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    1. ROADWARRIOR 7 yrs ago


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@Infamous Empath You kid but you're probably right haha.

Haven't decided yet on location. I think a city setting would be interesting but HELL YES there will be a long ass chase in store.
@Treue thanks for showing interest

@Infamous Empath I better start modding my honda civic and get comfortable wearing war paint.

*Dramatic voice*...I suppose with my name and avatar that this interest check was only a matter of time...

Before I go off the rails in shaping my ideas, I'd like to see if this concept alone is even an interest for people.

As you may know, Mad Max is entirely set within a post-apocalyptic Australia. Quoting wiki here:

The war in the Middle East between Saudi Arabia and Iran left the oil fields ablaze which started the economical collapse due to lack of oil across the globe. 7 Sisters Petroleum was not able to fulfill their contracts with governments which causes major oil shortages and escalation of chaos and violence among the population across the world.

You don't have to know anything about the movies or the lore, as the setting will be in the United States of America, around the same time frame as Mad Max: Fury Road, where civilizations of old are long gone and in its place are the weird and deranged freakazoids of the Americana wastelands. We'd essentially be of an old guard, a patrol unit that safeguards one of the more normal oil settlements in a rural area. Our job is to keep the freaks from raiding our town and escorting haulers between other settlements. Expect a lot of car chasing, beat em up/mash em up over-the-top action.

Yay or nay?

No way, is that a...Saiyan? Krillin frowned. She definitely looked the part, or could very well be an old guard from Frieza's long lost army. Maybe she was one of Master Roshi's ploys; a Pichi Pichi girl as the old man called them, to distract Krillin from his training. Whoever she was, she wasn't looking to make friends.

He did well to conceal the strength of his ki and would continue doing so until he knew what he was dealing with. The woman was spinning around like a lost dog sniffing for his energy signature. There were many strategies that presented itself to him, but Krillin did not want to mount an offensive without knowing this person's true intentions. When she circled away, back turned to him, Krillin slowly flew up into the air.

"And you might be?" Krillin grinned through his beard, arms crossed.

Kaylx spent most of his time in the hangar bay of the SC Sirus. His intention was to borrow tools from the mechanics and patch up a few things on his Toolshed Mech. You know, like a responsible person. Yet as soon as he arrived, all of his attention was redirected to the crew on deck playing a game of black jack. Oh, herbs and spices it just had to be black jack. The devil's game, the kind that pours sweet honey into Kaylx's stubborn ear, only to amass a vengeful headache like a swarm of bees waiting to burst out from his thick skull. Winning was the easy part; staying sober while doing so was like a whole other game in on itself. And boy did those officers love to drink.

"Ya'll are like the old earth sailors of the past, drinkin' up more ocean than beneath their feet." The cool, southern drawl of his accent dripped out of his mouth like a low engine hum. "If ya'll keep this up you better *hick* have a life vest handy before you end up on the deep end of this fire water. Best I finish it for ya." He drank the contents of the random bottle in possession until it went dry.

The conversations after that were pretty much a blur. He remembered the smiles and laughter, and that's all that really mattered to him at that point. They also didn't bleed him dry, thankfully. Kaylx staggered away from the table with a little more than he came with and then some. One of the sober mechanics saw the state Kaylx was in and agreed to run a diagnostic on his mech and fix any minor repairs. It was the least he could do after receiving three high quality cigars from Mr. Ro. After several arm wrestling challenges, dance battles, and off-key singing performances, he gracefully departed from the hangar bay crew. Anubis, his synthetic hunting dog, had been playing fetch with a lone deckhand. Its long ears perked up at the familiar gait of his master, barked thankfully at the man person for playing with him, then joined Kaylx.

"You makin' friends too, buddy?" Kaylx rubbed the back of his ears. He then dropped his metal hand so Anubis could playfully bite on it. Were his hand just flesh and bone the hound's tungsten carbide teeth could rip right through it like writing paper. Anubis would never do that to Kaylx though; he'd apply the safest amount of pressure possible, or show some other means of affection. Kaylx wasn't sure if these kinds of habits were a part of his programming, or if it was something that just naturally developed over time. It was hard to forget that Anubis was grown out of a genetics lab, hardwired with an artificial intelligence core that could outsmart most people. He patted Anubis' belly, then grabbed onto his transmitter tail for balance as the hound safely directed him back to the passenger bay.


After a quick power nap Kaylx was on his feet and ready to seize the day. The bees were still buzzing, but not as bad as he anticipated. He cheerfully whistled as the Commander announced their arrival at Space Station Solus. Then, when the Commander gave a quick overview of today's schedule, Kaylx had a jarring question that needed answering.

"Will they be servin' breakfast?" He asked, raising his hand like a kid in a classroom. "Because they did last time, and let me tell ya'll, their eggs Benedict would've made Lemuel himself swim in orgasmic ecstasy." The gauntlet device on Kaylx's forearm vibrated. It was a text from Anubis that read:


"What? It's true!" Kaylx looked down at Anubis, who looked up at him with with his head cocked to the side. Another message winked onto his gauntlet.

>Hollandaise sauce needed more...
>lemon juice.
>Bacon fries. however...
>god tier.
>hungry now.
>can we get...
>Bacon fries?

"Yeah, maybe a milkshake too while we're at it." Kaylx said as they filed behind the other hunters and exited the ship. Anubis started panting frantically.

>Yes. milkshake.
>Good. Yes.
>This is good.

@Icepick Definitely! Kaylx can use a drinking buddy. Also, STAR WARS OMGOGISOAIGAOSGI

@ROADWARRIOR No no, you're fine! I was talking about others like @Heat.

As for your character, hoooo goodness me! This one is one hell-ova tank! I like him a lot! I will say this however, that I'm not sure if he can carry all those weapons for one mission without getting severely bogged down. From what I see, Kaylx has three heavy weapons and one light weapon. I think he can carry at most three at a time (and thats being a lil' generous too). Like he can either have two rifles and one bow, or one rifle, one launcher, and one bow, or two rifles and one launcher, so my advice is for him to take any weapon that revolved around a mission. If it's to capture or kill smaller creatures, maybe the bow and rifle can work. If it requires taking down the larger megafauna, the launcher will come in handy for slowing them down.

Either way, that mech suit also looks amazing! Again however, I do feel it can be worn depending on the mission, but regardless its multi-functional and can split so it's generally fine. And the African Wild Dog mech is also a nice touch as a hunter!

I say he's accepted! Put him in the CS.

Awesome! Thank you for the thorough response. Yeah, I realized I got a little carried away with his inventory, but I definitely wasn't planning on having him lug everything along for each mission. Especially for operations on foot. He'd most likely carry a bow and one other weapon, not to mention Anubis. I basically threw the mech in the CS for special missions like you mentioned and will mainly be using pieces of it for the hovercycle. I'm glad we're on the same page with all of his equipment. Thanks for accepting him!
I'll get a post up by the weekend.

Sorry for the delay.
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