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Active and in Texas
Serena can have mechanics nerd friends now!

Spess lesbians!

The most Lezzy of Spess Lesbians.

I don't know what this is but I want one.

Various Characters

13th hour


Zanna let the Fox walk, quietly moving through the facility, tapping away on her datapad. She didn't trust the fox, keeping one guard between her and Talon. Someone from Nar Shadda was probably a thief, and she didn't want any prisoners with light fingers around her. Will have to press about the human girl and Nar Shadda, but carefully. It seems to be a touchy subject. Once Sish and Nimm get their hands on them, it'll be easier to talk about things, and hopefully get them to open up. She saved her information on the fox and put away the data pad, looking up as the fox was put back into the cells. The human girl with the missing hand was just coming out, her eyes going wide at the sight Xid was in. While she rushed over to the boy, with the fox following, Zanna pointed at the Echani boy. He would do.

"You. Come with us, quietly. Do not cause trouble."


After her swiftly being beaten down by the lizard, and they took away Xid and Talon regardless, Nazca went to her cell room. There wasn't anything else to do, and she wasn't going to give the Sith the pleasure of seeing her seethe in the main area. She had no doubt that they were still watching her, but she wouldn't have them seeing her get angry in the main area. She had some kind of dignity. Sitting in her cot she muttered curses under her breath and stared at the wall. Why was she so weak? She couldn't save her family. She couldn't stop her urchin gang from falling apart. She couldn't stop the Hutts from killing all of her friends. She couldn't even stop the Sith from taking all that they wanted from the library. She was weak and these fuckers keeping her and her friends here knew it. She'd have to do something about it. But not on their terms. She wouldn't give them the satisfaction of knowing they had gotten to her.

Her head lifted as she heard the doors opening, and someone walking back in. Walking out, curious to see who was in. Her breath caught in her throat at the sight Xid was in. Burned, broken, and lacerated. That fucking lizard had done quite the number on him. She didn't even notice the others coming back in, hurrying to his side. Nazca turned him over, getting a look at his injures, hissing in frustration. "Does anyone here know how to do Force Healing? She asked to the room at large, ignoring the armed troopers and Red Sith around them.

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