Avatar of Red7VII
  • Last Seen: 10 mos ago
  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 865 (0.41 / day)
  • VMs: 4
  • Username history
    1. Red7VII 2 yrs ago
    2. ███████ 4 yrs ago
    3. ██████ 5 yrs ago
    4. ██████ 5 yrs ago
    5. ██████ 6 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
When Miley Cyrus is naked and licks a hammer it's "art" and "music"... but when I do it, I'm "wasted" and "have to leave Home Depot".
4 yrs ago
My grandfather had the heart of a lion and a lifetime ban from the Central Park Zoo. Rest in peace you strange, strange man.
4 yrs ago
My girlfriend is always stealing my t-shirts and sweaters... But if I take one of her dresses, suddenly "we need to talk".
5 yrs ago
My ex girlfriend had this really weird fetish. She used to like to dress up like herself, and act like a fucking bitch all the time.
5 yrs ago
“I have 3 kids and no money, why I can’t I have no kids and 3 money.” -Homer Simpson


I love writing when I have the time and motivation for it. My posting frequency is generally one or two times a week on average. Supernatural, Horror and Fantasy are usually the genres I hang around most, but I'm not afraid to experiment with something new. I've made a lot great friends here, many of whom I met when creating the Red Hood universe, and am always looking forward to making more.

I tend to be a little raunchy and crude at times but if you can handle that, you'll have a heck of an RP buddy in me!

The Red Hoods: Rebirth
The Red Hoods: Initiates
The Red Hoods: Genesis
Red Dead Reckoning
X-Men: Avalon Rising
X-Men: The New Era
Cold Front: Tacitum
Crime & Devilry
Welcome to Ashton
The Fates' School for Gifted Monsters
TWD: Hell On Earth
Haven for the Inhuman
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Drake: Inextinguishable
The Energy Storm
Frontier of the Damned
Land of the Giants
The Haunted House
World War M


Magnificent Bastards: The Many Faces of RedXIII

Most Recent Posts

Please ignore the witty title. Anyway, I recently discovered this site and it kind of ignited a desire in me to roleplay? That's why I signed up, I guess. I don't like to spend much time thinking about usernames and such and the first thing that came into my mind was the basketball player, it is what it is. Looking forward to spending my time here and refining my writing skills by roleplaying with you lovely lot.

Glad to have you. Looking forward to your next username.
I've always leaned toward Jason. He always seemed the most unstoppable to me as a kid. Freddy was always more fun to watch, though. The creativity in Freddy's murder scenes were often amazing.

With both in imminent, grave danger... would you save your pet or save your cousin?

More motivation...

All I could think of when I saw this thread title was Starship Troopers, lol

Location: Approximate to Sheriff's Office | Interaction:@Raylah@Nobodyman123

Jack looked at the sheriff's munitions and, instead of seeing guns, he initially saw dollar signs. We gonna be able to keep these, he wondered. Some of these pieces would have flipped for a pretty penny. But, then again, what good is a greenback in the midst of the apocalypse?

Jack pushed aside his greed and snapped back to the mission at hand. He already owned a revolver that carried a bit of sentimental value to him, but it was going to take more than six shots at a time to combat more of those living corpses or whatever else this impending evil had in mind to throw at them. As his hands gathered ammunition, his eyes grazed over a a shotgun that gave him pause. Well, ya ain't gotta be a great aim with that thunder stick, he mentally noted before snatching it up and gathering some shells.

Finally, he found himself gripping dirty Smith and Wesson side piece, a new companion to the handgun he already owned. As he gathered up his new wares, he caught sight of a harness hanging up along the wall with double holsters. Jack was quick to make the upgrade to his wardrobe before loading and saddling up.

“So, where are we going?" Christina had inquired, asking the question that had undoubtedly been on everyone's mind.

"Mad..." he muttered under his breath. "Insane. Absolutely fucking nuts," he continued in a volume just over a whisper. "But whatever. Let's just go ride off to hell and shoot the devil in the face, I guess..."
Banishment, mostly. I assume if The Agency is confident enough to take on vampires, werewolves and witches, they do so because they know a weakness that could serve as a leash. In Moe's case, some serious restraints and an exorcism are a fool proof way to make him go bye bye, along with other violent measures.

With the taking in of what one could only deem as anti-heroes among the horror fantasy types, I have to assume The Agency works almost like an old fashioned Suicide Squad. A rule-bending tough as nail organization that can tame the traditionally evil or, at the least, misunderstood.

Moe is not a team player. Moe is a player on a team. The only thing you can trust in him is his reluctance to shorten his time on Earth.
For your consideration:

Tentatively interested. I've got a demon character in mind (still considering the history/bio).

In the meantime, how do you envision bringing all the characters together? Do they all have a common handler (who?)? Should the characters already know eachother or have a shared history? And finally, do you have a plotline in mind or will this game be reliant on players to create the story?

Location: Saloon | Interaction:@Raylah@DragonofTheWest@Nobodyman123

Everyone spoke their piece and waited on the sheriff to respond. In the meantime, Jack's thoughts ran spastic. No badges? Devil? We're to blame? Concealed information? NO BADGES?! He bit his lip as he pondered the various notions. He wasn't from this town and had no real ties to it. He was, however, a current occupant and he had a certain disdain for yellow bellied folk.

He removed his hat for but a moment to forcefully run his fingers through his hair, scraping his scalp with the tips of his fingernails out of nervous habit. Returning his hat to his crown, he finally asked aloud, "Just what in the fuck is really going on here?"

Jack was not the eponymous gunslinger, army of one. As much as he liked to fantasize about being one of those legends in the penny papers, he knew who he really was. The thought of taking on evil incarnate with a singular sidearm and some communal gumption was discomforting to say the least. Was the Devil even real? Was God even real? Those animated corpses were certainly real, which left Jack with thoughts that could only end in question marks.

"And while we're on the subject of the end of times, are we seriously going to keep charging for liquor or is it understood that those bottles are now a free-of-charge wartime necessity?"
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