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Reina Mori

Reina had willingly shut down her second orb, realizing Rakasha wasn't immediately planning to kill her. If she could just bide her time as much as possible, and rested--as much as she could 'rest' while being held by her neck--she might be able to break free with a sudden, strong push with two orbs again. It was a long shot, but it was all she could do for the moment--though she kept struggling to push with her own personal gravity, to simply make it seem like she was completely running out of strength.

At the same time though, despair was finally beginning to set in. Now that there was finally nothing she could do but wait, her exhausted mind wandered. Takeshi... had been killed, hadn't he? Despite all her injuries, that realization hurt her more than anything else--a stab a thousand times more devastating than the one Rakasha had inflicted on her.

Why? Why did it hurt so much? She'd experienced people she knew passing away before. Why did it this time make her heart feel frozen?

She was reminded of the pain of a betrayal against her in her past--a justified betrayal, in her opinion. A childhood friend that had become her greatest reason to be terrified of having to wake up for each new day.

Reina understood. That was a reason why it hurt so much. Takeshi wasn't just a person she knew. He was a lot more than that. She had already spent hours with him training--more time than with anyone else in years. Michiko, and Roy and Kaida too--they were among her first friends since that long-passed betrayal. The first people who had gotten her over her fear of making any personal connections, scared of the pain that came when those connections were broken.

And Takeshi had to go and get himself killed. It felt like as much of a betrayal.

The girl fought back quiet sobs. Her mind immediately looked for ways to blame herself--like the last betrayal, it must have been her fault.

She wasn't strong enough. She wasn't quick-thinking enough. She didn't try hard enough.


And for all those same reasons, now she was going to lose Michiko.

Her bleary gaze looked to the girl held in shadowy tendrils, and then to the latest development--another villain that the first two were acting subordinate towards. Another person Reina so desperately wanted to snuff the life from.

She watched as Kaida was taken by the new figure, having to fight back the urge to reignite her quirk--she couldn't, not yet, she needed to gather as much strength as possible. Seeing Kaida being hurt made that exceedingly difficult.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Roy made his move, lighting up the area with his quirk going further than she had ever seen it go.

And he was instantly shut down by the villain. Reina began to panic. Kaida, Roy, Michiko, Takeshi--why couldn't she help them!?

Worthless worthless worthless worthless worthless--

There were pros here now, she noticed, but even they seemed to be unable to do anything. Reina wanted to scream at them to do something, to save her friends.

Her eyes shot to Rakasha's raised blade, his boss having given him the order to kill her. The girl's open eye narrowed, defiant to the last.

Not yet, not yet!

It didn't matter how weak she was. As long as everyone was in danger, she wouldn't give up. If she did, the regret would make be worse than simply being killed here.

So Reina sucked in air and braced herself, ready to see how much her quirk had left to give, her fractured thoughts on Michiko and Takeshi...

A noise above grabbed Rakasha's attention, Reina choosing to ignore whatever it was and seeing it as her chance--

And then the villain simply let her go, the very last thing she expected, causing her to hesitate and simply stare in confusion as she steadied herself under her own power. Her eye only widened futher seeing the back of the figure that dropped down between them, striking blows at Rakasha.

"Ta... keshi?..." she breathed, disbelieving.

The girl felt herself grabbed and lifted before she could process it. Even as she was lifted, she stared. Takeshi was alive. He was as alive as she was, as Roy, Kaida, and Michiko were.

The girl glanced to her side, seeing whoever had grabbed her had also taken Michiko. Good. She began squirming, looking up to the pro she couldn't immediately recognize due to not really caring. Despite her immediate protests to let her go, he wasn't having any of it.

Her friends were still fighting. She refused to not be there with them, no matter what this pro thought. Frustration rising at the wasted moments, the girl activated an orb, having it pull on only her from below.

"Keep Michiko safe!" she said as she was pulled out of his grasp suddenly.

As she fell through the air, she had to fight the amazing wave of joy that washed through her battered body and mind. Takeshi was alive, and Michiko was out of danger! The pros had finally decided they could strike with Takeshi's appearance, and were moving in fast as she was. Rakasha had been injured.

