Avatar of Saltwater Thief


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6 yrs ago
Current Gonna be without power for a bit today, apologies if I don't speak much.
7 yrs ago
Have a few days off. Look for posts for sure today & tomorrow!
7 yrs ago
Just found out an online friend I used to RP with passed away very suddenly and unexpectedly. Didn't know them super well, but the news is saddening all the same =(
7 yrs ago
Family ate Thanksgiving a night early because of schedules. Will be tending to all my various posts tomorrow since I'll have time to do so!
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Long timer roleplayer, been at it for... god, almost 15 years now all told. Hasn't been all sunshine and roses, but I like to think I've improved somewhat steadily as time has gone on.

I generally like to play older characters, or at least toward the higher end of an age range. Also, just about all of my characters are caring and protective in some capacity, even the rare meanie that I make.

I play a mixture of male and female characters. I myself am a guy.

Generally speaking I try to post at least once per week.

Most Recent Posts

Should be ready for review. Apologies it took me a while to do.

@Saltwater Thiefare you still in this?

I would like to be, yes. I've been having PC troubles over the weekend that have interfered with a lot of stuff. I can work on a CS tonight and tomorrow!
I'm glad I saw this before I posted in your Interest Check. This sounds a bit like Drifters, I'm definitely interested if you have the space.


Sumi was a nonsense kid. He'd known that. She'd made it abundantly clear from her very demeanor since the day he'd met her. And nonsense kids tended to be a little... out there, in word, deed, and thought. But nowhere in Eleanor's lectures on nonsense versus logic had it been mentioned that they tended to ask someone to use abilities they did not have. He knew how to read air currents, how to fall through them and weave around them, and how to find the fastest slipstream in the immediate area, but understanding the wind and knowing how to use it and outright COMMANDING IT were very. Different. Things. Maybe in Sumi's home the wind was more affable, but in Sylvent nobody told the wind to do anything. And here she was, asking him to just do it offhand as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

"Sumi, I can't-" he was interrupted by a snarl of wind that tried to flip him over as he fell. It took some doing, but he did right himself.. and then recognized that even if Sumi could hear him, she'd probably ignore what he was saying.

"You've gotta be kidding me..." he muttered as he closed his eyes. It was no big deal, he tried to assure himself, except he had no idea how to begin. Well, when he had learned how to fall, so to speak, one of the things that had been drilled into him was to think of the air around him as an extension of his senses. That was as good a starting place as any, even if it would be taking the lesson just a bit literally. Alright, he thought, let's see. Extend your senses, read the wind, feel it, see what's doing, but instead of playing by it's rules tell it to take us to the Index-

"WHOA" he yelled as a sudden howl shattered his thoughts as the winds flared up and roared, tossing him and everyone else out of their freefall in a violent tempest. Alexander found himself being battered about in the wall of the windstorm as he fought to keep himself aright, but it seemed that in every second he gained some balance it was immediately torn away from him again. He knew it had been a bad idea, and here was the proof. The air had bucked him off like a wild stormwing, and now it would do who knows what with them. Why had he even tried? He wasn't some master of the sky! He was just a poor, lonely, lost boy who'd been flung far from home.


Wait, he thought as his eyes snapped open and his focus hardened instantly. He knew that noise. He'd heard it in his dreams, almost every night since he'd stepped off the ship. But this was no dream, of that he was certain. He struggled his way to a stable fall again, and immediately threw his head around in every direction. She was here. He heard her, the sound was more clarion than anything in his life, but by the clouds where?

Quietly, with an almost serene certainty, he began to feel her presence get closer. He turned his head to the side, where the outer wall of the tempest still raged, and as if it had been cued he began to see the shadowy silhouette of a great bird, wings splayed out in a grand glide come into form on the other side of the raging winds.

"Julie," he dared to breathe.

There was no mistaking it, not now that she was so close. He began to reach his hand out toward her, but he soon realized there was something in the way. Not just the howling air, but something like a veil, a shroud that came between them. Something told him it would be easy enough to breach, to rip straight through. And he so badly, so dearly wanted to do it, to reach out and touch her, to grab the feathers at the back of her neck and nestle his knees in the small of her back... but that would leave them all falling through an empty sky, and only he and one other he chose to catch would have salvation from the drop. Besides which... Sylvent was his home, but not anyone else's. They would all be stranded, unable to get back home or even to the school. To say nothing of their current task's completion. Tears welled up in his eyes only to be flicked away by the upward rush. He was so close, SHE was so close, yet still a world apart.


Julie spoke to him again. It was no tongue known to man, but he understood her perfectly. Even through the veil, her feelings resonated in his heart. And he knew the opposite was true. He couldn't give up. Whatever was troubling him, he could handle it. And... one day they would meet again, and soar as they ever and always had. Those were Julie's feelings. Alexander closed his eyes, etching the moment into his mind and soul.

"I'm coming home," he whispered, "I promise. Just not today."


"Thank you," He said as he opened his eyes again, a fire lit within them now. "Alright then, let's see where this goes!"

With a mustering of will he reached out to the air again. It had been his uncertainty, his fear that drove it wild before. Now, he was calm and determined. These winds WOULD listen to him, and they WOULD take them to the Line. And they would do it swiftly, gently, and without incident or loss. Those were his orders... and before his eyes the wind listened. The tempest slowed, growing tranquil by the moment, as Julie's shadow faded back into nothingness. And then they began to shift again, but this time in a structured fashion, forming a tube of winds further down that ran perpendicular to their current course.

