Avatar of Rekaigan
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1132 (0.35 / day)
  • VMs: 3
  • Username history
    1. Rekaigan 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current I don't trust stairs. They're always up to something.
6 yrs ago
William Shakespeare in past tense would be "Wouldiwas Shookspeared"
7 yrs ago
Have you heard about the Italian cook with an incurable disease? He pastaway.
7 yrs ago
Trains don't drink.. They chug.
7 yrs ago
Something about subtraction just doesn't add up.


A smile better suits a hero.

Most Recent Posts

Magnhild had completely tunnel visioned on her noodles as a myriad of conflicts happened around her. Allowing such food to go cold would be a sin in her eyes. But something else caught her attention.. Somehow.. The scent of curry wafted in her direction as another student sat down near her. A human student. It seemed that the girl wasn't bothered by the presence of the three Chimera that had gathered to this table, and thankfully so. The Pangolin didn't need anymore drama.. Not that much had happened from her perspective. Magnhild subconsciously moved closer to the human girl with the curry, slowly scooting over seat by seat. She had already finished her noodles, but she still had a spoon in her hand. She soon found herself steadily aiming her spoon at the plate of delicious smelling curry. Her mind blanked for a moment, and then a voice rang out from a megaphone, announcing the end of Breakfast.

"Uhm.." was all that escaped her mouth as she realized what she was about to do. She cleared her throat and promptly got up from her seat, her face slightly red from embarrassment. She was quick to let go of such a feeling as she reasoned that there was nothing to be done about it. Move on. And move on she did, rejoining the group as they continued their tour.

For the most part, the tour was like a blur to Magnhild; but she tried to take mental notes of as many things as possible. However, the social building didn't sound like a place she'd like to hang around for too long, especially not with random falling objects. As they made their way round the Art building, one of the sliding doors opened as a massive... thing? Walked out with trays of cookies. They smelt really good. Even though some of the students moved to the rear of the group, Mag stepped forward, taking one of the cookies. She was tempted to take more, but that might be a little rude. She'll definitely come back here later.

They soon came to the Central Courtyard, which was possibly the most extravagant, yet beautiful thing Magnhild had ever laid her eyes on that wasn't food. Some might say she had some weird taste in art, but she just simply likes what she sees. She didn't know what any of these statues actually represented, but she could appreciate good craftsmanship.

As the group walked on, the chimera was started to feel a little bored, her mind wandering off somewhere, causing her to almost walk into someone. Fortunately it wasn't anyone holding some dangerous experiment. What she got from Brovak's explanation was:
'The science building is dangerous, don't go anywhere other than the classrooms upstairs.' Simple enough. Mag wasn't about to break the rules within her first few days of coming to this place.

While the Pangolin was never much for sports, she felt as though she could get into something like swimming. She always liked floating around on the water.. Unless that's not what people do in pools. she made it a point to come here to try the pool, since she'd never been in one before, since lakes were the only thing near her hometown.

After what felt like an eternity, the tour finally ended with a explanation of the Dorm layout, something probably more important than other things mentioned on the walk. Due to her rather isolated upbringing and general lack of education, Magnhild had very little understanding of what 'compatible biology' was, but she merely accepted the rules as they were. Girls and boys can't be in the same room. That's it.

However, the 'choosing' of a roommate was somewhat difficult for her. She wasn't entirely sure who to even ask. The chimera stared at her sheet for a moment before looking up at the group. It would seem that some people had already decided on who they'd be with. She internally shrugged and decided to see if someone would approach her, otherwise she'd just leave it up to the teachers to figure that out for her. Thus she decided to go have lunch, before handing the paper into the Administration.

Off to the cafeteria once more!

As of Saturday, I won't be able to post anything for about a week. Sorry for the short notice, I'll be back soon!

(I might be able to post if I manage to get my hands on a Laptop. I'll let you know!)
A WIP. Lore coming soon..ish.
I'm super interested in this!! But.. I can't join because I'm going to be away for a week starting Saturday... Don't wanna join a new RP only to leave for a week :(
Dark blue on dark gray is not that great... It's also not helpful that Flux was making my monitors super warm coloured! (to 'protect' my eyes.)
@Eventua Just thought I'd let you know that the text colour you used for your CS is making me blind..

(I really like the character though!)
Well that's what I've got so far, lemme know what you think.

What's the level of tech in this world? Also magic?

I'll get a CS up later tonight!
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