They had a chance again. Hope gave her a second wind, nearly as much as the disbelieving despair of Takeshi's disappearance had.

The fight wasn't over yet. She'd allow herself to be happy afterwards, but for now she focused everything on battle--which, as she had realized today, was something she was good at focusing on. Until her body completely gave out, she was going to make sure she was a problem for these villains.

She directed herself down with her orbs pull, aiming at the surprised and injured Rakasha. Reina's mind began to settle as it had been during her fight, thoughts only on how to win and her desire to keep her friends alive.

Rakasha was about to get a second sky-bombing.

Reina brought her right leg up to her chest, sole aiming directly at the villain. She held her breath, completely set on the control of her orb's pulling strength, making sure it was cranked on her to increase her velocity. Timing the meteoric descent, she quickly brought the orb up and above her head a meter before she made contact, and pulled with her own gravity in the same moment. Ready to slow herself with her orb before she hit the ground, but not before she hit Rakasha, she gave another battle cry that she was unwittingly becoming fond of.

"Say hello to him yourself!" she yelled with her ragged voice, kicking down as hard as she could.
@Renny Still here and interested ^^

Just been a bit busy so I wasn't trying super hard to get a post up, since I had been posting either first or second in pretty much every post 'cycle.'

Reina Mori

It hurts.

Who cares.

It's hard to stand.

Stop complaining.

But my body is resisting me.

You know your place. Enough whining. Make yourself useful. The pain won't be anything compared to the how you'll feel after if you don't manage that.

Kill the fear. Kill the pain. None of it matters to you.


Blackened vision returned. Reina nodded in response to Roy, eyes surveying the current situation. Both Kaida and Michiko were in trouble, but Takeshi was holding his own for the moment.

Violent threats were issued from the villain.

No. None of her friends were going to die. Not as long as she didn't. She'd fight with every thing she had to make sure that didn't happen.

"Help Kaida," she said to Roy, voice rough from her sore throat.

The girl took an unsteady step forward on her left foot, teeth gritting against the pain that shot up her leg.

It doesn't matter.

She kept stalking forward, pace increasing.

Pain is nothing in comparison to helping save Michiko's life.

Reina stepped into a hard kick to the wolf's side, immediately dropping to grip his fur and skin in both hands, left forearm searing in pain at the exertion.

"Get off."

Like a demon possessed, Reina bent down to snap her teeth down on the wolf's ear, not hesitating a moment before tearing it off. The wolf reacted by letting go of Michiko and snapping at Reina's face, canine opening a cut on her forehead above her left eye. Reina reeled back from both the force she had used to tear the wolf's ear and from dodging it's counter attack, catching herself with her right hand and bouncing up to her feet.

Her mind raced as it tended to while she analysed the situation. The wolf was still on top of Michiko, though at least now its focus was on Reina. Michiko could maybe take the opprotunity to do something--but just in case that didn't happen, Reina needed to do something herself.

This wolf was noticably stronger than the two that had attacked her. She needed a weapon to do significant damage to it, or her quirk--

Her quirk. Realization flashed through the girl's mind. She had simply accepted that using her quirk in the alley would be too dangerous as it'd affect her friends as much as it'd affect the villain and his dogs... but maybe that wasn't entirely true. The villain shouldn't know what her quirk even was, while her friends did...

She could make use of it. Maybe they could, too.

Reina's eyes were still focused on the dog as the train of thought ran it's course in a tenth of a second. If her quirk's activation adversely affected any of her friends and something bad happened, she'd never be able to forgive herself... but now wasn't the time for second guessing. There was no time for that. If it turned out bad, she'd give her life to fix the mistake.

Reina had made up her mind, her expression steeled beyond what it had ever been in her life.

"Using my quirk!" she cried out so everyone in the alley could hear. It was up to them to react in time now. She trusted them.

