Avatar of Reflection
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    1. Reflection 10 yrs ago


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We're planning to send the Red Lions to Alabasta, so if you guys wanna hang around and do an arc, feel free. It'll be more fun to have others.

Location - Loguetown - Before they set sail for the Grandline
@King Cosmos

His pen was in his hands. Already making notes of the walk up the pathway. The long shadow of the execution platform lay before him, and Nikko had to pause. As he stood there in the shadow, he had to take a moment to write the opening line to his novel. The second in his series of great pirates. As pen met paper...

The beginning of the journey is the end of somebody else's adventure. Wherever you step, you are stepping on land already traveled. Perhaps that is why the Pirate King Luffy found himself much like Roger. Old enemies on either side, but were one journey ended alone before a great crowd... Luffy was not alone. The wooden supports of the execution platform had rotten, while the pirate king to be had found new supports in the pirate crew he had found. A-

He was interrupted from his writing by Shigeuchi... The Red Lion looked up from his notebook, and turned his gaze to his right, where his eyes met with the other pirate.
"Have you ever considered making your own story, instead of writing about someone else’s? Why write about the last Pirate King when you could become the next one?”

There was a pause, as silent wheels ran through the captain's head. His gaze matched Shigeuchi's for the longest time. His first mate, who had seen him through far too many trials. Mostly in the sense of 'No I don't want to start a fleet like my dad' only to end up starting a single boat because they keep burning down the old ones. It's an interesting relationship.
"Oh right, I didn't tell you about that, did I?" Nikko said, finally breaking a silence that might have gone on forever. He then reached into one of several pockets on his vest, and pulled from it the most neatly folded piece of paper ever seen. Cared for, and protected despite the date marking back nearly a decade. As it was unfolded, it became more and more clear as an article from a newspaper. One of the few notable ones that managed to break the boundaries between islands. "Ahem... Let me read a review written by a... E. Oda. It's probably my favorite review on my novel."

"Ahem... 'The glee that the author has when following in the footsteps of...' I skipped ahead a little, to get to the important parts. 'The glee that the author has when following in the footsteps of Gold Roger is felt in every sentence of this bloated novel. So much is said in a fanboyish charm that one can forget how otherwise uninformed the writing truly feels. Great detail is etched into each of Roger's actions, but the author fails to ask the question 'why must Roger make these choices?' He is addicted to the Pirate King, but does not understand the Blah Blah Blah and in short does not understand the most fundamental part of Roger's character. That part is 'What must the stress of being a king do to a man that makes him do such things.' This failure to understand Roger's position leads to a biography that reeks not of understanding, but fanb- BLAH BLAH BLAH!"
In a flash, it was folded back up, and Nikko returned to a smile that said 'nothing is wrong.' But there really was something wrong.

"That was the ONLY negative review my biography ever received. Out of hundreds of reviews, critical and fan-made, I have been lauded as a genius. But, because I did not understand 'what it meant to be a pirate king' my novel was shunned by one particular critic!" Where it not for his overall calm appearance, one might think he was mad. He was mad, of course. "So, I have made quite a few plans. Not only will I be writing a new biography on the Pirate King Monkey D. Luffy, but I will be doing so with the exact insight I lacked last time."
That folded paper began to burn, and that ash fluttered away into the air.
"I'm going to be the Pirate King."

Behind him, the execution platformers rotten boards began to creak. A heat having caused the boards to expand. A heat that radiated from Nikko's body. Then, once the heat had groan too intense, the rotten boards could not handle the strain. Cracking, and finally erupting into a blaze of light. A crackling bonfire suddenly shooting up the sides of those boards, and turning the platform into a pyre. A blazing light that shone in the center of Loguetown. Marking the eyes of all, and drawing attention to the two pirates who stood there. It was a romantic vision. Two men illuminated by the burning throne of pirate kings.

"Now, we're going to Alabasta. I recall that Pirate King Luffy traveled there with a princess, fought a pirate, and then stopped a bomb from blowing up the city. I need to see that city destroyed by the blast of a bomb, otherwise I cannot visualize the force of such an action in my head."
There was... Something cruel in the way he said that. Perhaps he was just taking his new novel a bit further. "Though, I suppose we can hold the city for ransom, and then blow them up anyway after we're paid."
Heyo, I talked to Lady, and we bumped up Nikko and his first mate's bounty up to 115,000,000 Beli.

