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Take a look on the map, either on the 0th OOC post, or any of the IC updates. Any not already being played by a player, is free for you to choose. @Brithwyr
"If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs, obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud. Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues, my friend, you would not tell with such high zest to children ardent for some desperate glory, the old Lie; Dulce et Decorum est Pro patria mori." -Wilfred Owen

Summer of 1799

30th of May

Staying true to their word, The Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar launches an offensive against The Kingdom of Sescos. The 1st Army prepares to make the crossing across the strait, supported by a strong contingent of the Dashkatar navy. However, they quickly encounter almost the full force of the Sescosi fleet. What followed was a frantic and bloody naval battle. The Dashkatar continued their objective of making landfall west of the Sescosi city of Visev, but they faced fierce opposition from the Sescosi fleet. The Dashkatar fleet finds itself outnumbered, and it is only the presence of Admiral Duran Inal that gives them a glimmer of hope. The battle rages on for several hours, and by the end of the day, it becomes clear that the Dashkatar fleet has been defeated, the remaining ships forced to limp home. However they successfully managed to successfully land a sizeable contingent of the Dashkatar army, which quickly began pushing north to cut off the city of Visev.

3rd of June

The Kingdom of Aontas announces a revolutionary new plan. They propose that the natives of their Colony of Inverus become full citizens of Aontas. Citing the natives embrace of the Aontas culture, and their long shared history, The Kingdom also proposes embracing Inverus as a Province equal to those of the Aontas homeland. The idea is initially met with stunned silence, not due to any real shock, but more at the shock of the lack of any perceived protest. And so the Royal Decree carries, and Inverus becomes, for all intents and purposes, a Province of Aontas.

7th of June

A colonist group departs New Rodesia, the Colony of The Three City's Republic of Ianian and sails west. They reach the shore, and quickly begin establishing a colony. There are frictions with the natives, but the Republic's colonists persevere regardless, and soon form the Colony of New Milania. How the relations with the natives continue, remains to be seen.

8th of June

The siege of Larymnas continues, as the Kingdom of Sescos garrison continues to valiantly defend their city. They continue to have high morale, eagerly anticipating the arrival of relief, from whichever source is comes. However supplies are being worn down, and for every assault beaten back, the cost is Sescosi blood.

10th of June

In the Colonies of The Republic of Toubres, an initiation begins to raise armies to defend themselves. Surprisingly, the natives take to this recruitment well, and a handful of regiments are quickly raised, prepared to defend their homelands in the name of the Republic. Armed by Toubres, these regiments are initially met with resistance by the Republic's own armies, but the regiments already stationed in the Colonies themselves are well accustomed to the natives, and take to them well, seeing them as brothers-in-arms.

14th of June

The Redcliff Empire announces that all vessels of The Three City's Republic of Ianian, The Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar, The Echyan Empire and The Republic of Oflua that dock into a Redcliff port will be taxed for their stay, and a higher tax placed on their goods. Considering the raiding that the Echyan Navy has been conducting along the east coast of Redcliff, this announcement becomes a laughing stock among their vessels. They take to tossing a coin into the sea after each raid, as the 'tax' for their stay.

16th of June

Following the capture of Kolceg, the vast invading army of The Redcliff Empire marches east. Rather than assaulting the remaining Empire of Echyan held city of the Province, they cross into the territories of The Kingdom of Sescos, moving at all speed to break the siege of Larymnas. News reaches the city itself, and The Republic of Oflua doubles it's efforts to seize the city.

18th of June

The rebels in the Colonies of Egalpin, Ottomas and Soute Otto launch attacks against the colonists of The Redcliff Empire. Still largely unpunished for the bloodbath of their initial uprising, they launch punishing assaults on the Redcliff people. Although the garrisons react quickly, they cannot be everywhere at once, and the rebels fade into the desert as suddenly as they appear.

19th of June

The diplomatic party The Three City's Republic of Ianian, still guests of The Akkadian Empire, proposes a trade agreement. The Akkadians welcome the suggestion, far from ignorant of the economic powerhouse that Ianian is quickly becoming. This only further enforces the growing relationship between the two nations, bridging the cultural gaps as the diplomatic party continues to enjoy the rich society of Akkadia.