Her cold gaze settled on the wolf's snarling head as she used her quirk to suddenly pull her surroundings sharply towards her. Once again, she stepped into a hard kick, her body's entire weight on her injured left ankle. The wolf's body was jerked violently towards her, and her right foot snapped out to meet the beast's head. An audible crack could be heard on contact, the force of the kick far amplified by the use of her quirk.

Reina immediately zeroed the effects of the quirk out again as the wolf's body was spun and ragdolled off and away from Michiko's body, sliding to a lifeless stop several feet away.

The girl let out a sharp gasp from the exertion, immediately glancing up and down the alley, hoping she hadn't caused trouble for Roy, Kaida, or Takeshi, and fully ready to jump in if she had.

Reina Mori

Reina let the wolf's limp body go, gasping for air as she rested her uninjured arm and forehead against the building's wall to support herself.

"Th... thanks," she managed through breaths, glancing towards Roy out of the corner of her eye.

Her gaze dropped to the ground below her. She was having a hard time seeing at the moment, but she could see the blood. Much of it hers. Somehow the sight didn't affect her much.

"Oh." Yeah, she was hurt. She had forgotten for a second, Roy's words reminding her.

Though her adrenaline was still going, she began to feel the pain again. Most of it came from her abdomen, then her ankle which see stopped putting so much weight on, and finally her left forearm.

She glanced at the strip of clothing Roy held out to her. She'd need more than that probably. Bleeding out wasn't a very heroic way to go.

They were still in danger, so she had to be as quick as she could. The girl took off her uniform's pullover, handing it to Roy at the same time she took the offered strip. "Cut."

She rested her shoulder against the wall to lift up her injured leg. She tore into the legging to completely expose the injury. It didn't look great, but that wasn't what mattered right now. She wrapped it tightly in the cloth, finally showing the pain on her face as she winced slightly.

Next she untucked her top from her skirt, holding out her hand to take more cut clothing from Roy. She gripped the hem of the shirt, but hesitated for the first time. It was such a stupid thought, but the idea of exposing part of herself, even if it were just her torn up waistline. She glanced towards Roy and Takeshi, and turned her body away ever so slightly. So dumb. They were both far more occupied with the immediate danger to all their lives.

Besides, with Kaida and Michiko around... well, there wasn't really a reason to be interested in her.

With the faintest blush, she pulled the shirt up and gripped the hem in her teeth as she did her best to temporarily slow as much of the bleeding as possible. The cuts were deep and would scar without a doubt. Another worthless thought about her appearance flashed through her mind.

Somehow, the stray wandering of her mind helped refocus her as she reprimanded herself. The glassy look in her eyes had faded, replaced with a narrowed look of vexation.

Reina pulled up her left sleeve, revealing the extent of the damage to her forearm, giving her pause again as her eyes widened.

It was mangled. How was this hurting the least? She grit her teeth again, furious she let herself get so injured from such weak enemies. Permanent scars were the least of her worries...

No, no time for thoughts on the future right now. She wouldn't have a future to worry about if she didn't stay focused.

Glancing once again towards Roy, she held out the arm as way of asking him to wrap it up for her.


Her senses all beginning to return, she was able to hear the sounds of fighting somewhere close. While still holding her arm out, she turned her head to try to get an exact sense of the direction of the other noises. There was more trouble than this wolf guy.

Reina's eyes were a cold glare, barely containing something. She had managed to keep her quirk from going crazy so far, which she was grateful for. Once she got out of this alley though... she wasn't so sure she wanted to keep it controlled. If she had the chance, she'd try. She'd remember the panic she just felt, and the panic she felt during the event that got her invited to Komei, and she'd use it to try to get her quirk to obey. As long as she knew she wouldn't hurt anybody in the collateral.

Anybody but the villains.

She looked again to Roy, eyes terrifyingly sharp despite her state. "Quickly."

Reina Mori

Reina immediately nodded through her coughs at Roy's question, though she stayed on the ground as a less severe round wracked her.

Hearing the voice of someone unfamiliar, the girl forced her eyes open, holding back the coughs as best she could.

"About to keel over already? We're just getting started"

Yeah, a villain. Throwing out taunts similar to ones she had heard a hundred times.

