Avatar of Saber
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: ANMC
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 166 (0.04 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Saber 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Fucked my arms up on some barbed wire
5 yrs ago
Nothing is essential//
6 yrs ago
Reaching out broke my heart. The following silence reminded me of my desires. The shards discarded, I quickly departed.
7 yrs ago
That's grim.
7 yrs ago
I don't feel like me when I take my medicine.
1 like


She's back.

Most Recent Posts

@Vashonn Answered. Sorry about the delay! Hope it's adequate for ya.

@13org Hahaha, word. I've been busy, as of late.

Chances are the IC will be going up sometime soon. Like, tomorrow night. I have a guest over, right now, however, who will be staying with me for a couple of days; so me and him might be out doing stuff for a while. I'll do my best not to get delayed; super excited to get the ball rolling on this one~!
That's the sound of the fifteens while they're hittin' in my trunk.

Said bump, bump, bump~
@Fox of SpadesAlright, that's cool. Thanks for the heads up.
@VashonnI apologize, I did not see it. Alright, take your time! I'm not planning to start up until sometime early next week.
Bump because I'm finally gonna go to sleep.
@Fox of Spades Ahaha, nah, you're fine. I'm putting off starting the In-Character for a few days. So, take your time reading up on whatever ya need to.
Getting a little too saucy with those gyrations. And probably slowly consuming someone, choking in the process.
Hello. I'm Saber. I'm looking to spend time on smaller projects while I run a group RP. I don't necessarily do a lot of planning, when it comes to 1x1 'plots' (though I do usually have some stuff in mind), but that's not to say that settings are something I'm lacking in. Basically, I'm saying I'm gonna provide a baseline idea and we're gonna run with it.

You cool with that? Awesome.

I'll be adding more ideas, later on.

A couple things:


@13org Here ya go!

Fixed the link in the intro post, too.
Made another Discord. I shouldn't end up locked out of this account. So, hopefully we can have some OOC discussion in there.

It's not super fancy or anything, but I plan to do more work once I get to a computer.

Not that it'll be super fancy, then, but it'll at least be more organized.
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