21st of June

The Kingdom of Aontas accepts the diplomatic approach by The Kingdom of Vendsyssel, and the two nations enter into a defensive pact. Europe is quickly finding itself fractured into alliances and agreements, and those who are still alone, may find themselves stranded as war continues to spread.

23rd of June

The Holy Territories of Edoniras forms another army. While the first army did not stand as particularly confrontational to any one nation, the new army formed in the Province of Biania makes the Pope's intentions clear. Plans are quickly drawn up for the defence of the Province, but also, and perhaps more worryingly, plans of attack are also drawn up.

24th of June

The Governors of the Colonies of The Republic of Toubres receives orders to begin the introduction of natives as full citizens of the Republic. The plan is initially small-scale, but it is received well by the natives of the Republic's longest standing colonies, whereas it's viewed as a mere curiosity in the newer colonies. The plan grows in scale, and the Toubres colonists find their numbers bolstered by Natives, the two cultures becoming deeply ingrained.

26th of June

The Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar sends an envoy to The Akkadian Empire, attempting to restore the diminishing relations between the two nations. However they find that the Akkadian high society is already occupied with the party from The Three City's Republic of Ianian, and although they do go someway to at least stabilise the relationship, they struggle to make any real diplomatic progress.

27th of June

In a shocking move, The Redcliff Empire openly declares the legalization of slavery for all African natives. Considering the vast majority of the natives have risen up and fled into the desert, the first initial attempts by the garrisons to go after them are met with bloody ambushes, and they quickly abandon the plan. Instead they move to enslave the few remaining loyal natives, driving those that still remain to rise up as well, moving to join their comrades in the deserts. The fairly pitiful number of slaves seized also cripples the Redcliff scheme to tempt more colonists, which is in itself offset by the continued attacks on the already present colonists.

@Brithwyr There certainly is. You'd have to take the place of one of the NPC nations, but just let me know and I can answer any questions you have
"If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs, obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud. Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues, my friend, you would not tell with such high zest to children ardent for some desperate glory, the old Lie; Dulce et Decorum est Pro patria mori." -Wilfred Owen

Summer of 1799

4th of May

Continuing their economic reforms, The Three City's Republic of Ianian announces that it will be reducing it's tax rates for the entire population. This is unsurprisingly met with a huge surge in national satisfaction, and celebrations erupt across the Three City's.

7th of May

As pilgrims continue to flock from all across Europe, The Holy Territories of Edoniras begins issuing subsidies to the local governments, to aid in accommodating the masses attending the religious festival. These subsidies are greatly appreciated, not just by the worshippers themselves, but also by the population of Edoniras, who were faced with the daunting logistical task of hosting the festival. With this new influx of funds, the revelry and festivities continue in full voice.

10th of May

General Yurij Zayets Republic of Oflua army besieges The Kingdom of Sescos capital, Larymnas. The city is impressively fortified, and the recent success of conscription within Sescos, as well as the rallying presence of King Bakos MΓ‘tyΓ‘s, means that it will not be an easy siege. It quickly becomes clear that it will become a matter of time. Will Larymnas hold until relief arrives, or will Sescos and her allies march to find the city already in ruins?

12th of May

Following the creation of it's 'Merchant Marines', The Empire of Attolia calls for other nations to join it in this initiative, attempting to encourage the creation of a web of international allies, aiding each other in the far corners of the world. How the other nations of Europe will react to this still stands to be seen.

15th of May

The Eman of The Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar announces that it will actively act in the defence of the rebel groups in The Redcliff Empire colonies. It condemns Redcliff's 'brutal' treatment of the Hijeens, and swears that it will "crush the Redcliff Navy" if they attempt to land troops to reinforce their control over the colonies.

18th of May

The Akkadian Empire begins raising more troops, spurred on by the escalating conflict in Europe. The recruitment drive meets with relative success. The Empire's people do not wish to be dragged into a war in Europe, preferring to keep to their own borders. However the population is loyal to Emir Tekir Ayvaz, and the army swells.

21st of May

The Three City's Republic of Ianian sends a diplomatic party to The Akkadian Empire, attempting to secure better relations between the two nations. Considering their deteriorating relations with their historical allies, The Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar, Akkadia is surprisingly open to this new diplomatic party. The Three City's Republic is welcomed, and relations improve, the two nations considering how best further their mutual interests.