"Aw come on, quit squirming! Look, we've already fucked your hair up this far, if we leave it like this it'll look worse than just going completely bald."

"Wow, I don't think you'll be getting with any boys for a while after this, hun. I mean, assuming you did in the first place. But yeah, no, not after this."

Shoko's groupies. If Reina hadn't been living in fear of them daily, she'd have found their shrieking laughs annoying. Instead, they just hurt.

"Why are you fighting so much today?"

Shoko herself. Terrifyingly calm compared to Reina's other tormentors. Her emotionless gaze hurt more than the laughter.

"Are you forgetting why I do this to you?"

Reina had stopped fighting, the other girls now having no struggle to keep her pinned to the cold locker room floor. She didn't have the energy to fight or cry anymore. Her gaze drifted towards the dark hair that had been shaved from her head.

"Answer me, bitch."

The only time Shoko seemed to show emotion now. Controlled, seething rage. Reina's scared eyes looked up at her pathetically as the girl stepped forward into a sharp kick to her gut.

Air forced out of her violently, Reina gasped and coughed, rolling into a ball on her side. The moment she could, she rasped "I di... dn't f-forget."

The rage subsided from Shoko's eyes, her expression reverting to her listless default.

"Hold still. I've got somewhere to be."

Reina complied, squeezing her eyes shut as she fought tears and coughs back, focusing on the pain in her stomach rather than the razor that buzzed in her ear or the fear of what would happen tomorrow.

Something about a Kesh and a Ko. Somehow during her thoughts, Reina made the connection that that was likely Takeshi and Michiko. The guy was after them, then.

The wolves barreling down on the group took the girl out of her daze.

Adrenaline spiking again, Reina moved to get up, before being knocked down onto her backside again immedietely by one of the wolves.

The girl's eyes widened as she grit her teeth, pain shooting through her left arm--the beast had been jumping for her head, so she had thrown her arms in front of herself to defend herself, of course resulting in it latching onto her limb instead. It's beady eyes were full of a wild intent to kill, yet somehow those eyes didn't really scare her. At least not as much as others had before.

Still, she was in danger. The rest of her friends were busy with other wolves, and she couldn't use her quirk in this tight space--she'd harm them as much as she'd harm the enemies. The girl beat back the instinct that screamed at her to push this mutt away to protect herself, instead spending some of her adrenaline-spiked energy on repeatedly hammerfisting the top of the wolf's head as she pushed her self back along the ground with her legs.

The wolf shook its head roughly, increasing the damage done to Reina's forearm and getting a short-lived and quiet noise of panic and pain through her teeth.

More pain shot up her ankle--a second wolf biting down. The wolf on her arm was now clawing at her upper body as well, cuts opening up on her stomach and shoulders.

The panic flared as she felt herself pinned down by the two heavy animals. What could she do without her quirk? She was worthless without it. More memories flooded her thoughts as she kicked and punched blindly. Tears rolled down her face as another round of coughing hit her.

Some hero you are.

She was going to be torn apart by two of a villain's mutts. When did she start thinking she could be a hero? When did she start dreaming of being one of the greatest?

Reina's thoughts paused. She noticed she was still battling. Her free arm and leg were still driving themselves into the wolves with every ounce of strength she could muster, despite how quickly she was becoming exhausted.

It didn't matter when. Despite what her thoughts told her she desereved for her past mistakes, she was still fighting. She wouldn't be able to try make up for those mistakes if she were dead.

Her life was no longer hers. It belonged to all the people she'd help in the future.

Reina yelled, this time her voice tinged with frustration instead of only panic and fear. A kick of hers apparently landed hard, as she felt the wolf whimper sharply and let go of her ankle.

Taking her chance, Reina shoved the wolf on her chest to the side, grabbing roughly by the excess skin on its back. Grunting with exertion, she got to her feet, carrying the squirming animal with her, sharp pain running through her leg as she put weight on her badly injured ankle. Twisting her body, she threw her weight into the wolf and slammed it against the wall of the alley, holding it there even though the blow finally got it to let go of her forearm. As she reajusted her grip, this time using her torn-up left arm to grab the scruff of the wolf's neck, the second wolf was back at it, leaping at her and sinking it's teeth into the left side of her abdomen.

