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    1. Scrivener 5 yrs ago


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My badass cat literally just pimp slapped a red wasp out of the air and quickly ate it up in two crunchy bites. He didn’t even flinch or blink.
4 yrs ago
Two fish are in a tank, one turns to the other and asks “How do you drive this thing?”


”It is no nation we inhabit, but a language.”
-Emil Cioran

I have an actual skull atop my personal bookcase.

The Fine Arts, Philosophy, Linguistics, Poetry, Architecture, History, Cultures, all of these are passions of mine to study.


Most Recent Posts

“Well, my friend,” Talions’ voice was a low, soft tenner with a soothing edge to it ,”my superior has heard your request and approves. He would like to meet you tonight in fact. Assuming you are indeed ‘Aesthen’. After all, the given description matches perfectly.”

Fallon had finished his sentence in a lower tone. He cursed himself seconds later. Assumptions had gotten many a thief killed. And while he was sure this man was authentic and not some city guard plant, he still cursed his recklessly chose words. Bad first impression... he thought grimly.

Not intending to divulge any further, he sat back comfortably in his seat. His empty smile stilling lined beneath his nose. He crossed his arms over his chest as he leaned back against the chair back, his head laying against the grimy wall.

@Dark Light
When are we advancing the plot? Just out of curiosity. When we have the time skip, I'm going to move my post so the continuity all lines up. It'll be tucked away neatly in a hider. I'll have put my new post onto that one so I'm not sitting out for another round, another part to Illezra's story when she was younger.

In truth, I’d like us to at least be through with introductions by this Sunday or Monday based upon post speed. Putting it bluntly between the holiday, the rages of Black Friday week, and two or three days spent in a scramble coordinating character interactions and relations.... eh....

Don’t misunderstand, I’m not losing faith or as a GM becoming frustrated, I’m just going to playfully say I released this RP a week later than I could-should have.

Have faith @Whoami, we should be fully tracked in the next few days and coast into the story. That said, please no one feel rushed. I fully understand that you all have real life as do I. And don’t take my prior wording as scolding or frustration. Your a fine group of writers/RP’ers and I’m eager to indulge in this RP with you lot.

Talion gazed upon the man he saw from within the shadows of his cowl and those of the dark corner around him. Talion had been here since sunset, here being in the tavern and snugged away in the far corner, beyond the fireplace and the bar, out of sight of anyone who would not be looking for him at least. And it seemed that the snowy haired rogue he now looked upon was indeed looking about for someone. Very likely Talion himself. Was this the man? Was this “Aesthen”? The man who had paid good coin into inquiring about the thieves guild, Talion’s employer.

This man certainly looked the type. Shifty eyed yet not conspicuous, lethal yet not threatening, and built rather athletically. Yes, he certainly looked the shadowy rogue Talion expected. It had to be him. Time to talk a little business. Talion sat forward in his out-of-the-way chair. He was adorned in solid black leather armor, complete with bracers, shin guards, and a flexible leather breast plate. A bandolier stretched across his torso, lined with razor sharp throwing knives, which glinted in the lantern light from his private table. Confident that there was no further reason for extreme caution, Talion reached up with a single hand and peeled back the hood which hung over his face shadowing it.

He was a man of his law twenties. A bold, straight nose say between two brilliant brown eyes. His wife set mouth was rather thin lipped and etched with dimples when he smirked, and thick, wavy auburn hair adorned his crown. His pale skin almost flowed in the weak golden light of the candle within the lantern. Finally making perfect eye contact with the white haired man at the bar, Talion raised one hand slightly and beckoned over the man with four fingers.

@Dark Light
I'll be waiting patiently for the timelines to line up before posting my next piece.

I never did compliment you on your intro post. You do me proud as a fellow fan of Forgotten Realms. Fine work.

<Snipped quote by Scrivener>

Since I’m not that keen on being that obvious, can we just say I got a good reference from a mutual contact?

That works. Perhaps edit into your last post that your waiting on a certain someone?? Then I make my entrance.
Yea super keen, just sounds a little too convenient though. How do they know I’m a thief?

*shrugs* How did Brynjolf know when the player character entered Riften?

Let’s say the look of your character. He screams shadowy rogue.
@Dark Light, as I’m unsure of your arrangement with La Fleur and QQ, would you like me to have an agent of the Thieves Guild approach you and offer a proving job?
Also an unrelated idea for your discretion, @Scrivener, as to your thoughts on possibly making a Discord server for the RP? Or if anyone else had thoughts/opinions on that for the matter lol

I do applaud the idea of a Discord and I am onboard with it. However, there is one catch. I will need someone to create it for me and maintain it....

To shorten a moderate story, my booklet does not cooperate with the Discord app, and as a result I will need someone, a willing volunteer, to create and maintain it for us.
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