, fingers spread, over Streak's shoulders. Six rounds go off at once aiming for Verdant Grin.

Alright, I think it's time for me to step back in here and stop holding up anyone I've interacted with recently. Post will be coming Monday.


You've earned a parade~
Azga the Amazing


Azga looked over from his vantage point, crouched atop a new pillar out of the main bloodshed of the battle at hand below. With the commotion she caused, the blonde mass of chaos herself rumbled to the fray, grenade launcher in hand. Well... if it wasn't for his old road trip buddy. He crosses his arms, his blue and white jewelry swaying in the wind while his eyes narrow through the digital wind.

"Collector..." He murmured, half under his breath. She was back. And it seemed she had some new tricks.

Some familiar new tricks.

It didn't, however, seem she was there for him. He flattened his palm against the stone of the column. No doubt if he stayed here much longer, this high risen piece of stone would become target practice for the machine on her shoulder shuddering with power while it launched bombs at the unsuspecting. Best to make himself scarce from her while he could.

With that in mind, it wasn't the grenades that concerned him. Heh. He smirked.

Before Azga could move somewhere to give ground support for the Harleys, explosions of red from the ground below aside from the ones Corpse Collector was making caught his eye. Crimson Streak was living up to his name and absolutely pulverizing the attackers below.


Azga's eyes half lidded while he pulled his posture upright, folding his arm over his staff. With the flourish of a showman, Azga tossed his loose white cape behind him, fluttering in the digital breeze as he dropped from his perch and landed once more with the assistance of the briefly appearing wings. He lifted his head, blonde lockes ruffled and his jewelry swaying.

The witch doctor hurried through the crowd, deferring off any battles where he could with the use of well timed force fields while he made his way to Crimson Streak. When he finally became close enough, Azga ducked beneath the flying bodies of green and white guild avatars. After dipping beneath them, he straightened up, running his fingers through his own hair with a smirk pulling at the edges of his lips.

"It's about time you showed up," He chided playfully in his smooth, deep voice. "I was beginning to think I left you too dizzy to go on. But of course," He dips his pose almost formally, one eye closed in a wink up at Crimson Streak. "I'd expect nothing less than a stellar performance for the King of the Scarlet Harleys."
@KoL I like the idea of just, mailing someone exp. Like a package. Pfft.


I found this image at random and immediately remembered of that make-up sequence post you did a few months ago. I can't help but share it:

EDIT: Yeah, in case anyone wonders, I really do have a nice memory of nearly all that happened on this RP after I joined it.

Ah... actually this girl kinda looks like me before i cut my hair. I like it. I don't recall the makeup post you're talking about, but the pretty art makes me feel better. Thank you for sharing it with me<3
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