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Still alive, but still having trouble figuring out a good way to intro my character.
Ooh, fun. I've done a few of these on another site, so I'll probably use my son of Athena character again if this gets off the ground.
Interesting. So, are we playing established characters from the fanfic, or are we playing OCs?
I'd be interested in this. Do I need to put a character sheet up just now, or is expressing interest enough to keep this going?
Hey, all. I'm still here, too. I'm just having trouble figuring out what our science officer could/should be doing in this situation. Combat really isn't Valanx's specialty.
Name: Valanx

Age:somewhere over 30 Berean years (about 26 human years). He lost count sometime after leaving Alpha Bereus when his watch stopped working.

Race: Berean (BEAR-ee-an)

Race Description: The Bereans are so named because they live on the planet Alpha Bereus, the first major planet orbiting the star Bereus, a red dwarf in the region of the galaxy that humans call the "Orion Sector." The Bereans are humanoid in form, bearing body structures and proportions that are identical to humans in almost every way save 3: 1) Bereans' ears taper to a slight, but noticeable point on the top; 2) Bereans have 7 digits on each of their hands and feet instead of humans' 5; and 3) most Bereans are short, measuring no more than 4 1/2 feet, though there is a small subset of "giant" Bereans that are always more than 6 feet tall. Genetic testing has revealed that these "giant" Bereans are of the same species as the diminutive, and more common, variety, but why some of them will grow to exceed 6 feet while most will never surpass 4 1/2 feet is still unknown. The Bereans are also known for being incredibly intelligent and very fast learners, their average IQ being approximately equivalent to 300 on the human scale. In spite of their incredible intelligence, the Bereans remained firmly planet-bound and technologically poor until their discovery by the Galactic Committee. Since then, Berean technology has advanced by leaps and bounds, and the Bereans have established 4 outposts in the 4 nearest systems. While technically part of the Galactic Committee, abiding by their rules, and benefiting from that association, Emperor Nerax has declared Alpha Bereus and all outposts of his people to be autonomous of the Committee, and his people will always owe their first allegiance to him or whoever will succeed him as emperor of the Bereans. The Bereans are also naturally immune to the seductive effects of Satasi pheromones, though why this is is not fully understood. Two popular theories exist, however. The first is that the Bereans' hyperactive learning centers in their brains simply require so much energy and oxygen that the brain cannot afford the energy to spend on pheromone-induced infatuation and that if a Berean of more human-level intelligence were to encounter a Satasi, he or she would fall prey to the seductive effects of the alien's pheromones. The second, slightly more popular theory is that Berean brains simply do not have the receptors to properly respond to Satasi pheromones. More study is needed, but most Bereans are not willing to donate their brains to such an endeavor.

Appearance: Valanx is on the tall side of average height for his race, measuring almost exactly 4 feet, 6 inches in height with auburn hair that he keeps pulled back behind his pointed ears and cut just past the base of his skull. His eyes are an intense violet color, and his skin is a creamy off-white color. With the exceptions of his pointy ears and extra digits, one could almost mistake him for a dwarf human.

Faction: Marauder

Role in Team?: Science Officer

Bio: Valanx grew up in a comfortable, but little acknowledged family on Alpha Bereus. His parents performed vital, but well supplied jobs in the Third Quadrant outside the Capitol that nonetheless earned them enough to supply for all their needs while never being able to earn enough for a life of luxury. Bored with ordinary life, when Valanx reached "the Age of Decision" (22 Berean years, just less than 15 Earth years), he chose to join the Galactic Committee's Interstellar Exploration Fleet, becoming the first Berean to actively work within the Committee. Valanx knew of the dangers associated with joining the IEF, but his lust for adventure was greater than his fear of danger. Due to his naturally impressive IQ, Valanx excelled in the IEF training program, showing an early aptitude for science, particularly in integrated planetary geology and biology, making him a valuable science officer for the Fleet. He has been a part of the Marauders for the past five Earth years and has been instrumental in discovering ten new planets that are likely to support life (and determining what type of life they are likely to support), including the probable home planet or planetary outpost of the Ulnar.

Personality: Valanx has always had a thirst for adventure, which is why he joined the IEF at the earliest opportunity, but while his eagerness to join what many believe to be a suicide mission may leave some to think of him as reckless, he is not stupid and makes sure he has something to defend himself with should the need arise. He is also fiercely loyal, first to his Emperor and his people like any good Berean, but his crew and his friends are a very close second. He is not given to outward displays of emotion, and his social skills are not always the best due to his penchant for burying himself in science, but he does his job well and has proved his worth as a member of the Marauders.

