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Tips for Men, don't eat grapes, they turn you into pudding Monsters. Pudding Monsters are bad, m'kay.
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No, they're trying to fly the tank.
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I love you all.


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Rashim let out a sigh, the Stalker boy was speaking, and though he was paying attention, the other teen certainly did not hold his full attention. Continued to attack his meal, the veggies he hated were placed off to the side to be eaten at just the right point in time, when he could disguise the taste with something better. Father had forced them to eat things, weird things, especially if he noticed that they despised the item. While Rashim had seen it as an odd form of torture, the older man had stated that it was in fact merely a way to make them grow more mature, accepting everything put before them.

“Quit hiding behind your scarf, for starters.” Rashim stated while blowing in a hot piece of meat. He hated having to wait for food to cool so his tongue wouldn’t burn. The cat had seen the other golden eyed teen perform that action more than once in their brief time together. At least he didn’t slouch… or that the blonde had noticed.
“Needs to look meaner too,” Elmiir stated from behind the counter as he cleaned the hot-plate.

“We do not wish for him to have his face frozen in a constant scowl like yours Elmiir. That just invites more trouble. Just remove the scarf and that should help… enough for now.” He supposed some people were attached to their clothes, his sister CERTAINLY was. Well… when she wasn’t taking them off to entice men. She claimed that as per father’s instructions, nothing had ever truly happened.

She was probably lying though.

The cat looked away from the still cooling fish, and made a circling motion as if telling, not requesting, Pyrrus to remove the scarf.
The man behind the counter roared with laughter before speaking, effectively cutting Rashim’s own comment off at the source, “That’s the problem boy. Yer too… soft looking.” The old man’s eyes never left the meats before him as he flipped them, added seasoning, sauces, and other oddities at seemingly random intervals.

“Soft isn’t the appropriate word, but he’s right. You don’t give off an intimidating aura. It makes you seem easy.” The blonde came in from behind after the tall boy stuttered out a bit of an odd defense before looking Rashim over. An eyebrow re-rose at the statement before evergreen eyes were locked behind their lids. Was it supposed to be a compliment? He wasn’t sure if he should tell Pyrrus that he could hear everything he said. His ears weren’t there for decoration, and his father had said that he had very good hearing, that he LIKED that fact. It could be a nuisance when his elder brother brought… friends home. Even if they’re rooms weren’t exactly right next to each other.

Elmiir sliced a lime before finally removing the heavenly smelling meals from the sizzling hot top. Quickly, and more than expertly, he tossed some green leafy veggies, bell peppers, and other such things on the meat dishes then squeezed half a lime onto Rashim’s Tuna, and a quarter onto Pyrrus’ meal.

FINALLY, the hunger was killing him. Glancing over at the honey eyed teen Rashim put his hand before his face and pointed toward the now finished food. “Food’s done," he said before the rotund cook could do so. Call it retribution, either way, the other boy needed to stop staring at him, and pay attention to the food. He was hungry, but it was awkward to be stared at. With ears twitching above his head, the cat picked up his cutlery and started to satiate his hunger.
Right then, I suppose first I need to lay down the law... *smacks ruler into hand*

I don't mind Romance of any sort MxF, MxM, FxF, in the RP, it's all the same to me. So, we can have that involved if you want to, but it is not a requirement in the least.

I personally do not play 'Cannon Characters', if YOU want to play a cannon character, then that will be perfectly fine.

Other than that, I'm not really picky about the RP itself, so long as you post at least once every few days, I can post at least once a day... assuming I don't get sick and or die. Neither of us wants that to happen, do we? I'm not strict on grammar, just no text talk... which I've seen. *shudders*

I have two possible plots, which are available by PM if you are interested. Other than that, you are free to bring me an idea. I will more than gladly take a look at it. mine involves Time travel, and inserts of characters not present before hand. I would like to play something in either the Crisis Core, or Main Game setting. Those are what I PREFER, but if you bring a plot idea and it sounds fun, I will be more than interested in looking at it.

Send me a PM if you are interested!!!

A blonde eyebrow quirked lightly at the odd… antics of the person he’d lead to this little restaurant. “You… don’t really know… do you?” Rashim questioned then turned emerald eyes away as he spun back around to face the man behind the counter. What was he supposed to do now? Charity wasn’t his strong point. Father believed in survival of the fittest. While the teen looked like he could handle himself if a fight broke out, and really like someone you wouldn’t pick a fight with in the first place. Well, if he removed all that clothing he might look like that. At the moment he looked like an overstuffed mountain of clothing with a rather shaggy head of brown hair.

