Avatar of Ryonara
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  • Old Guild Username: Malakaus
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
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    1. Ryonara 10 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
Current Just because you "fight a good fight" doesn't mean you didn't do horrible things.
7 yrs ago
Not feeling too great everyone. Sorry if you're waiting on me.
8 yrs ago
I'm sorry for anyone who was waiting for me. Some real life stuff happened, but for now things seem calm. I'll try to post in my RP's ASAP.


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My heart is racing, because I made exactly a 7. I think that means he's disarmed.
"Tch!" Ulhar is blasted by the man's magic, however he's not down yet. He was surprised to see that this man could use spells without a pouch or a focus, but perhaps his glaive itself was the focus? Ulhar had heard some spellcasters who used weapons as foci, or had some sort of accessory attached to the weapon. Regardless Ulhar knew what he had to do. "Someone grab his weapon!" Ulhar lashed out and slashed at the man's hands aiming to force him to drop his glaive. Someone else in the group would have to grab it afterwards, less the man just pick his glaive up again and cast another deadlier spell.

Do you allow the disarming action? I think Ulhar is going to try and knock this guy's glaive out of his hands since he's also using it as his spellcasting focus.

@Guardian Angel Haruki I'll need Najila to pick it up the glaive if he drops it though since Ulhar's hands are full, unless he can quickly hold his sword in his mouth and pick up the glaive afterwards.
After receiving his gear, Ulhar was thankful to the group and wouldn’t take too long to gear up, which mostly consisted of putting on his shield and strapping his sword onto his hip. His totem hung around his neck openly, which appeared to be some sort of small state depicting a runic of some sort. There was no time to explain its significance however as the group moves forward into the next area. It looked familiar enough when suddenly, the enemy appeared!

Ulhar readied a spell to entangle the enemy when he realized that a new figure approached. A menacing warrior armed with an equally menacing weapon. Ulhar knew he was too close to this warrior and if he did cast his spell now, the first would no doubt try and strike him down. Not to mention this warrior was far too close to the other, less well armored members than Ulhar would like. So he turned to the hooded warrior and roared in his language at the dragon skull warrior, running towards the warrior. “You will harm no one!” As soon as Ulhar was in front of the warrior, and ideally out of sight from Sarfyr, Ulhar casted a spell onto the warrior to freeze him in place and drew his scimitar.

I know this might sound annoying, but could I get some sort of visual on what the current battlemap looks like? I want to try and cast entangle on our enemies but I don't really know what the battlefield looks like and I'd rather not end up catching everyone in the AoE or not being close enough to cast my spells without using an action to dash.
I should try and figure out what Mori could do. Been too long since I posted.
Ulhar's things are in the same storage room where the others got their items at, right? I really hope Ulhar doesn't have to fight the next battle effectively naked.
Looking to the pale orcish woman and the roughing looking man, Ulhar can tell that they don't seem to trust him. It was understandable considering their common enemy also shares common traits with him. "I understand your fear. We are not safe." Ulhar motions down to the unconscious man on the floor. "Our enemy uses poison that can put you to sleep. Just like what they used on me. I do not know their numbers, but I know they have many. You are right that we must move forward. And, to show good faith that I mean you no harm, allow me to do this for you." Kneeling back down to Ulhar, he tries his best to awaken Nadir mundanely using what little medical knowledge he knew. He was starting to regret not taking his shaman's healing lessons more seriously. Ulhar began to pray over the body, blessing himself with magic in order to get a better idea of how to heal this man of his afflictions. And if he's wounded in any way, Ulhar would also use what little magic he can manifest to heal him.

After he did what he could for Nadir, Ulhar looks to the rest of the group. "As I said, I cannot use most of my magic without my totem. But if you are wounded, I can call upon Summer Balm to heal you. I've no doubt you had to fight your way up here, and I am a skilled in magic healing. I only wish to help everyone escape this place with their lives. Failing that, I will ensure that if I fall, it will be in your defense."

I don't mind starting a new campaign, but like Harbinger says, I'd really rather not start at level 1 again. It's a rather painful and boring experience. Though I do still want to keep using Parum, though I'll probably change her from a Lore Bard to a College of Eloquence Bard. Their abilities sound excellent for someone like Parum.
Ulhar nods. "Without my totem, I cannot cast my stronger spells spells. However I can provide you Summer Balm if you are wounded. If like me, your items were taken, but now you are armed. I guess my totem is in the room you came from." He looks in the direction the others came with a small nod. "As for your friend, I am not sure. I was about to see to his health." Turning back to the man known as Nadir, Ulhar chanted a simple prayer over himself (Cast Guidance) as he checked the man about his condition. He hasn't stirred since Ulhar saw him and hoped that he was not dead. "I do not know of his wife, or this book. However before I was captured, I know a room that look like a study. This is a mountain fortress, and there are others in a eating hall. Well... This place look like eating all, but not many people here. They must've moved people before I woke. Let me think... There is a sleeping room, four beds. Next to room where I saw elven man question others. And last, there is magic teleporter room. Some bodies brought did not move... I do not know what became of them."

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