Avatar of Ryonara
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  • Old Guild Username: Malakaus
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
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    1. Ryonara 10 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
Current Just because you "fight a good fight" doesn't mean you didn't do horrible things.
7 yrs ago
Not feeling too great everyone. Sorry if you're waiting on me.
8 yrs ago
I'm sorry for anyone who was waiting for me. Some real life stuff happened, but for now things seem calm. I'll try to post in my RP's ASAP.


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Sonia Weaver

For some reason or another, Sonia's portent didn't really tell her anything. Something strange must be going on for her spell to have had no effect; usually it works just fine. Instead Lotte and Duncan went on ahead, making Sonia curse under her breath. Seemed like the only action left to do now was go forward. The creature had surfaced and the cries for help were gone; at least now Sonia knows that the screaming was some sort of trap. No doubts this create is dangerous but whether or not it can be negotiated with will have to be seen. Sonia cased her Tongue's spell so if this creature was intelligent enough to understand languages, she can communicate with it. And if it was just some mindless creature that attacks and eats people, than it'll have to be put down. Sonia had a hand on her spellbook and Owldin was ready to intercept if the creature attacked.

"We're from the surface, investigating these sewers for something that attacked our people. You wouldn't happen to have anything to do with that, do you?" Sonia called out. To everyone she was just speaking English, but to this creature she was speaking whatever language it knew. If it spoke back, Sonia would understand it.

I'm still here and working on a post, I just have almost nothing to work with since apparently Sonia didn't see anything with her portent. You guys effectively acted like she didn't do anything so I didn't really know what to do.
I’ll try and post later today.
I think I can speak for all of us when I say we don’t really have anything left to do. I only posted becaus I didn’t want ya to go over the four day limit and I don’t want to stall with more plans than nessisary. I’m willing to wait to see how Orchid and Kyra’s plan works out but honestly I think that should just be covered as a roll ooc so we can move onto the next phase.
With Kyra off to grab those disguises Parum took some time to walk around the camp some more, this time looking for a good escape route. She needed the questest path out of the camp after tabbing Leosin, preferably one with a lot of cover. But not tents: too risky that the party will get ambushed. She hoped maybe they could get horses too but that was a long shot. Another idea she had was poisoning some of the food and water. Can’t chase them if they’re sick.

”One thing at a time. Don’t bite for more than you can chew.

Parum decided to start making out an escape route in her head, marking her path in her head. Night was falling but it was still clear enough for her to look around most of the camp. She needed to remember this pathbonce night falls and things get dark. Put her brain to work.
I was actually considering something like that. It's going to be a bit of a nerf, but just to keep within the spirit and ability of the spell, specify only one "vision" instead of divergent ones. That way Sonia knows what will happen if she specifically does what she saw, but not if anything outside of that vision interferes. For example, Lotte going in on her own. Sonia didn't see that coming.

Yukari Yozakura

After dropping off her things in her dorm Yukari went out to do some shopping. She needed some more products for herself as well as those noise canceling earbuds. She decided to stay in her uniform for now, since it wasn't that dirty yet and she can change into something more comfortable once she's back from her errands. Picking up her purse and her cane Yukari went out into the city and did her shopping. It didn't take her long and she got everything she needed in one place so she was heading back soon. Along the way she was testing out the new earbuds. They were a bit confusing for her to use so she was trying her best to learn them. She figured out how to do noise canceling so that she didn't hear anything, but then she toned it down so only certain loud noises or things close can be heard. As she was playing around she heard a strange noise. It sounded like a car just scraped against a wall. There was also people talking about a fight. Yukari had to be there now.

She slipped around the crowds using her flexible body to go between the cracks and underneath others, eventually slipping inside a small allyway near the commotion. Tying the bag around her waist Yukari climbed up the wall, grabbing bricks and pipes to bring her up to the rooftop level. It smelled like oil and lint up here. She moved closer and could hear someone's voice. Something about a monster. Was there a villain on the loose? Yukari needed to know more so she crept closer and listened in, adjusting the earbuds so she only heard what was in the alley. "What's going on?" She whispered.

@Lucius Cypher
Sorry about that. Just as a squishy wizard, Sonia knows better than to go to the water and expecting nothing bad happening. If you want, you can just PM me whatever you're willing to tell Sonia and I'll try to work with that.

I guess I should also alter the Portent spell too, if this is going to be a reoccurring problem. I should mention that Sonia's portent is less effective in a chaotic situation like a fight simply because it's a chaotic situation; there are many variables which Sonia can see, but she obviously can't react to all of them. Really a situation like this is the best time for Sonia to use her portent since aside from what's going on in the water, she isn't in any immediate danger that she's aware of.
I feel the less detailed divination just leave it too open for blanket answers or what I call genie answers. Stuff like asking "Will there be danger in the next room" could be answered with "Yes, because life is dangerous". Maybe not that extreme but you know what I mean right? Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer, and just waste everyone's time and look stupid for asking questions instead of charging into things. It's not as if I want Sonia to just stand there and look at the water, but she can't do or dole out orders until she knows what she saw. And that's what I've been waiting to hear.

I'll admit a spell like Portent is pretty powerful is used as intended, and it's intended to be used with the GM's too. I'm kind of hoping that you guys do already know what's in the water and what's happening/could happen, and not making it up until we get there. Sonia is suppose to be an information gathering type, but that sort of role doesn't work well if there's no information for Sonia to gather.
Sorry. I mainly did intend Portent to be used as a scouting ability for situations like this. It'll basically allow Sonia to ask "What if I do this" and then learn what would happen if she did it. Divination magic in general tends to work like that, figuring things out before you have to go into it. No use in seeing things that just happened after all.
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