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In Ѧasks 8 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay

Jimmy Breeze



The Bombers (MC).



Jimmy stands at about 5'10" and 163 lb with a lean yet toned, muscular build that gives him a distinct frame. His skin is of a pale tone, far more tinted than most people you could compare him to, and he has a fair bit of body hair on his arms, chest, and legs. Nothing too outrageous, but something you'd see on a well grown man. He has a tattoo on his neck of a spider crawling up his body, another on his chest of a wiccan sun, barbed wire that runs down the entire length of his right arm, and a skull on his left bicep. His fingers on both hands also have small tattoos of trees and odd looking symbols (sort of like hieroglyphics). All tattoos are done in black ink.

Jimmy's fashion is a blend between 1980's punk rock anarchist, and grunge skater. For the most part he wears a black and light gray Thrasher™ baseball tee, and faded (now light blue and torn) denim jeans cuffed at the bottom and fitted over top of either his all black Converse™ sneakers or grimy dark brown work boots. Every so often he'll wear his brown/tan letterman jacket worn with holes and covered in punk rock insignia (Dead Kennedys, Black Flag, Misfits, etc.) stitched into the jacket. Most of his clothing smells of old cigarettes and cologne, though you have to be close enough to smell them in the first place.

As for Jimmy's mask, he wears a green latex frog mask, which reflect upon his elusive yet charming personality.


As stated above, Jimmy is a very elusive man, who tends to distance himself from people and shy away from his emotions when things get too "real". He's been told he was a hard person to figure out, as if his true feelings were all over the place, but none of them clear to see. This is often covered up with the way he has for words, and the charismatic attitude he has when speaking. An introvert at heart, Jimmy is nearly always aware of his surroundings. He uses his senses, almost at all times to figure the situation out. Along with this, he is very judging. Despite being a fairly laid back and chill dude, he has a tendency to judge individuals based on little evidence and assumption. This isn't to say he's always right, but he's not always wrong either. It's not out of his nature to take a joke either. Jimmy generally has a very good sense of humor, and likes cracking one-liners given any appropriate chance he can. This has been frowned upon in the past by his family, but always seemed to boost the morale of his comrades. When he went to school, he had always been told he was the runt of his peers, and wouldn't amount to anything. Being labeled as a degenerate for a lot of his childhood years made him obsessed with the idea with rebellion and fighting against "the system". A lot of the time he spent in his room thinking. He was an idealist, though often thought too hard and never ended up chasing his dreams. He grew up being the kind of kid his parents were worried of having.

In terms of mannerisms, Jimmy will sometimes scratch the back of his neck awkwardly. This is the beginning of his junkie movements, which he's mostly been able to control, but if the need for a fix becomes too strong, he may start to become uncomfortable and fidgety. ON top of that, he likes to bite his lips. This started ever since he was a pre-teen, he enjoyed ripping dead skin off his lips when they chapped over. Al though it's never seen because of his mask, he still does it.


  • Haste: Jimmy moves like a switchblade. With very keen reaction time, he can move himself quickly from one place to another. He ran track in school, and has built up a fair bit of stamina and speed since then. Not only this, but Jimmy is very versatile and obtains a lot of flexibility. Running his is second favorite method of travel under motorbiking.
  • Observative: Knowing how to use all of his senses to his advantage, it was almost if Jimmy had a 6th sense. Even when he's high off his ass, he can still retain even some of his alertness.
  • Kickboxing: Muay Thai kickboxing lessons really paid off in the future. Jimmy has built up strong cardio as well as martial arts skills that are available in his arsenal.
  • Wise Guy: Jimmy has a way with words that have had people label him as a "wise guy" or "smart ass". His slick and appealing tone combined with the way he finds himself under peoples skin can either turn people away, or bring them to him really fast. It depends what he wants.


  • Merciless: There is no mercy to be taken toward the enemies of The Bombers. Unless they're women and children, of course, but nevertheless, this doesn't stop Jimmy from going on his occasional blood thirsty rage. Hey, if it happens to you, you probably had it coming. Sometimes he just doesn't know when to stop.
  • Weak Willpower: Being hooked on hard drugs gives you withdrawal from time to time. Jimmy hasn't ever really had good willpower as it gets broken so easily. Temptation via sex, cocaine, or money may be his greatest flaw. If you want him to do something, bribery may just be the best route.
  • Grudge Holder: Though not always seen, Jimmy holds grudges against those who have wronged him. Something like an ill will set on an individual. He finds it difficult to let these sort of things go until he has exacted revenge on whoever it may be that drove him the wrong way. This can be over the littlest things, or the most extreme.