"THERE! INTO THE SLIPSTREAM!" he yelled for the rest of the group to hear as he shifted his weight to align with it. He rolled himself to disperse the force of the direction change as he hit the streaming winds himself, and as a pack they were whisked away at incredible speed to their destination.

While the others took their turns, said their goodbyes, and quite literally took their number, Alexander quietly stood there with his brow furrowed in thought. Somebody had to stay here. Some sort of screwed up price for trying to get where they were going. Like everything else, to him it was more than a little ridiculous on principle alone. Tolls for passing through territory were nothing new of course, but demanding an entire person was unheard of. Plus, if passing through your territory was required to get to something important, it was generally agreed upon that making sure nothing went wrong with that important thing was part of your responsibility- or it was where he came from, anyway. And now, because of this, Hannah was planning on resigning herself to living in this dreary place ruled by jackasses.

He wanted to volunteer himself. Sure, the place was awful and dull, and he would never sleep right knowing how petty and stupid whoever ran the place was, but at least he'd have a piece of home in Wash. It would of course mean giving up his right to go home, but realistically speaking what were the odds of that anyway? How many people actually went home, and how many just learned to accept living in that boring place and 'graduated' that way? Would it really be that much of a loss for him? At the moment, he didn't think so.

But, before he could give his thoughts a voice, he looked Hannah in the eye and shut his mouth. She was resolved in doing this; he could see it in the way she looked back at him. He could object all he wanted, but he just knew that she would not move no matter what he said. And, well, that was something he had to respect.

"You've made up your mind then," he said unquestioningly as he walked toward her, "Alright then. Tell Wash I said hi, and that he's to make sure you get along here or else, right?"

He leaned in a little closer and spoke in an almost inaudible whisper, only for her to hear. "If I ever find my door, we're coming back for Wash. And for you."

And then he turned and took the the ledge at a run, vaulting over the parapet and into the unknown descent. The number ticked to 3.
Hmm. Let me do some thinkin here.

Gods, but the air was perfect up here. The wind was blowing, there was neither ground nor building to either side, and if Alexander didn't keep a hold of himself he was likely to leap off the edge and whistle for Julie. Although, he DID seem to remember Kade mentioning that they would be jumping at some point... He put those thoughts away for the moment, however, as he watched Sumi fumble around like a blind beggar in the air. He was going to ask what she was doing, but then she seemed to find something as a searing bright light emerged around her hands and the air began to grow hotter.

Alexander was no stranger to seeing through bright lights, so it took him a little less time than most to notice the number. Six. Now what on earth could that mean, he asked himself quietly. And now the air was turning icy cold. Almost as if the number had sucked up all the heat that had poured out and then some. But how could that be?

In no time at all the invaders had seen fit to encroach upon their position. The flight deck was soon nearly surrounded by batches of spider-like metallic monsters with glowing orange eyes to give them away. The reason for glow was clear almost immediately, and as Tian came under fire on one side of the formation Lucia found herself staring down laser blasts on the other. She had little time to react, but it was enough to throw out her hand and call forth a glowing green half dome of energy as Maltet flared to life. The barrier pulsed as the lasers impacted it, but amid the steam that erupted from the heat and the rain her defense held. With a swipe of the same hand the shield condensed itself, forming a singular aegis on Lucia's arm as her plasma sword surged with power and she ran forward, slashing through some of the slower small invaders as Mavis and Tian engaged the larger opponents.

At that point, Subaru called out to point to the far end of the rig, where she reported a functioning elevator to go farther in- provided its gatekeeper was dealt with. Lucia turned her head to take stock of things, and her mind raced to determine a course of action. The hostages- and whatever it was that Subaru had to do- needed to be reached and rescued, that much was true, but with an enemy assault ongoing and the gunship unable to provide combat support the landing zone would need to be monitored and a perimeter established. Wide open spaces with an emphasis on entrenching on one hand, tighter corridors with a demand for haste on the other.

"D'accord!" she yelled over the storm, "Subaru and four others, on me and into the rig! Everyone else, keep the LZ secure and ready to receive hostages! Allons-y!"

The light of her armor grew brighter still, a bright green comet amid Tian's fires as she charged toward the elevator. The invader before her fired at a steady rate, but as she continued to draw closer with no sign of stopping as the laser broke harmlessly on her shield it began to fire less intense blasts faster and faster, almost as if it was panicking. When she had closed to less than 20 yards Lucia coiled her legs and jumped, high into the air, dismissing her shield and taking hold of her sword with both hands. Energy surged into the blade as it grew from a longsword to a bastard sword to a zweihander and then larger still, crackling with emerald lightning before she began her descent.

With a great crash to rival the thunder in the skies above the blonde Striker slammed her weapon down atop the invader- or perhaps slammed it through the invader was more apt, as when the flash of the impact erupted and faded away it split cleanly in half down its middle and collapsed into a heap in front of her. Lucia rose to a standing position once again, reducing her weapon to a more managable size as she surveyed the area for any more surprises, then continued moving. The elevator was ahead...
Well friends, in light of an apparent complete loss of interest in almost all players, I think I'm going to close this one down for now. Maybe it needs some revamping, or perhaps I need to be better at communicating, I do not know. But if I decide to relaunch it down the road, all of you are welcome to join with your same characters. Happy RPing, and thank you for your time.
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