Avatar of Sarcelle Renard
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    1. Sarcelle Renard 8 yrs ago
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Urk, I'll do my best to get a post up once I get home from work!

Once Etsu's gotten all her paperwork and uniform allocation done, Igarashi's probably going to send her towards the newspaper club unless she has any other plans.

Excellent. More victims friends for Yuuhei!
Yuuhei Seiho

Saturday Morning - Newspaper Club Room

It took a fair amount of restraint to not laugh at his visitor’s slight retreat, but Yuuhei lost that tenuous grasp when she offered him an application for the club. The hearty chuckle subsided quickly and the president measured up the white haired girl with a now critical eye. Never in a million years would he have expected the shy looking girl to be interested in joining the Newspaper Club, but here she was, catching the normally perceptive blond totally off guard. Part of him wondered why someone like her would be interested in becoming a member, but he was simply far too excited from being surprised to care all that much.

”Are you now?” Yuuhei asked her good naturedly with a large smile as he plucked the application from her, turning away from her and holding it up to the light the same way one would hold a dollar to confirm it wasn’t a counterfeit. ”Ishikawa Natsume-chan, eh?” The name certainly didn’t ring any bells, but reading a little further confirmed his suspicion that she was indeed a first year. Man did it feel good to be right.

Wait, he was forgetting his manners. Again.

”Ah!” He looked over his shoulder so that he could meet Natsume’s eyes. ”By the way, I’m Seiho Yuuhei, the president of this fine club. And over there,” he said, gesturing at the dark haired girl in the corner that seemed to be trying to make Yuuhei’s head explode with her glare alone, ”Is Oshino Saika-chan, my vice president. She may look unpleasant, but don’t worry, she only rarely bites me.” While it was said teasingly, Yuuhei was certain that there had been times that Saika had honestly thought about biting his head off all too literally. But he liked to believe that was beside the point.

With a flourish, the president spun around to face Natsumi and dropped to one knee, the hand not holding her application over his chest. ”The newspaper club would be happy to have you,” he professed with all the urgency of a man that was proposing. ”I admit that we are a bit of an unruly bunch – well, at least I am – but I can guarantee that if you stick with us, your days will certainly become interesting.” And perhaps for the first time in the entire conversation, Yuuhei had a look that was completely genuine and serious. Too bad most of its impact was lost given the completely over the top pose he was striking, but hey, he was trying dammit.


Yuuhei Seiho

Saturday Morning - Newspaper Club Room

Even though he wasn’t even twenty minutes into his paperwork, Yuuhei was already starting to develop a small twitch in one of his eyes. It wasn’t difficult by any stretch of the imagination, but the dullness was quickly eroding away at whatever reserves of enthusiasm that the early morning had not already done away with. So when he heard a soft knocking on the club room’s door, Yuuhei’s eyes lit up with so much excitement that he almost perfectly resembled a dog that had just been called by its owner. In the background he could hear Oshino letting out a small groan, likely because she knew that the president’s productivity was about to take a sharp nose dive, but he chose to ignore her for the moment.

Peeking through the doorway was a young girl with white hair and a pair of dull crimson eyes, looking and sounding like quite the shy individual. Yuuhei couldn’t help but grin, as it was quite a rare sight for the club to get visitors. ”Come in, come in!” he called warmly, getting up from his desk to meet the mysterious stranger. As he approached her, the blond ran through his mental student directory and came up empty, meaning she was likely either a first year or a transfer. But once he was only a few feet in front of her, his gut started telling him that it was probably the former as she definitely looked young enough for the part.

”So what brings a beauty like yourself to our club?” Yuuhei asked the girl with a playful wink, interested to see what kind of reaction he could get out of her.

I'm still kicking as well
<Snipped quote by Crimmy>

Alrighty. Let's see what we can work with.

@Sarcelle Renard Hmm... is the newspaper club still accepting new members? I'm not entirely familiar with how newspaper clubs handle applicants.

They most certainly are, as they will be losing a few members due to third years graduating. And from my understanding, you simply have to express interest and sign an application form to become a member. That is of course assuming Yuuhei's personality doesn't scare the poor girl off first.
@Crimmy Sounds good to me boss.
@Crimmy Oh absolutely. It would practically be his duty to abandon his responsibilities at that point, much to the vice president's chagrin.
@Crimmy Well, he should spend the day getting paperwork for the club done, but it would be quite easy to tear him away from it.
Yuuhei Seiho

Saturday Morning - Newspaper Club Room


Yuuhei’s dart, which definitely didn’t exist if a Disciplinary Committee member asked, struck the map of Shikatsu with an ever gratifying noise. Specifically, it had hit the site of the rumored robot invasion, which had completely consumed the president’s attention since he had heard about it. So much so that he had gotten up early, making him the first to show up to the room that was unusually quiet for a change. But that silence was disturbed by the sound of his footsteps as he approached the map to get a closer look, his face scrunched up in concentration.

From a logical standpoint – well ok, maybe that was a bad term for this as there was nothing all that logical about rampant battle bots but still – Yuuhei couldn’t make heads or tails out of what they could have been after. To the best of his knowledge, none of the buildings within the vicinity held anything or anyone of significant value, not to mention there didn’t seem to be any routes that would let an entire battalion of robots just disappear into a puff of smoke like they had. All things considered, it sounded like a story that Yuuhei generally would have written off as another strange rumor for the strange town, but there was something about this one that prevented him from doing just that.

After all, he had seen the messy aftermath. And what’s more, he had heard that someone had spotted a student from Uchima High slinking away from the scene.

He wrapped a hand around the dart and gingerly tugged on it, the cork board under the map putting up a fair amount of resistance, until it came out with a small pop. All things considered, there were a number of oddballs at his school that he could easily picture getting mixed up in such an event. The dart was twirled between his fingers as he went through a mental list of suspects, pacing the room with one of his rare serious looks. It would be a lot of ground to cover on his own to question so many students, as he was certain that his subordinates would have little interest in pursuing the story without more facts to go on, but he couldn’t really think of any alternatives as he had already interviewed those in the immediate area of the incident.

Yuuhei came to an abrupt stop in his pacing and slapped his cheeks lightly, a look of determination taking over his expression. It wasn’t like him to get so caught up in the hurdles in front of him when there was an interesting story to be uncovered. So with a spring back in his step, Yuuhei started to make his way to the door. The rest of the Newspaper Club would have their hands full with the usual trivial articles that came with the start of every school year, so now was the time to escape before someone else showed up and put him to work. He reached for the door, his excitement mounting…

… only for the door to slide open to reveal one Saika Oshino, his dutiful vice president, on the other side. “Prez, surely you aren’t planning on abandoning your subordinates on such a busy day, right?” the dark haired girl asked innocently, but Yuuhei knew from experience, too many in fact, that behind those eyes was an entire world of hurt ready to be unleashed.

”I… er… you see…” he sheepishly stuttered, hands waving every which way, as if that was helping, before he gave up with a sigh of defeat. ”That had been the idea, yes.”

And with that, the expression on the younger girl became downright threatening as she nonchalantly brushed past Yuuhei, grabbing him by the ear on her way, and stomped into the room. “Not this time. Now get to work.”

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