Avatar of Red Dog Krim


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Tips for Men, don't eat grapes, they turn you into pudding Monsters. Pudding Monsters are bad, m'kay.
5 yrs ago
No, they're trying to fly the tank.
5 yrs ago
Why am I so depraved?
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I love you all.


*casts Bio IV on you*

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Share… a meal… this one… he was definitely in danger. The boy had no idea that he was prey to this city, like so many other innocent country raised children that came to the capital with hopes and dreams. He’d have them dashed by a pickpocket, or mugging… though if he’d passed the trials the latter was less likely. The theft would be simple enough. He trundled through a crowd like an ox. The cat had heard the people behind him complaining nearly the entire walk over.

“If you want some of mine, then you may have it. However, I will go without taking any of yours.” Rashim stated while turning on the stool to look out at passerby. There really were a lot of them. He needed a plan for the expedition, at least join a party already gathered, or start a small one. The later was something his father would approve of, though the hassle of finding trustworthy types in a den of madness such as this did not seem like something that would turn out fruitful. Unlike his elder sister, and Younger brother, he wasn’t as… ‘social’. Father had said he had a stern personality, and praised him for it… but he also praised the others for theirs as well. The man saw benefit in each, and the blonde could see it as well. Situations such as this required those abilities more than his own.

“The crime rate has been going up around here lately, with all of these visitors it’s a wonder your store is still standing at all.” The blonde said as he watched a man’s pocket get picked deftly. “You should be careful as well… Pie… Pyrrus. You’re far too easy of a target. And you stand out.” He wasn't worried about the other in the least... it was just him being courteous...

“He stands out?” The shop owner questioned with a laugh. The blonde understood the insinuation, but he couldn’t take it to heart. Unlike some of the others just waltzing around with happy go lucky looks on their faces, Rashim was more than capable of taking care of himself. Father had been sure that they knew a great deal of things less than savory.
“Friend of yours I take it,” the rotund man questioned after looking the giant of a teen over after he finished speaking.

“So he claims,” Rashim stated as he glanced over to the brown haired claimant. The store owner snorted and turned back to the task at hand. The blonde’s eyebrow cocked a bit as his ears twitched twice above his head. “Everything here is good.”

“Flattery will not get you anything for free.” The store owner stated from his position cutting a rather bloody piece of meat… who knew what type.

“Not anymore anyways,” Rashim stated with a smile, though his face never left the honey eyed giant. With a hand, the blonde motioned for the boy who’s name was… something… uhh… what was it again… right, Pyrrus. “That, would depend on your palette I think. However, if it is related to meat, I suggest the Fish. It’s freshly caught… most of the time. The rest has a rather soured taste to it around this time of the month.”

“I got a shipment in early due to the expedition, so all the meat is fresher than normal.” The man said as he chopped down hard with a cleaver.

“Then I would suggest either fish or Lamb.” Rashim stated as he turned back to face ahead. He enjoyed seeing the man work, it was a type of Art… if one knew what they were looking at. If not, it appeared only to be mindless cutting of so much meat. “I myself, will have the Grilled Tuna, the fresher ones, I’ll know by the smell Elmiir.”

“Yeah yeah, what of your friend then?” The rotund man questioned as he stopped cutting and turned halfway to look back at Pyrrus.
This is yer daily bump, brought to you by Krim.
Bump bump... bump?
Aye sir!

The farther back SOLDIER thing sound fun, and depends on how far back you go. Since Crisis Core didn't start until 2000, it could be any time in the 90's me thinks. SOLDIER was started in 1980's, SOLDIER WIKI. The war in Wutai started in 91-92 when Sephiroth (born 1980) was 11-20 during the war. It doesn't say when he specifically joined. Not that I would play the Silver Menace, but it should give a good time frame.
Bumpity Bump Bump.
Ok, so, I'm Krim. Hello, hi, salutations, etc.

I am not very picky about most things, and consider anything I RP to be an experience that could make me a better writer, so I'm open to... just about anything. As long as you can post a nice 'not text talk' paragraph We can RP together. While I'm straight, my characters can be whatever they are, I don't push my views on things off on them. **some of them scare me**.

If you plan to not post for three days or more... please tell me. I can wait, but I get impatient and don't want to click back here in any free time I may have, anticipation's a nightmare.

So, like the title says, I needs a 'Final Fantasy VII' or 'Super Soldiers in general' 'fix'. I have some things worked out on both, but they are up for debate if you don't like the ideas.

I do not play cannon characters. While I don't mind them being around, I prefer OC's in anything that's already been created. If you wish to RP with me and use the Canon's, then please stick to them as best you can. Like... if the FFVII path is pursued, don't make Barrett run around giggling at everything, while that would be funny to see... it would be really odd, and totally out of Character for him.

That being said, send me a PM or reply here, I care not.
The trek was thankfully quiet, though that may have been due to his pace through the crowded streets. Rashim forced his head to continue looking in the direction he was headed, and not turn back to the possible follower. Their destination had been a ways off when he’d first set out, and the light grumblings in his stomach told him that he should have eaten a while back. The governmental district did not have anything other than government offices, so if one was foolish enough to not bring food along, then one had to walk all the way back to the commercial or Merchant District.

The blonde preferred a nice, small place in the Merchants quarter. He was partial to their roasted tuna, though the Lamb was also very good, when prepared one specific way. He had to wonder if the teen following him around could read, or if he was going to have to explain everything to him. He certainly wasn’t buying the honey eyed boy anything. He could sit there and watch Rashim eat if he had already lost his Expedition funds, or anything else he may have brought.

Finally, the restaurant came into view, well it couldn’t really be called a restaurant. The small ‘hovel’ was just an open front wall with a few stools hanging out in front of a bar for anyone to take. The light brown canvas awning gave some shade and protection from most any elements that may come along. “Elmiire, you’re slow right now,” Rashim stated more than questioned as he took one of the six free seats. With there only being 10 seats total, one would think that he would have a line… at least, with all of these people filling the streets thanks to the Expedition Trials.

“Yeah, you caught us at a good time, barely had a break all morning.” A rather rotund man in a stained blue apron stated as he glanced up from the meat like object he was currently cooking.
No, no, no, no don’t look over at him, don. Crap. He was destined to run into this guy again and again and again it seemed. What was he, metal and the other a magnet? Next thing you know he would be trying to… why was he walking over here. Rashim sighed inwardly, he knew why, he really did. This brown haired fellow seemed to think that they had been friends once before, and he was adamantly persistent about it. Just because you were friends with someone before did not mean you could merely pick up where you left off after… however many years it had been.

The teen spoke as their eyes stared into each other, or… as Rashim’s ever green gaze remained polite by staring way up to the other’s. Yes, he was right, they could be on the same track… or he could be stalking him still for reasons unknown, though money was probably involved. And a thumbs up, really? He definitely wasn’t getting rid of this giant any time soon. He would probably follow him around for the rest of the day.

The boy could talk, he would give him that. The only other person Rashim knew that talked that much was his second younger brother. The one that was popular with everyone, he’d been in the trails earlier chatting with a group of who knew who. Breaking his gaze away from those honey eyes he looked around and noted that at least the black wolf was missing. “I know a good cheap place, follow me if you’d like.” Were his only words before brushing lightly past the teen and heading out into the crowd. If the other boy lost him, then he was on his own.
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