25th of May

The Echyan Empire makes a bold offensive move. The Echyan navy is the powerhouse of the nation, and it is brought to bear against The Redcliff Empire . With the entirety of the Redcliff navy docked at Travton, Redcliff find's itself almost defenceless as the Echyan navy raids along the coast. Barraging the coastal towns and cities of the Provinces of Ventir, Novus Trav and So Tren, the Echyans exact a bloody toll.

28th of May

The Kingdom of Ilastiri, finding itself still at odds with the growing alliance of The Kingdom of Claidor and The Empire of Rubrus, reach out to The Republic of Oflua, hoping to find a potential ally. The escalating conflict that the Republic finds itself in lends them a more sympathetic ear, and relations between the two nations begin to rise. Ilastiri possesses an impressive army, and the Republic quickly begins work on encouraging the Kingdom to lend their forces to the war.

@Murtox Accepted. Feel free to move your sheet over to the Character Tab, and I'll get to work on your Nation Overview.
"If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs, obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud. Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues, my friend, you would not tell with such high zest to children ardent for some desperate glory, the old Lie; Dulce et Decorum est Pro patria mori." -Wilfred Owen

Summer of 1799

25th of April

The Redcliff Empire makes their move. Mobilising their army already gathered in the Province of Ventir, they march east, and cross the border into The Echyan Empire. The army, numbering a staggering more than forty five thousand of Redcliff's finest soldiers. At their head, is a man that many consider to be one of the greatest generals alive, General Melezio Parenti, renowned for his ingenious offensive strategies. The army marches south, making for the coastal city of Kolceg with all speed.

27th of April

Whether inspired by the actions of their allies, or determined to fight back against their invaders, The Kingdom of Sescos announces conscription across the nation. This is met with resounding success, as thousands of men answer the call, desperate to defend their homeland. The effort almost cripples the nation's economy, but it is judged a more than necessary evil.

30th of April

The Empire of Attolia announces the creation of what it has dubbed The Merchant Marines. The frigates of the Attolian neighbours are quickly prepared, and begin patrolling the waters surrounding Attolia and her colonies. It indisputably reduces the threat of privateers and pirates, but the largest impact it has is increasing the sense of security across Attolia's holdings. With the news of colonial uprisings already spreading across the globe, seeing the active efforts of Attolia to protect her people helps settle nerves.

1st of May

The army of The Redcliff Empire reaches the outskirts of the Echyan Empire city of Kolceg. Unsurprisingly, the city garrison is dwarfed by the size of the invading army, but in the harbour of the city, a considerable fleet of the Echyan Navy is docked. Even as the Redcliff army begins it's siege of the city, the guns of the Echyan ships open fire, and begin an unrelenting bombardment of the Redcliff army. Unable to properly combat the fleet, General Melezio Parenti instead focuses on shattering the city garrison. The guns of the artillery quickly breach the city walls, and the Redcliff soldiers butcher the garrison of the city that remain, the majority managing to flee to the relative safety of the Echyan fleet. With the city seized, the fleet withdraw, leaving Melezio to await his next orders.

3rd of May

In the Province of Ella, The Holy Territories of Edoniras forms 'The Holy Light', an army numbering more than twenty thousand and led by one of the Holy Territories leading generals. The intent for this new force is yet to be made clear, but there are some who are suspiciously watching the Pope. Despite this, the vast majority are too distracted with the religious festival occurring across Edoniras to notice.
Justice Cobalt
Location: Shadowell Manor: Front Gate
Skills: Charisma
Hit Points: 6

The hardened wood of the trunk nudged into Cobalt's back for the hundredth time. He gritted his teeth slightly, doing his best to ignore it. The trunk was ungainly, awkwardly strapped across the back of his steed, a snow-white gelding called Winter, and he was already regretting his decision to not arrive by carriage. The uncomfortable ride, as well as the chill in the air, could well have made Cobalt reconsider his journey, if it were not for the pressing urgency, and intrigue, of the letter he had received.