» His black 1985 Suzuki GSX-R Motorbike. The equivalent of his child. Rides it around everywhere.
» Getting high off cocaine. Jimmy tried it once a year ago and now he's hooked. He can't seem to get enough of it, and the massive cloud-drifting high he gets is better than sex from any woman.
» Smoking cigarettes. Thus his clothes smell like ashes. He's been smoking for around three years now and there's no signs of him stopping.
» Pizza. A lot. He enjoys any greasy foods, but a nice slice of cheesy pizza from the fast food joint around the corner hits the spot every. Fucking. Time.
» Listening to punk music. Black Flag is his favorite band, and Black Coffee is his favorite song.
» Watching cinema. He's a sucker for romance movies. They're a guilty pleasure and nobody else knows about it.


» The Razors. Self explanatory.
» Cocaine. Strange, seeing as how he's addicted to the shit, but blow has just got old. It only causes him trouble in the long run, and it's not something he can just quit at any given time. The high itself is what he loves, but he can't seem to find that sort of feeling anywhere else.
» Loud chewers and obnoxious eaters. Shut your fucking mouth while you chew, asshole.
» Treason. Nobody should be attacking your own kind. Know who your friends are.
» Rules. To an extent they're fine, but breaking them just feels so much better. He finds a lot of the law infringes on his happiness, and that's just something he can't live by.

Arin - Jimmy and Arin go way back. They're childhood friends, really. Known each other for around six years now. Jimmy joined the Bombers a year before Arin did and most likely recruited him into it. He is like Jimmy himself, although tends to joke around more. He would tell you that he always had Arin's back, which was the truth. Arin is the fucking man, if you can dig it.

Jimmy is most often seen wielding an expandable police baton he bought off some dude. 100% solid steel.
In Ѧasks 8 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
Have no fear, a Bomber character is here.

Where's all the players?

Been waiting for others to post. Seems the RP really slowed down.
Psalm sat comfortably and started to watch those who were left come in. Around the table were all of the assumed "heroes" of this so called Multiverse. Only one of them looked even remotely human, and the disturbing nature of all the beings around him combined with the hot tea made Psalm feel warm in an oddly likable way. There was the girl and the (beautiful) anime man along with quasi-fox humanoid, a stout dark elf, and a very ghastly looking spirit. He reached for the tie wrapped around the collar on his yellow dress shirt and tugged it out to cool himself off slightly. Most people might wonder how a man with no face induces something such as tea, and to be fair, the concept was even a foreign one to Silverman as well. It's as if the liquid seeped down through an invisible mouth, and worked its way through the rest of his body. It disappeared. It was clear by now that this dark room was just the beginning of one big MMORPG, and he was a party member with all those around him.

Silverman was only halfway into his drink when an announcement was made. "Well, if you are all ready, the door to the first world should be opening soon." the digitized voice by the name of Code behaved hastily, but that didn't tend to bother him much. With not much word after that, a door to the party's left emitting a calm green smoke from around the edges and lifted itself from the ground slowly. Code was opening the door for them.

"You need to find the person who's out of place." he continued, "We can find the worlds they are in but it is up to you to find the actual person in each world." Wait.. does this lead us to the crucible? Is this a common goal? So many questions.. It was as is Psalm sprung up out of his seat without question nor on his own accord and marched to the door, eager to start his quest. How hard could finding someone be? His eagle-eye vision was trained with years of Counter Strike TDM, and he wasn't just about to give up on these skills now. With a puffed up chest and high hopes, Psalm traversed through the green door and out the other side into the center of a forest. Tall trees surrounded him of lush dark basil color on all sides. In front of him stood a figure named Birth. He was immediately given a goal and brought up to speed on what the current objective was.

"This world is known as Toril. From the locals, I have gathered we are in one of the many forests in Cyrodiil." Isn't that from a video ga- "The person you are hunting is going by the name Ali Ababwa." Despite being given the clear instruction, Psalm was still a little confused on what they had to do. It wouldn't hurt to dart from his current position and leave, but it also probably wouldn't be the smartest thing to do either. Who said Psalm was smart? Nevertheless, he would follow for now.

"THIS IS GOOD AND ALL, BUT WHERE GO?" his voice echoed through the forest in its typical booming manner.
Can't wait for this RP to start rolling. In the meantime, how is everyone doing?
1/10...I don't understand it that's for sure. I'll admit looking up the lyrics, on a secondary site. I find it better written than like mainstream rap music and his albums have absurdly high reviews. So I guess somethings there. I usually appreciate weird as hell experimental music. But, I don't really like the noise genre either. So just my opinion but I just had trouble listening to it the whole way. The repetition and vocals of the chorus being my biggest complaint.

(And now the only good song of this band's newest album. :c)

6/10. The vocalist had a voice that matched and song, and it was fairly catchy that's for sure (sounded like an anime intro), but it's not something I'd avidly listen to at all. Can't say it lined up with my taste.

Dead Kennedys is a band I've been into for a while. I really enjoy punk and this is one of their most popular songs.
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