Avatar of RyuShura
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  • Old Guild Username: Ryushura
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
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    1. RyuShura 10 yrs ago
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Hello, there really isn't much to see here. :^D

In case you were wondering, yes, I drew my profile image. Do you like it? I think it has a depressing sort of beauty.

Disclaimer: I can sometimes be a little too honest, and my standards might be too high. People don't like that. But let it stand on record that I also view myself with the same light. I would not criticize others if I am not willing to take criticism myself. Be mature. Don't hold stupid grudges. If you've come here to scope me out, to find some shameful detail or quench some personal spite because my honesty upset you in some way, -- I'm sorry but there is nothing here for your desperate attempt at self-validation. I will settle the pettiness with an apology. Sorry. Happy?

I can't do anything more than that.

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@Excal Because of the unstable nature of the ecosystem, as a result of the failing magic of this world. Yes, there are places where anomalies exist. Like in the STALKER games, they are highly volatile and dangerous, distorting physics and other oddities. They seem to appear and disappear randomly too.

And as a note, every person must have an I.T. Even the poor. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to access even basic functions of the city, such as public terminals and even crossing certain checkpoints. And most people have been instilled fear about losing their I.T. Tampering with them is like tampering with someone's heart or brain. It's seen as taboo. And by implant, I might have insinuated that it was something easily visible to the eye. It's more like a molecular sequence embedded into their body. A sort of D.N.A.

As @Rune_Alchemist pointed out, there is not nearly enough manpower to get rid of the bodies. And humans are known to be prone to 'failings'. So this method was devised as a way to ensure the suppression of the gene.

People who stray away from the reaches of the system, i.e. Divers, are risking the gene activating when they die. But not really, at the same time. The system is meant to monitor the gene and the I.T., but the I.T. will still activate upon death. And even if it does fail somehow, the city is not held accountable for whatever happens. They are seen as a mercenary force.

I hope that answers everything. I have been busy lately. But I think I will have time tonight to make the big post.
@Excal Artificers/Collectors have trained themselves to see 'patterns', essentially repeating or similar chunks in a given jumble of Hieracon code. They don't actually know what it means. But usually, a repeating command represents an activation function of some sort. By using process of elimination, they can deduce a correct command. This is commonly in the form of a gesture or some sort of phrase, or whatever. After this, they can use it to activate a :link. Think of it as something of a password. It is common for certain 'types' of links share similar commands. They can pass on this knowledge to other people, allowing them to use the specified :link. But then again, these things are quite rare. And knowing the code helps bring out the 'full potential' of the device.

When viewing the Hieracon in any given device, it pops out in a chaotic manner, flowing in the air around the device like a fleeting tapestry. Ciphers tamper with code through being able to understand what it actually means. They can manipulate it through touch, or by rearranging the words and commands mentally. These 'gifted' people can touch it and warp it. As such, 'Hieracon', this arcane language, is not intangible to them.

But like any machine, mess with the programming too much and it might began to malfunction. And they can't command it to do things it cannot possibly do.

As for the 'Sin' gene, it is said to be a genetic malformation caused by the 'intolerance' of magic. Not much is known about it other than that. Even that information is quite uncommon in itself. Those who have experienced what happens when the gene activates are usually not around anymore. No records at all.
@RumikoOhara The others haven't gotten back to me yet. So if you want, you can do what Excal did and post an idea. If it's swell, I'll consider just having you pump out the others.
@Excal I really like the potential for lot of side plot action, and a bit of relevance on the main plot as well. You already know the deal. If you have any more elaborate ideas regarding that detail, just tell me. I'm sure I can do something about it. Throw her in.

On that note... I will begin work on the Introductory IC post. Probably won't start today. But who knows.
@RumikoOhara Ah. Thank you for understanding! I'll be sure to notify you if I can confirm that spots are open. If not, I did indeed have plans for a temporary 'Guest' slot in some parts of the story. It's just very messy right now with all the sheets coming in and people asking questions, so I'm not even sure myself.

And thanks for the support. I appreciate it. Seems like a lot of people who are running cyberpunk things are popping in here. I wish you the best of luck to your own project! :^D
@RumikoOhara Welp. Guess I have to accept you now...

Normally, I'd say 'just kidding', but I might actually have to turn you away. I didn't expect the surge of interest all of a sudden, honestly. I want to see how many people we have for sure and then work out who I want from the waiting list. I have to abide to my own rule of 6, unfortunately.

Though it is first to be approved, so if you impress me more than someone else...

EDIT: Fuck using phones to type. Ugh.
@ReusableSword Oh, snap I seem to have missed it. Cursed phone! Augh! He's approved! Add him to the list. And you just reminded me, that there should be gas/filtration masks in the list of standard of Diver gear. Thank you!
Witches are a rather new phenomena. Their mutation, or whatever it is, has somehow also eluded the system. But the difference, is that whatever changed about them grants these people powerful, wild abilities. As I eluded a few times, a witch/warlock is what caused the collapse of District 26. It is hard to tell whether it was one alone, or many, that caused so much havoc. But that should be enough of a tell. These folks are a real threat to the current society. 'Magic' as it were, is seen as the reason the world was nearly destroyed in the first place.

Yeah, nothing that crazy. If the ancestors could control time, they wouldn't be gone. Maybe artifacts might have some pretty crazy effects, but these are just relics. Not to say they are weak, by any stretch of the imagination.
@Excal You got the basic ideas, I'd just like to add in a few extra details.

Crasher/Launchers specialize in high-powered technology. But not 'Advanced'. This usually ends up with big weapons, lower end power armor, etc. So yeah, they're weapon specialists. But they are often tanks too.

Artificers/Collectors - yeah pretty much.

Ciphers - Yeah, this is a good way of putting it. Technically, anyone having enough knowledge of Hieracon can use :links, so it makes sense these people can too. But because of their mutation, they have to carry less to avoid detection. Did I put that in there? I'll check later.

Techs - I see them in as more technical and practical, in terms of machinery at least, than Artificers/Collectors. Because they usually have some form of modded body replacement, they are not as restricted to cool downs. Obviously, they don't have the vast amount of options that :links provide, as a result.

I added in a new class recently the 'Mechanic' - Basically a cross between a techy and a crasher/launcher, who handles robots. Pretty simple.
@Excal Damn. You're good at this. Nah, that's enough I need to see. You're in. Uh, pick whatever you think is most interesting and would add a nice dynamic twist to the already established cast.

And your world idea sounds interesting too! Mine just came from a stem of wanted something more 'Grand' and 'Metaphysical', something daunting and complex by which to challenge myself. I think it has a nice medley of ugly and beautiful.
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