The girl viciously slammed the wolf in her hands against the wall again, making sure it's head took the worst of the impact. The wolf on her side hung on awkwardly, only its two back paws touching the ground as it front paws worked on clawing her left side.

Reina grit her teeth against the immense amount of pain from all the injuries she had sustained in a matter of a minute. Her vision blurred as she exerted herself again to slam the wolf she held, this time gasping for air as she kept him pinned on the wall, keeping her head away from his snapping jaw.

Without her quirk, she was weaker. Of course she was. They all were weaker, if they couldn't use their quirk. She also had only recently begun training under Takeshi. Once she got out of this--alive--she'd make sure to ask him for double the lessons.

For now though, there wasn't much she could do in the state she was in, especially without weapon nor quirk. Gunshots ringing in her ears, she spotted the glow of Roy's quirk from the corner of her eyes. He must have been busy with wolves himself, but hopefully by now he could help her. While the second wolf kept at it on her side, she slammed the one in her hands against the wall again, finally feeling it start to weaken and go limp.

"Kusayanagi-san!" she yelled, voice tearing from the coughing, pain, and exhaustion.

He was throwing a tantrum, was he? That seemed like an apt description.

"I've dealt with plenty of tantrum-throwing boys," Anemone said to Lilac, memories of her younger brothers, as well as boys she had played volleyball with and against, flashing through her thoughts for only a moment. "There's an easy solution." Dealing with boys was always easier than dealing with girls, in Anemone's experience. And for one simple reason.

The girl glanced around and smirked to herself. The rest of her classmates had joined her quickly enough; it was good to know none of them were entirely unreliable. All the Digimon packed a punch, too, despite their size.

She looked back towards the boy, Takai, and frowned, seeing that he appeared to be in pain. It was clear something weird was going on, more than just a 'tantrum.' Something to do with the power these Digimon had, if the girl had to guess. She'd find out later, to avoid the same thing happening to her. First things first: stop him, so that she, Aero, and the rest of them were no longer in danger of harm--Takai included.

Everything seemed to happen in an instant. First, Takai seemed to be going even more insane, feeding the caped Digimon power in some way. Then, another boy appeared out of thin air, distracting Anemone for the first time in the encounter. His appearance was followed by a DigiEgg, which seemed to have an affect on Takai, calming him for a moment before it floated down to the new boy.

Mild annoyance started to grip Anemone after that little show that she had had no part of. Another boy with a Digimon, apparently. She'd have to make friends with Lilac if she hoped to stay sane during her time here.

The annoyance only grew as Takai continued screeching like a madman. Anemone cracked her knuckles. A powerful blast of fire from the caped Digimon was launched at the group, causing the girl to cover her face with an arm, and Aero to jump in front of her instinctively to protect her. Luckily, neither of them had to take the blow thanks to the actions of their teachers.

And Takai yelled some more. Anemone's temple twitch. She was ticked, now. Mr. Mameo telling the group to 'go get him' was the best thing she had heared all week.

"Aero, help the others keep that kid's Digimon busy," she said through grit teeth, barely holding herself back. Siccing a Digimon onto a human, as Takai had done, was repulsive to Anemone... so if she wanted to beat some sense into the kid, she'd have to do it herself. "And keep an eye out for me."

"Always!" her partner affirmed, leaping into the air to launch another green energy ball towards the caped Digimon. "Bunny Blast!"

Anemone readied herself while Aero used his ears to whip himself forward through the air, following up he ranged attack while it was still flying. The girl took off in a sprint, after the Terriermon. The Digimon glanced back, and seemed to understand what she was doing. With a grin on his face, he whipped his ears again, this time to spin himself around violently, building up centrifugal force as he reared his right ear back. "Bunny Pummel!" he yelled, launching his ear towards the caped Digimon... and then changing the trajectory suddenly to slam into the ground, kicking up a huge mess of dirt. "How embarrasing, looks like I missed," the cheeky Digimon claimed as he used the recoil of the attack and his ear to push himself off of the ground and back into the air, outside of the dirt cloud.