He looked around at the group that had gathered outside the imposing gate. Aside from noticing the abundance of females, little grabbed his attention. All the visitors wore masks, just as he did himself, so it was hopeless guessing the age, let alone the identity, of some of his new companions. There was one man, wearing a gold, beaked mask, that set Cobalt on edge. He couldn't be sure why, but he unconsciously shifted slightly, urging Winter forwards to place some more distance between himself and the stranger.

Inadvertently moving nearer the centre of the group, he found himself in the path of the apparent leader, or at least spokesman, for the group of guards that had arrived to meet them at the gates. Looking down from his saddle, Cobalt smiled, nodding his head in greeting.

"Well met, friend. But I wasn't expecting such high security at a party, should we be concerned?"

The man eyed the one who spoke with him. There was a high sense of wanting to answer the man and he just may have if it hadn't been for the sound of guns rustling from the other side of the gate and pointing towards the head of the one who had yet to dismount from his saddle. A darker skinned man with beady bright cerulean eyes spoke up, "Cas, you want.." but his words were cut short as the man finally identified as Cas rose his hand sharply. The rifles lowered almost instantly.

"I would dismount and move through that gate if I were you," Cas stated in a warning tone.

Cobalt glanced warily across at the bright eyed man, but only for an instant. Smiling again, he swung his leg around and dismounted Winter. Pausing to rub behind the horses ear for an instant, he turned to face 'Cas'.

"Of course. My thanks."

Placing Winter's reins into the tall man's hands, Cobalt strode across to where Leo stood in the gateway. Pulling his invitation from a pocket of his thick overcoat, he held it out for the lumbering guard to inspect, the smile never wavering from his face.
"If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs, obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud. Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues, my friend, you would not tell with such high zest to children ardent for some desperate glory, the old Lie; Dulce et Decorum est Pro patria mori." -Wilfred Owen

Summer of 1799

11th of April

To further strengthen the bond between their two nations, Prince Pashkov Sadoski, brother to King Jakub Sadoski of The Kingdom of Claidor, announces his engagement to Empress Alina Romanovna, ruler of The Empire of Rubrus. This clear sign of intent from both parties only shows how strong the alliance is quickly becoming. The wedding itself is set to occur within a few months.

13th of April

The Republic of Toubres continues its colonial expansion, largely ignoring the war consuming Europe. An expedition sails south from Toubrian Rilos, careful to give a wide berth to the newly establish coastal fort of The Kingdom of Aontas. Their already established trade with the natives of the new land helps ease the establishment of the new colony, and soon the Colony of Toubrian Guerra.

14th of April

The Kingdom of Ubren honours its alliance with The Redcliff Empire and weighs in on the Sescos crisis. They pledge their support for The Kingdom of Sescos and begin mobilising their troops. They offer their full support to Redcliff, and to The Hastel Dominions in any offensive they make against the enemies of Sescos.

16th of April

The Three City's Republic of Ianian announces a new economic scheme, allowing prospective factory owners to secure loans to establish these centres of industry all across Ianian. The plan is not an immediate success, but neither is it a failure. A steady stream of entrepreneurs, and already existing business owners, take the loans, and the already industrialised nation continues down the path of industrial revolution.

19th of April

In a diplomatic statement, The Republic of Toubres directly addresses The Kingdom of Aontas. In a bid to avoid war between their colonial holdings to the west, Toubres suggests dividing the continent, and it's potential land, suggesting that Aontas stays on the north bank of the inland sea, and Toubres will stay on the south. They address the formation of the Aontas colony of Suveren, and request that the island be demilitarised, so as to prevent the building of tensions, but as a sign of goodwill, do not request that Aontas abandon the colony.

21st of April

The Empire of Rubrus announces a celebration in honour of the announcement of the royal wedding, and begin a mass training of their army. This unsurprisingly further damages relations with their neighbour, and historical rival, The Kingdom of Ilastiri. The training itself is of moderate success. Rubrus commands a sizeable detachment of Militia Divisions, who struggle with the rigours of the new training, but the professional bulk of the army take to it well, and there is evident improvement. Although what Rubrus is preparing for, is not yet clear.

24th of April

The remaining half of the invading force of The Republic of Oflua, under the command of General Yurij Zayets, continues its march towards Larymnas, the capital of The Kingdom of Sescos. Despite his aides imploring him to flee, King Bakos MΓ‘tyΓ‘s refuses to abandon the city, pledging to defend it, even manning the walls himself if it comes down to it. But the capital is only defended by a meagre garrison, and there is little doubt that the Ofluans will reach the capital before relief can come from the Sescosi army to the north, or from the Province of Osnic to the south.