Location - Loguetown - Before they set sail for the Grandline

"Ah, it has truly been ages since I had a motivation like this. Years of pirating have returned me to the beginning of my first novel. 'The Brilliant Gold Roger' written by 'the equally brilliant Nikko.'" The writer stood at the helm of his ship, and could do nothing about his smile. It had been too long since he'd been allowed to participate in his personal hobbies. And his crew, despite a bit annoyed that their captain had taken them from their usual poaching grounds in the Grand Line, had returned them all the way to the East Blue for another book. Sure, he'd done it before, but most of them hadn't joined the crew yet when he wrote his first novel.

Nikko though, was obsessed once more. "Now, Luffy didn't rob anybody here, but rather he destroyed the execution platform. I don't have lightning like he did, but I can easily set it on fire. So, while the rest of you can go onto the island and do as you wish, don't do anything to get yourselves sent to the execution platform. I plan to destroy it. It's the only way I can really share empathy with great pirate king, Luffy."
"Boss, you really can't get empathy for somebody by burning stuff..." One crew member mumbled as the captain of the Red Lion pirates swanned about on the deck of his ship.
"Nonsense, Shigeuchi knows exactly how I feel." Nikko retorted, naturally referring to his First Mate. Well, his father's first mate, and now his. He'd have to visit his father at Impel Down again one of these days.

With that said, the ship rocked as it finally made dock, and the crew of nearly a hundred pirates shared smiles. One by one, they began to move into Loguetown. Snatching a necklace, threatening somebody in a back alley, or just causing general trouble. While their Captain, the glorious Nikko, turned his eyes down the main road, and began to follow the notes he had amassed. He was going to burn the whole city to the ground, in emulation of Luffy's own action. And once he was done...

He'd return to the Grand line, and continue his novel there.

I'm tempted to make a pharaoh I mean atlantian, I mean... Duelist.
@ladyonyx04 Sure, I'll buff Nikko's age up a bit, suggest he finished his novel on Roger, and make him writing the sequel on Luffy.

Servant of Alexa Cellesis Jupteria

"Sheesh! I guess that I'm really becoming the villain, huh?"

"When I was alive, I was a member of an organization called the Sanada Ten Braves." Assassin retorted. Clearly he had a bit of a story he was dying to tell. "We all served under the lord Sanada Yukimura. Each of the ten were ninja, and each of us had a record of deaths that reached far back. But our lord Sanada is remembered fondly as the last hero of the Sengoku Era. An unrivaled man who was beloved by all in his time, and in all times going forward. If you are worried that working alongside an assassin, or using blackmail has turned you into a villain, than you are wrong. You are merely a hero who pushes the line."

That probably wasn't as comforting as he thought it might be, but it was the thought that mattered. The methods used may seem underhanded, but since she wasn't burning down buildings that meant she was a hero. Though, only Nobunaga really did that... And he was still seen as a hero of somekind... So maybe Japan just liked monstrous heroes?

Either way, assassin didn't mind it. Maybe that just fit him. Though he didn't mind being a hero either. Maybe he just liked being remembered?

He appeared by his master's side in a moment, hands folded over his chest, and still no smile on his lips. He just didn't smile it seemed. Not that she should mind, some people are just like that. "To be honest, Master, I was not worried about the dogs. I have already used my own ninjutsu to cover any flaws in my sneaking that they would be able to pick up." He tugged briefly on his scarf, showing several talismans he had made earlier in the day. Each marked to nullify a certain sound. The sound of his breathing, the sound of his footsteps, and the sound of his heartbeat. After all, what assassin wouldn't have taken care of such things? That, and he had worked to nullify his own scent, as that it mixed in with that of the city. "As this is japan, my magical foundation is at its height. Though if you wish, I will submit to your runes."

"As for Bird-boy, his name is Daisuke. If you hope to form an alliance, I feel it would be best to use his real name, rather than mock him. He no doubt has a powerful servant, and if he decides there is more value in attacking you rather than retrieving his book, I will be at a disadvantage in a public place." It was a warning. Don't get cocky. Don't be rude. If they wanted that boy and his servant to be their allies, albeit a forced alliance, they shouldn't be pushing him. Assassin knew that as soon as he stole that book of familiars. This was dangerous.
Personally, if he was going to blackmail somebody, he'd never meet them in public. He'd do it by letters and a dropbox. Much safer to never get close to others.

"Well, if we're all set, I'm going to find a vantage point." Assassin said. He had left a familiar by the Petshop, and was more than aware that their query had just left the comfort of his home. Before he left though, he handed his master a Talisman. "This is for you. It will substitute your position with that of another object nearby as soon as you are attacked. Normally I'd prefer to not rely on something like this... But for your safety, it is our best bet."

With nearly a day in advance to plan this, Assassin had no doubt prep'd the area to be as useful as possible for his desires. The nearby pottery in particular held a nasty surprise for when things went south.

So... He waited.

Simple plot, makes sense, has my interest.
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