Anemone, who had been barreling directly towards Takai, kept her path through the vision-obscuring cloud, pulling back her fist and throwing her entire weight behind it at his face the moment the boy came into her view. "Shut up already!" she yelled at him.

Dealing with boys was easier, because punching one was a hell of a lot more socially acceptable.

Anemone watched the light show with interest, seeing the forms all the little Digimon progressed into. Other than the boy who liked complaining the most, Dante, there was little trouble to be had with the process.

And, if Lilac's words were any indication, it looked like Dante's Digimon would be sparring against Aero in a few minutes. She felt him shift on her shoulder, winding up like a spring that would be let loose soon.

The explosion caused him, as well as Anemone, to jump, attention immediately turning towards the direction of the noise. Violently kicked up dust was proof that something had gone down. The girl was already moving to the source when Lilac told them to stay put, before herself taking off.

The order gave Anemone pause for a moment. She moved forward to the edge of the clocktower, placing a hand on the pillar as she looked out towards the commotion. The girl's expression narrowed with concern, her instincts telling her to take action. She wanted to know what was happening. She wanted to help.

Her eyes widened slightly as she saw Mr. Mameo come into view, followed by another boy her age... holding a digivice. Was this the previously mentioned Takai? Something was off with him, though.

Aero stiffened on her shoulder, ears spreading wide to keep his balance as he stood. A Digimon they hadn't seen yet struck out at Lilac, Yaa, and Mr. Mameo. It was the boy's evidently, and he was even going after the teachers. That was all Anemone needed. Her brow furrowed, and Aero spoke up.


"Yeah. You wanted to punch something?"

He grinned. They were on the same page. The girl was already making her way down the slope.

"Damned idiots! Your struggle will only hasten your destruction!" The pair heard as they approached.

"Your voice sure doesn't match your face, buddy!" Aero chirped, leaping off Anemone's shoulder into the air as she skidded to a halt. He launched a blast of green energy from his mouth at the caped Digimon, the recoil strong enough to send him into a backflip, ears spanning out to catch himself and slow his fall to the ground. "I don't have a lozenge to give you, but I've got plenty more of those souped-up pills."

Anemone, surprised for a moment by the power of the little guy, glanced for a moment towards her teachers. She hadn't listened to Lilac's directions, but now wasn't the time to worry about that. It's not like she hadn't gotten into trouble with adults for disobeying before, anyway. "What's his problem?" she asked, nodding towards Takai as she kept her focus on him and his partner. "Is he just getting carried away with this whole 'arena' thing?"
@Altered Tundra

Thank you!

And yeah, I've always loved the Terriermon line outside of MegaGargomon. Swapping him out for Fujinmon is basically my headcanon for the line x)
Anemone ate her food slowly, making sure she had Aero's attention so she could demonstrate passable manners. Maybe he'd be smart enough to learn by example...

The sight of the Gummymon inhaling food proved that thought wrong.

"Aero!" she said sharply, but did her best not to raise her voice. The digimon froze dead and look towards her, mouth full of food.


"You should chew your food. That's why you have teeth. It'll keep you from choking and make it easier for your body to digest it..." she trailed off, wondering if digimon even digested food.

Aero complied after a moment of thought, awkwardly moving his mouth to chew. When he swallowed, his eyes went wide. "That went down easy!" Apparently having seen the light, the little Gummymon went back to stuffing his face, this time chewing furiously, still not really displaying any manners. Well, it was technically an improvement, Anemone thought, letting it drop for now.

Introductions went around, Anemone taking note of everyone's names. Aero took a hop, eager to follow up.

"My name's Aero," he said, dropping half-chewed food out his mouth onto the dirty stone floor. He paused and stared at it. He glanced towards Anemone, leaning in slowly towards the food. The tamer pulled a subtle face of disgust.


