Avatar of seanmcchapman
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Seanmcchapman
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 252 (0.07 / day)
  • VMs: 2
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    1. seanmcchapman 10 yrs ago
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3 yrs ago
Current Sleep is all im good at now
3 yrs ago
well im drawing more- but still not enough to surface the sea
3 yrs ago
Okay fine if I can't stop watching distractions then let's do dual SCREENS. *duplicates meme consumption* SH-
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3 yrs ago
Hero to nobody promt came to mind. Sounds cool.
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3 yrs ago
Givin up on making flakey embarrassing sh*. I'm here to listen to stories with text to speech like a spoon fed idiot


The spaceship was always made from paper clips and tape.
Can I have focus for 5secs brain? Ouch nvm
I am _
You are _
and this wall I write apon will crumble again

Most Recent Posts

In The Job 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
(Because I have no imagination...)
(acceptable character???)
Nickname: Pig
Race: Human

Age: 10
Ht: 5'3
Bio: This boy is tattered and worn has been given up to the world as meat for the slaughter. Trying to scavenge for food the boy ended up getting himself caught by a local gang that ended up selling him off to a bartender to work under. The bartender originally bought the boy so the boy would be in good hands, but after a few the months any affection went away. The boy was given the nickname pig, because the boy didn't have one to give. The boy's past is unspoken.

In Overtale 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Guardian Angel HarukiThanks yous qwq
In Overtale 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Finally posted my first post :))) yus its been so long since i've wrote anything! I'm proud ^^
In Overtale 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

"One more day", thought Zzzk. With sore muscles Zzzk dropped the wagon's chains and sat in the dust. It was wearing grey overalls and a tattered tan long sleeve shirt with a sun blocking hat. Zzzk's body was sweating with muscles and head pounding. Zzzk was just exiting a high dessert region into Mt. ____'s. Zzk has been dragging the wagon along for two months. Zzzk tempted to try one of the "Magic potions" It's concocted. Zzza prepared it with it's story which hung off a tag made of leather. The tag told of what the potion effects was supposed to do, but Zzza had to always disclaim how the potions didn't work. Zzza had tried near all of the potions just to taste what the buyer might decide to digest. The potions were often hard to make when it came to gather the materials. Blending and doing any of the "rituals" was the easy part. Being the that rituals often never mattered, because the potions never ended up appearing magical.

Zzza had nine stacked piles of books that consisted of material on botany, enchantment, sorcery, leather work, cooking, ect. There are tons of diversity between each of the books. Many skills were learned from these, but many skills that could have been developed were lost on the lack of tools available to Zzza. Potions, books, some tools for blending and misc, a semi cramped living space, and hidden storage areas throughout the wagon would be a decent list of things that were included. Zzzk loved finding new books on useful topics, but took no use in anything else. Zzzk had came across a water damaged box filled manga once. Out of the entire box which included "Mew Mew Kissy Cutie" which found it's new place ten feet away from the box with a flick of an arm, was only two books that made its way out and into some hidden compartment of the wagon. One about "the regeneration of the world" and the other that Zzzk would be to embarrassed to share.

Zzzk was resting, sitting leaned over with chains resting on Its shoulders. Zzzk head was facing down at the ground as dirt blew into Zzzk'ss closed eyes. "Hhhhhf- Hhhhhha- Uuuughhhh- Tahh- Time to f- fi-hhh-nd someone. Hhh- " Zzzk said allowed to Itself. It didn't think anyone was around, but humored the idea of being bothered now as Zzzk would try to catch Its breath. Pretending there would be something to do other than walking and resting would be interesting, but actually less preferred at the moment. "1, 2, 3!" Zzzk suddenly flung Its body upright so it was sitting up. The Zzzk fell backward on to Its back making a small dust cloud above Zzzk. The wagon was over Zzzk just blocking the view from the sun.

In The Job 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
(Because I have no imagination...)
(acceptable character???)
Nickname: Pig
Race: Human

Age: 10
Ht: 5'3
Bio: This boy is tattered and worn has been given up to the world as meat for the slaughter. Trying to scavenge for food the boy ended up getting himself caught by a local gang that ended up selling him off to a bartender to work under. The bartender originally bought the boy so the boy would be in good hands, but after a few the months any affection went away. The boy was given the nickname pig, because the boy didn't have one to give. The boy's past is unspoken.

In The Job 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
How does the city operate is there anything I need to consider or worry about city wise?
In The Job 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
This sounds awesome though Idk where to start with a character. You have two really detailed ones. I love em.
In Overtale 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I'm still figuring out where to appear on the surface. Also how to go about roleplaying with my character XD personality wise.. lol
In Overtale 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@LugiaYa It was approved thanks for checking.
I think I should've asked before puttng the sheet on the character tab first though. it was accepted but i kinda assumed I could add it without thinking...
In Overtale 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Name: Zzza/Zzzk
Age: "Let's talk about our expiration date, instead"
Gender: "No one will know what's in my pants!"
Occupation: Runs a wagon shop containing rare wares each with a story. It is a crafts-human(heh)
Weep'n(T_T):Rusted Sword,
Arghhh!MORE!: Grey hood
Sick-ills: Crafty/Artsy, quick learner/adaptive, "tough skinned"
Personality: Wastes time being "scattered". Likes to bother people and interact with them gathering a better understanding of them. Hates being ignored or told shut up, but still tries to get on everyone's good side. It wants to understand things based on how they work function and why. This character can appear very relatable, because it listens and works on acting to what would best fit It's and the person's needs. . . It's working on its smiles to and toughness. As one might say "you can keep understanding further", because true understanding is unreachable.
Bio: {Start} Zzzk grew up escaping from a dessert, learned to semi adapt to modern life. Zzzk is a nomad often traveling around, but does settle in some places to rest sometimes for a few years. Zzzk learned to become a great talker through mimicry. Zzzk had read many books on survival, crafts, and a bunch "gibberish" that Zzzk carried in Its wagon. Zzzk hear rumors about monsters that had "risen from the earth" and would destroy everything. Zzzk questioned the travelers whether these rumors were true and their answer agreed wit these statements. They were people with their own story; hikers and adventures. Zzzk replied with saying It heard of legends about the monsters being underground somewhere. Zzzk read about something about these monsters... and magic that they could perform. Zzzk was heading to Mt. Ebott and this is where Zzzk's past would come back to life. To revive not the "Keeper", but the "<3".

Black hair with white hair growing out the back of the neck. Looks between 18-21 of age.

Would yo-*mauh*... yes I would.
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