“You’re clothing makes it obvious you are from out of town, while that is not particularly bad, you also give off a defenseless vibe. You basically scream, ‘assault me, steal from me, I’m easy prey’.” Rashim stated while watching Elmiir continue his trade with deft hands. The Tuna had been neatly flayed, as had the Lamb… or whatever that thing was he was serving the stalker boy. From there he was easily mincing, chopping, and slicing the meats to various degrees before placing it on a metal rack above a fire whose heat he could dimly feel at the counter.

Smoke, and pleasant smells greeted his nose sending his ears into a lightly pleased twitch before he reined them in. Next thing you know his tail was going to want out of its folds of cloth. That wasn’t going to happen, so best distract himself. Evergreen eyes turned back to their honey eyed counterparts then looked the boy up and down. “Why are you dressed like you just came into town today in the first place?” And God’s help him if the teen said that it was because he did…
Share… a meal… this one… he was definitely in danger. The boy had no idea that he was prey to this city, like so many other innocent country raised children that came to the capital with hopes and dreams. He’d have them dashed by a pickpocket, or mugging… though if he’d passed the trials the latter was less likely. The theft would be simple enough. He trundled through a crowd like an ox. The cat had heard the people behind him complaining nearly the entire walk over.

“If you want some of mine, then you may have it. However, I will go without taking any of yours.” Rashim stated while turning on the stool to look out at passerby. There really were a lot of them. He needed a plan for the expedition, at least join a party already gathered, or start a small one. The later was something his father would approve of, though the hassle of finding trustworthy types in a den of madness such as this did not seem like something that would turn out fruitful. Unlike his elder sister, and Younger brother, he wasn’t as… ‘social’. Father had said he had a stern personality, and praised him for it… but he also praised the others for theirs as well. The man saw benefit in each, and the blonde could see it as well. Situations such as this required those abilities more than his own.

“The crime rate has been going up around here lately, with all of these visitors it’s a wonder your store is still standing at all.” The blonde said as he watched a man’s pocket get picked deftly. “You should be careful as well… Pie… Pyrrus. You’re far too easy of a target. And you stand out.” He wasn't worried about the other in the least... it was just him being courteous...

“He stands out?” The shop owner questioned with a laugh. The blonde understood the insinuation, but he couldn’t take it to heart. Unlike some of the others just waltzing around with happy go lucky looks on their faces, Rashim was more than capable of taking care of himself. Father had been sure that they knew a great deal of things less than savory.
“Friend of yours I take it,” the rotund man questioned after looking the giant of a teen over after he finished speaking.

“So he claims,” Rashim stated as he glanced over to the brown haired claimant. The store owner snorted and turned back to the task at hand. The blonde’s eyebrow cocked a bit as his ears twitched twice above his head. “Everything here is good.”

“Flattery will not get you anything for free.” The store owner stated from his position cutting a rather bloody piece of meat… who knew what type.

“Not anymore anyways,” Rashim stated with a smile, though his face never left the honey eyed giant. With a hand, the blonde motioned for the boy who’s name was… something… uhh… what was it again… right, Pyrrus. “That, would depend on your palette I think. However, if it is related to meat, I suggest the Fish. It’s freshly caught… most of the time. The rest has a rather soured taste to it around this time of the month.”

“I got a shipment in early due to the expedition, so all the meat is fresher than normal.” The man said as he chopped down hard with a cleaver.

“Then I would suggest either fish or Lamb.” Rashim stated as he turned back to face ahead. He enjoyed seeing the man work, it was a type of Art… if one knew what they were looking at. If not, it appeared only to be mindless cutting of so much meat. “I myself, will have the Grilled Tuna, the fresher ones, I’ll know by the smell Elmiir.”

“Yeah yeah, what of your friend then?” The rotund man questioned as he stopped cutting and turned halfway to look back at Pyrrus.
This is yer daily bump, brought to you by Krim.
Bump bump... bump?
Aye sir!

The farther back SOLDIER thing sound fun, and depends on how far back you go. Since Crisis Core didn't start until 2000, it could be any time in the 90's me thinks. SOLDIER was started in 1980's, SOLDIER WIKI. The war in Wutai started in 91-92 when Sephiroth (born 1980) was 11-20 during the war. It doesn't say when he specifically joined. Not that I would play the Silver Menace, but it should give a good time frame.
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