Avatar of Rekaigan
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1132 (0.35 / day)
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    1. Rekaigan 9 yrs ago


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3 yrs ago
Current I don't trust stairs. They're always up to something.
6 yrs ago
William Shakespeare in past tense would be "Wouldiwas Shookspeared"
7 yrs ago
Have you heard about the Italian cook with an incurable disease? He pastaway.
7 yrs ago
Trains don't drink.. They chug.
7 yrs ago
Something about subtraction just doesn't add up.


A smile better suits a hero.

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Fortuna stretched her arms and back as she sat on the bar stool. It had been a long three days. She, and four others had gone into a small dungeon, but never really found anything other than money. Although, money wasn't something to be sneezed at. Especially for someone like her. The past few days had been too busy for a spot of gambling, and her brain wasn't really up for it. Perhaps tomorrow she'll try her luck, but for now, she was pretty ready to get drunk. "One pint of ale and three nights stay." She requested curtly to the barkeep, placing the payment on the counter.

Being as self aware as she was, she knew how messed up her mind was. The death of a comrade meant almost nothing to her. Sure, she felt bad that he died, but ultimately she told herself that this was a survival game now. If you die, you're done. There was no time to mourn. No matter what, she had to keep living. Her reasons being.. Somewhat trivial to others. Perhaps not. 'It's all his fault.' She thought to herself, brooding away as the barkeeper put the pint down in front of her. Her means of escape had become a trap.

She shook her head before taking a deep gulp of the ale, sighing as she placed the tankard down. Hopefully things start picking up soon. She needed to get out of here.

If there was anything lovely about today, it'd be the rain. Magnhild wasn't that used to waking up early, but today was the day she was to be enrolled into the Institute. She had hardly read the acceptance letter before shoving it into her pocket, staring out the window of the train as the scenery flickered by. Her life was changing again, whether it be for better or for worse, that remained to be seen. But it couldn't possibly be worse than back then. She heard her foster father's voice repeat in her head, 'Do not fear what lies ahead, embrace it with open arms.'

As she got off the train, she couldn't help but notice the other Chimeras that came off with her. Different generations. Different types. Different sizes. She saw them wait for the humans to walk further ahead before joining the back of the group. While she understood such a notion, she couldn't care less about it. Thus she walked among the humans, who gave her a few weird looks as she walked along side them. Had it not been for the scales on the back of her neck, she probably would've looked completely human to most.

Magnhild hadn't noticed the rain had been stopped until she looked up at the metal gates. 'For the Sake of Progress'. Progress towards what? She may never know. She frowned slightly as she realised that there was something blocking the rain. The rain usually felt nice on her scales. The scenery changed once more as they entered the courtyard, all sides covered in colourful flowers, quite different from Airelosia.. Which was mostly green and shrouded in the grey rain. She was more fascinated by the miniature trees. They looked so delicate and... Well, small. Fortunately, she was able to look straight ahead of her in time to stop herself from walking into someone. Everyone seemed to have gathered in front of a podium that stood at the steps of some building.

The Pangolin chimera glanced around the crowd, seeing olive-coloured military uniforms. The sight made her feel a little uneasy, but she wasn't in Airelosia anymore. This place seemed much safer.. She was tough, but she didn't think she was that tough. Not that it worried her too much. Her gaze fell upon the strangely dressed people near the podium.. She guessed they were teachers, but in her mind she had a little bit of a doubt. They looked far too eccentric. But only time will tell.
Hmm I'm interested, but we'll see how I'm going. So maybe.

The young girl's amusement died down as the blonde, shiny woman moved closer to her and started speaking to her. She had pointed to herself and the others around her saying what seemed to be names. Names that were not what Elanil had expected to hear. The demi started to imitate the woman, pointing at each person in the exact order in which she was told, slowly trying to copy the pronunciation of each name.


"Veh.. veh-sstah?"

"Hi...Hein.." She furrowed her brow as she tried to make the sound for the last part of the name.. But at that point she kind of gave up trying to pronounce it. She just couldn't figure out how that word is even a name. She'll just call him 'Hein'.