Aero paused again, still staring at her, mouth wide open and an inch from the food. After a long second of deep consideration, his mouth snapped up the grub.

"Aero!" Anemone found herself saying again, this time louder though.

"What? Look, look! I left the bottom layer of food! The part touching the ground! So I ate the part that never did!" he said while chewing.

Anemone sat back, still looking grossed out, though realizing what was done was done. "You can get sick doing that. Just keep your food in your mouth next time."

The girl continued eating, having the entertainment of her classmates to pass the time. It was interesting to finally get something of a handle on their personalities. She glanced between them, gaze lingering on Lilac, who caught her interest the most, mianly because she was the only other girl. She also seemed to be close to their age, despite acting as their teacher.

It seemed Dante's outburst had rubbed her the wrong way--understandably--as she spoke up, keeping Aero from responding to Vulcan's request to race.

Anemone watched with great interest, eyes widening as her hand went to take her Digivice out of her pocket. She looked from the Impmon to Aero, who had also been staring. With a determined smirk, he looked up towards her.

"I wanna sprout arms and legs too," he said, earning a pause and then a giggle from Anemone as his words sunk in.

"They are useful," she agreed. The girl looked again to the Digivice in her hand. Lilac had avoided giving them any real instructions, but that was evidently purposeful. Demonstrate that you can figure it out on your own was the loud and clear message.

Because of that, Anemone refrained from asking any questions. She simply gripped the Digivice tighter, holding it close to her chest. She glanced once more to Aero, who seemed to be trembling with excitement. He gave her a nod, and she closed her eyes.

Immediately, she felt something. A tingling deep in her chest. She focused on that feeling, instinctually stoking it however she could. Something went right, because she felt the warmth suddenly burst outwards from her chest and into her limbs, her toes and fingers prickling with numbness.

Her eyes snapped open at the sudden excess of energy coursing through her... and Aero now. The Gummymon was at the center of a blinding light, as Yaamon had been a minute earlier. The girl stared, breath held as the process continued without any more conscious thought from her. The light from Aero grew in intensity as the tingling began to fade from her body's core, traveling like a wave out to her numbing extremities.

The sensation passed a moment later, as did the light. In its place was a Terriermon. Anemone stared at the digimon, a slight smile dancing on her lips.

A wave of dizzyness ran through the girl suddenly, causing her body to waver for a split second, as though she were about to topple. Her eyes narrowed as she bit the inside of her mouth, regaining her balance as quickly as possible. Anemone did not want to be collapsing in front of these people. Not after she had just managed to get Aero to digivolve on her first try. Maybe it was the fact that she was the only girl out of this group, or maybe it was just her natural personality, but she felt she had something to prove.

She took a second to breathe, looking back towards Aero.

"I feel different," he said.

"You look different," was her reply. She took the sight in some more, the faintest blush appearing on her cheeks. He looked different, alright. He looked adorable. Not that she was about to say that out loud, though.

"So? How does it feel to have limbs?" she asked with a smirk, the dizziness finally beginning to subside--though in its place she realized she was tired.

"They're amazing!" he yelled, jumping and splaying out his arms, legs, and sizable ears, which kept him afloat in the air for a moment. "I feel stronger."

Aero hopped up, catching one of Anemone's shoulders with an ear and swinging himself around so he landed on her other shoulder. "You shrunk." he said to the girl. His gaze shifted to look out to the arena.

"I... kind of want to punch something with my ears," he mumbled, still reeling from the amount of energy coursing through his small body.

"Relax a bit," Anemone said, though she was glad he seemed as proud as she felt about the digivolution. "I want to see what the other digimon turn into." The words seemed to refocus Aero, and he nodded.

Something about his personality seemed different--it was clear he was still the same Aero, but he seemed to have suddenly matured a few years. As though he went from being a toddler to a ten year old. She could tell he was raring to go, but he was holding himself back far better than any of the in-training digimon she had seen so far.
@Altered Tundra
Sure! Colours would be yellow and/or green I suppose.
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