Avatar of Rina
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Kirra
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1733 (0.46 / day)
  • VMs: 4
  • Username history
    1. Rina 4 yrs ago
    2. █████ 10 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Huh, has it really been three years since my last post? I guess I’m back at least to lurk around.
9 yrs ago
Dear life, I was told to get one but you are killing me. Can I get a refund on the extra hours at work and the lack of sleep for a bit of freetime. Yours dearly, The Coffeeholic
9 yrs ago
Sleep? You mean there is a such thing called a regular sleep schedule?


RP Status: Full. I'd be open to chatting but I'm currently not accepting any new RPs.

After a three year hiatus I’m back and with a new username.

  • I joined the Guild in the summer of 2011
  • I enjoy gardening, hiking, cooking and listening to podcasts (if you have any podcast suggestions send them my way)
  • I have a huge interest in roleplays where I can really dive into the psychological side of my characters but not a fan of romance based roleplays

If you want to know more about me or want to chat, feel free to PM me. I'm always up to meeting new people.

Most Recent Posts

I wasn't able to finish my post before having to head out. I'll finish it up tonight as well as send you (@Penguin and @Potter) a pm with more details about the university and their parents and we can see if we need to adjust anything.
@Saint Girralo for some reason I can see Sarah and Tia getting along well. Hmm I might have to seeif I can get them to meet up.
I love the sunglasses! They look quite fun.
Yay! I'm excited to start.

Would Skype work? I have a few groups on there so it would work well for me.
I have another character on the way (do you have a limit?) but that will have to wait until tomorrow or Wednesday. I just need to find a picture for Tia but she is done.

Name: Tia
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Nomadic or sedentary: Nomadic
Weapons(A reasonable amount: 1-3 though some are probably more scarce than others): Collapsible stun gun baton (built by Tia), small dagger
Skills: A knack for inventions and repairing anything electronic or mechanical, reading and writing
Any unusual traits? Does it show physically?: Tia is able to see in the dark. Since this change her eyes are now a light grey color and on the rare occasion that it is sunny, it is painful for her.

Being short and skinny Tia usually claims that she is five feet tall although she is an inch shorter than she claims to be which can be a sore topic for her even though she still has a bit more time to grow taller. She has grey eyes and likes to keep her hair short. Her clothing choice is usually comfortable and practical with her only accessory being a necklace with her father's wedding ring on it.

Brief Personality: Friendliness comes easy to Tia but gaining her trust is rarely done. She is cunning, selfish and doesn't hesitate to lie to keep herself safe. She avoids fighting both physically and argumentatively but will lash out if backed into a corner as a last resort. She knows she is at a disadvantage due to her age and size and will often use that to her advantage to appear nonthreatening or gain sympathy and protection from those who still are capable of showing it.

Background(Please reveal your current location): All Tia knows of the world is the aftermath of the war with her earliest memories revolving around the small university that both her parents were a professor of before the collapse of humanity. She was the youngest child of three with her twin brothers being ten years older than her. The university was shut down early in the war after the first bomb landed on US soil and while most students and faculty left for safety or to find family, a small group of around fifteen remained on the campus. Tia was raised within this tight knit group which to her became family which quickly closed itself off to the rest of the world for the sake of survival. Compared to most children her age she was sheltered from the horrors of the decaying world and was brought up learning a lot about technology, engineering and anything else the bored scholars could shove into her brain. However the period of peace Tia grew up in didn't last forever. It is unknown what illness ran rampant within the confines of the university but it killed off three people and left many weak and vulnerable. This was when the Wolves discovered the University and the people within. Due to the quick thinking of one of her brothers, the two were able to hide but were left with no way of helping their family and friends as they listened to them being tortured and killed.

The university wasn't safe anymore and the two were forced to set out into the world and find a way to survive. Knowledge that the two gain was helpful but it didn't make up for the skills and experience they missed out. They've ran into a few dangerous groups of people along the way and learned the hard way that trusting people is dangerous which cost Tia's brother his life. It has been a year since her home was taken from her, six months since her brother was killed. She recently reached the New York city area amd is still learning the area.

Alone or with someone?: Alone (Unless someone wants to already meet up with Tia before the start of the roleplay)

Other: She has very little combat skills but makes up for this with the knowledge she has gained. However if there is ever a point someone could teach her to defend herself, there is a need for that.
In Over 8 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
Gris 2
Geko 5+1=6
Rikka 15-1=14

Updated the OP
In Over 8 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
Gris 3
Geko 4+1=5
Rikka 15-1=14
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