Salvio winced slightly as he tightened the last strap of his armour, feeling the pressure against his bruised ribs, but he gritted his teeth against the pain. Pulling the tattered remains of a blanket from where it lay, discard, amongst the wrecked remains of the groups camp, Salvio wiped his two hammers clean, before strapping them to his belt. Hearing pounding of hooves, he tensed suddenly, gripping the handles of his weapons before he turned to see that it was not another cavalryman. Instead, Agatho had descended from his perch upon the rooftop of the ruined mansion and retrieved his warhorse from wherever it had been waiting during the skirmish.

Seemingly taking it upon himself to take command of the group, the mercenary barked out orders to the other β€˜possessed’. Salvio ached too much to protest, and shrugged slightly, turning to prepare his simple belongings for their journey. To his surprise, Agatho turned to him, and spoke in a clam voice that seemed macabrely out of place in the midst of the carnage that the two of them stood in.

Salvio gestured towards where the footmen still struggled against the bolts of ice that pinned him to the floor, and when he spoke his voice was hoarse.

β€œThe witch has one of them trapped over there. As for our attackers, all I know is that they knew we were here. And that doesn’t fill me with trust.”
"If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs, obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud. Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues, my friend, you would not tell with such high zest to children ardent for some desperate glory, the old Lie; Dulce et Decorum est Pro patria mori." -Wilfred Owen

Summer of 1799

3rd of April

A group of colonists embark from Caledonia, the colony of The Empire of Attolia. Under orders from the Emperor himself, a Line Infantry Division is ordered to accompany the settlers, as well as a handful of the Empire's sloops. Relations already established with the natives of the southern part of the island helps smooth the process, and the colonists quickly begin building a settlement. Before long, New Caledonia is established.

6th of April

While The Kingdom of Sescos still awaits the total support of The Redcliff Empire, and The Echyan Empire hesitates in the face of the strength of Redcliff, it is The Republic of Oflua that acts. Officially declaring war against Sescos, the armies of Oflua make their move. Keen on further securing their control of the waters surrounding the two nations, and striving to drive a wedge to divide the nation in two and bring a swift conclusion to the war, more than thirty thousand of the Republic's soldiers march across the border into the capital Province of Sescosi.

7th of April

A Diplomatic party from The Three City's Republic of Ianian arrives into The Echyan Empire capital of Kallidos, with an offer of exemption from the Mediterranean Tax of 1799 if Echya agrees to withdraw their alliance with The Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar and instead pledge their support for the peace summit proposed by the Pope. The offer, however, comes one day too late. With the offensive of The Republic of Oflua, Echya finds its hand forced. War is a reality, and even the fleet of Ianian cannot offer the support that Dashkatar is able to. They reluctantly refuse the offer, and suggest that the Ianian party leaves, before it is too late. Before the day is out, Echya has declared war on the Kingdom of Sescos.

9th of April

The invading force of The Republic of Oflua splits in two, marching to the north and to the south, to cut off the capital from supporting forces. In a brave, but potentially reckless move, King Bakos MΓ‘tyΓ‘s orders his own troops to march out and meet the Ofluans in open battle. Desperate to not be cut off from potential allies to the north, the army of The Kingdom of Sescos, led by the Kings own son, Prince Pieter, marched to intercept the northern branch of the Republic's forces. Catching the Republic's army as it crossed the River Kairis, the battle is ferocious. In what is either tactical brilliance, or sheer luck, the Prince positions his forces to exploit the marshy grounds lying on the western bank of the River Kairis. The superior numbers of the Republic quickly prove ineffective, as they struggle to traverse the difficult terrain, finding themselves at the mercy of the Prince's cannons. The fighting is bloody, for both sides, but the Prince holds his ground, and drives the Republic back across the river. The water runs red with blood, and almost five thousand men lie dead. The Republic's northern army falls back, but news soon reaches the army still in the south.

With the main capital garrison occupied in the north, the southern forces of the Republic change their course, and quickly make their way towards the Kingdom's capital of Larymnas.
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