Her mind wandered off as Vesta and Maria started talking about whatever they were talking about. Elanil didn't understand much of it. She started humming to herself until Vesta started speaking toward her. Elanil nodded as if she understood whatever Vesta was saying. She held out one of her hands, a blueish green glow collecting in the palm of her hand. A small turtle appeared in her hand, but it's shell was covered in grass and small flowers, with a small tree sprouting from the middle.

"Mm.. That would be problematic." It responded simply. True to it's shape, a long pause fell upon the group before the spirit began to speak again.
"I had expected, but also not expected young Elanil to leave the forest. It was possibly inevitable that she would come across others like you. She has come to an age where her curiosity gets the better of her, thus I ask you to take care of her externally." It stated blankly.

"I sense a strong magic within you. Perhaps you can help this child harness her power. I would like to see her realise her potential and perhaps do something with her short life." It added, it's gaze locked with Vesta's. Elanil seemed to have stopped fidgeting, concentrating on what her 'parent' was saying.

As she waited for Bullhorn, another player shouted across the way in her direction. Her gaze fell upon a sign that said "L F G". Fortuna couldn't help but chuckle at the gesture. The sign thing was kind of cute. The rogue approached the other girl, giving her a playful smile, "I'm surprised nobody's invited you yet. That sign is pretty clear, in my opinion." She mused as she flicked at her menu, sending an invite to the Tinker. "The name's Fortuna, nice to meet you~" She said casually, giving the other girl a wink.

She wondered where Bullhorn went. He's probably gotten drunk somewhere, assuming the system did such a thing. Maybe he was dead. Who knows. He weirdly disappeared after losing at a game of strip poker against the Rogue. She laughed inwardly as she imagined him running around without pants on.. If he forgot that it was all still in his inventory. Maybe he'll learn not to gamble against a cheater next time.
Lemme know if anything needs to be changed. (This is considered finished methinks.)

I'll write up a CS soon~

Market -> Outskirts

Fortuna slowly wandered the Market streets, looking at the bits and bobs the merchant sold. Players and NPCs alike being ripped off by merchants that claim that such trinkets brought good luck. Such things a certain gambler didn't believe in. There was no real luck in a game like this. RNG was only pseudo-random after all. As random as a loaded die at times. 'Plink', went the small nickle coin as she flipped it. Tails. 'What a good sign.', she thought sarcastically.

After awhile of meandering, she came across a merchant.. Or rather a fellow gambler who was making bets with passersby. "C'mon, 5 nickles says you can't guess whether it's heads or tails!" He laughed as he put a nickle on his thumbnail. What was interesting to Fortuna, was that the Gambling NPC was always winning. She smirked as she stood the side, watching the NPC make off with many a nickle. Soon, she stepped up to the plate. The man gave her a toothy grin, "Well, girly? Let's see your luck eh?"
She smirked back at him, "I'm sure lady luck is smiling on me." She responded nonchalantly. The man laughed in response, showing her a nickle coin that had a notable chip in it, "Let's make it more interesting then! I'll flip it and you'll have to guess which hand I catch it in and what side's facing up! I'll double the prize, 10 nickles, deary."

Fortuna merely nodded, her smirk unfaltering. The man flipped the coin; swiping both hands at it, catching it mid-air before presenting two clenched fists before her. "Well?"

The Rogue stepped forward, tapping one hand with her finger then tapping the other, as if trying to make her decision. She stepped back and shook her head slowly. "Well. First of all, there's no coin in either of your hands." The man chuckled and nodded his head as he reached into his pocket.. Where the nickle should've been.
"And I believe it was heads." Fortuna chuckled as she opened her hand, showing the chipped nickle.. Heads up. The NPC frowned as he gave the girl her 10 nickles.

"Better luck next time, hun."

Fortuna stood at the outskirts of the town, watching the other players go in and out, hunting the monsters the spawned further off. She had sent Bullhorn a message earlier inviting him for some hunting or perhaps a dungeon run, although she'll probably need to find more people to do the latter.

She looked back on her time in Talrae. Even though she hadn't even been in this world for more than a couple of days, she already felt at home. Forced to escape from her previous life in the real world? Didn't seem all that bad. There wasn't anyone back at her real home that she missed anyway. Maybe her dog, Yuki.
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