Avatar of scifidude47
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    1. scifidude47 9 yrs ago


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I'm hyped for this :D
@Kafka Komedy

Yeah, it's funny I was stewing on making an RP thread similar to this a while back, but got beat to the punch :P

Alright, I'll make sure to add a bit more to his character sheet in time.

Plot wise, I'm fine with pretty much everything, but I'm sure getting at least somewhat involved with the Second Spider War could be interesting, but honestly I'm just excited to explore whatever this unique setting has to offer :D

Character Summary

]Name: Zazin, Crazy Wasp, Rock-Obsessed Nutcase
Age: Maturity
Race: Wasp
Gender: Male
Class/Job: "Wild Card." If that doesn't work out, then he's a fairly decent, unpredictable fighter.

  • A stone throwing spear, a carved wooden mask that covers his face, a handful of Chips (7), A small backpack to hold other possessions, A primitive club covered in what appears to be severed wasp stingers.)

Skills and Abilities
  • Zazin, when he can focus, is skilled in creating primitive tools and weapons. Though his creations won't pierce metal armor, they'd no doubt be lifesavers should the party be stranded far from any city. He also fights in an unpredictable, brutal manner. Having lived in wilderness for quite some time, he's good at foraging or hunting for his food.

"When you are able to do anything you wish, no matter what that thing is, then you have reached perfection."

Zazin tends to be a loner, living by his lonesome near a large pond (to a human, it's just a puddle of standing water.) He far prefers a simple life of nightly campfires, knapping a new stone tool by the water's edge, appreciating a lifestyle that most others he meets seem to have forgotten. Most would consider him at least somewhat mad, but in reality he simply dislikes the civilized lifestyle many have become accustomed to. He's difficult to make friends with, but is a standing ally to those he trusts.

Living a life where any mistake could mean death, he's not exactly picky with what he eats, or how he gets it. While he normally simply preys on unintelligent insect life, like aphids and the like, he isn't above feeding one whatever someone else left behind... or should the occasion rise, simply someone else.

Zazin doesn't talk about his past too much; but he lived his early childhood in a small shack in the middle of nowhere; a patch of bare dirt surrounded by grass. His parents tended to live a more rural life; hunting for their food as opposed to ranching or farming, like most of the nearby settlements had. Though he remembers his parents talking of valuing their independence, he always remembered how one or the other was almost always away, trading at one of the nearby settlements for things he thought were of little value.

As his parents grew old and he was more than just a pupa, Zazin was quick to abandon the lonely shack he had called his home for so long. Heading far, far into the wilderness, as far from any city or village as he could, Zazin made his home fairly far from any borders that he knew of, carving out a primitive life where he could depend on nobody but himself.

Now, however, the hunting grounds that were once plentiful are turning up thin, and the developments in a nearby town have begun to fill his lake with grey, sickening water. Forced from his home by the very civilization he tried to escape, he now has no choice but to try and integrate into the new world, carving out an existence until he can at least find the supplies to scout for a new home.

Anyone planning on responding? If not, it's fine.

Gabriela struggled as the wind had been knocked out of her, but she recovered soon enough. She picked up the credit-chip that the Ennochi dropped, looking at him as he ran into the crowd.

On the run? From who?

'Subject is moving away.' Her wrist-mounted tool beeped.

She got up and started running after him, his credit chip in hand.

"Wait! Come back!" She called out, narrowly ducking and weaving her way through the crowd.
Glad to finally get this going.

Halv, that was an entertaining read!

Gabriela had gone down a level in her wandering, scanning the station for things she may need. FTL Fuel Rods? No, she had plenty of those. No need for missiles either. She didn't have many credits, at least for the up-and-coming captain, so she wanted to make sure she'd at least spend them wisely. She was already limited, knowing that those who looked to her job would probably ask for a fair sum.

Suddenly, she heard a small 'ping' from her watch. She glanced at the screen, watching it light up as she brought it to her face.

"One. Person has accepted your posted job offer. They are thirty-" The voice stopped for a moment.

Gabriela tapped at the screen with her finger.

"Twenty-five. Twenty. Fifteen." The screen displayed distances rapidly, causing Gabriela to look up...

To see an Ennochi falling straight on top of her.
Deep within the void of space, drifting by its lonesome, is a space station. It isn't the biggest space station to grace the Ring Galaxy, but it's impressive nonetheless. Within, thousands of beings are walking and talking. This space station is home to commerce, as one could find almost anything here; food, weapons, ships, workers. If you wanted it and you had the Credits, chances are it was somewhere within this station.

Next to a holographic board displaying various mercenary jobs, a woman in a clean-pressed, dark blue uniform, is typing in some information in a small kiosk at the board. As she finishes typing, she produces a small card from her pocket and puts it under a blue scanner. Soon, another small hologram displays a job.



The woman looks at how small her job seems compared to the others around it; some wanting bounty hunters or body guards, or the Human Reclamation Corps needing mercenaries to fight Leviathans on various, far-off worlds. She wondered if even the most attentive person would even give her job a sideways glance.

She sighed, walking off. If anyone cared to look, the board would give them her location upon accepting her job.
Alright, it's now or never.

I'm gonna go do an introductory post and get this universe rolling!
Are either of you two interested in getting this rolling? If so, I'll get a starting post together.
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