Weapon(s) : Valanx carries a simple blaster and a short saber for protection in most situations, but will often put them aside when he's working in the lab (they get in the way, and having a blaster accidentally go off in the lab would be a very bad thing).

Family/Relationship?: Valanx still keeps in touch with his parents when possible, and his position as one of the few Bereans to actually work for the Committee has earned him the ear of Emperor Nerax who seems to view him as something of a liaison between Alpha Bereus and the Committee, though the Committee does not have the same idea (most of the Committee probably don't even know Valanx exists, and most of the ones that do know of him probably only know him as "that short guy from the Marauders").
@Jones Sparrow & @Akayaofthemoon Requesting approval for my character. Not sure if you saw this on the last page, so making sure.

Name: Valanx

Age:somewhere over 30 Berean years (about 26 human years). He lost count sometime after leaving Alpha Bereus when his watch stopped working.

Race: Berean (BEAR-ee-an)

Race Description: The Bereans are so named because they live on the planet Alpha Bereus, the first major planet orbiting the star Bereus, a red dwarf in the region of the galaxy that humans call the "Orion Sector." The Bereans are humanoid in form, bearing body structures and proportions that are identical to humans in almost every way save 3: 1) Bereans' ears taper to a slight, but noticeable point on the top; 2) Bereans have 7 digits on each of their hands and feet instead of humans' 5; and 3) most Bereans are short, measuring no more than 4 1/2 feet, though there is a small subset of "giant" Bereans that are always more than 6 feet tall. Genetic testing has revealed that these "giant" Bereans are of the same species as the diminutive, and more common, variety, but why some of them will grow to exceed 6 feet while most will never surpass 4 1/2 feet is still unknown. The Bereans are also known for being incredibly intelligent and very fast learners, their average IQ being approximately equivalent to 300 on the human scale. In spite of their incredible intelligence, the Bereans remained firmly planet-bound and technologically poor until their discovery by the Galactic Committee. Since then, Berean technology has advanced by leaps and bounds, and the Bereans have established 4 outposts in the 4 nearest systems. While technically part of the Galactic Committee, abiding by their rules, and benefitting from that association, Emperor Nerax has declared Alpha Bereus and all outposts of his people to be autonomous of the Committee, and his people will always owe their first allegiance to him or whoever will succeed him as emperor of the Bereans. The Bereans are also naturally immune to the seductive effects of Satasi pheromones, though why this is is not fully understood. Two popular theories exist, however. The first is that the Bereans' hyperactive learning centers in their brains simply require so much energy and oxygen that the brain cannot afford the energy to spend on pheromone-induced infatuation and that if a Berean of more human-level intelligence were to encounter a Satasi, he or she would fall prey to the seductive effects of the alien's pheromones. The second, slightly more popular theory is that Berean brains simply do not have the receptors to properly respond to Satasi pheromones. More study is needed, but most Bereans are not willing to donate their brains to such an endeavor.

Appearance: Valanx is on the tall side of average height for his race, measuring almost exactly 4 feet, 6 inches in height with auburn hair that he keeps pulled back behind his pointed ears and cut just past the base of his skull. His eyes are an intense violet color, and his skin is a creamy off-white color. With the exceptions of his pointy ears and extra digits, one could almost mistake him for a dwarf human.

Faction: Marauder

Role in Team?: Science Officer

Bio: Valanx grew up in a comfortable, but little acknowledged family on Alpha Bereus. His parents performed vital, but well supplied jobs in the Third Quadrant outside the Capitol that nonetheless earned them enough to supply for all their needs while never being able to earn enough for a life of luxury. Bored with ordinary life, when Valanx reached "the Age of Decision" (22 Berean years, just less than 15 Earth years), he chose to join the Galactic Committee's Interstellar Exploration Fleet, becoming the first Berean to actively work within the Committee. Valanx knew of the dangers associated with joining the IEF, but his lust for adventure was greater than his fear of danger. Due to his naturally impressive IQ, Valanx excelled in the IEF training program, showing an early aptitude for science, particularly in integrated planetary geology and biology, making him a valuable science officer for the Fleet. He has been a part of the Marauders for the past five Earth years and has been instrumental in discovering ten new planets that are likely to support life (and determining what type of life they are likely to support), including the probable home planet or planetary outpost of the Ulnar.

Personality: Valanx has always had a thirst for adventure, which is why he joined the IEF at the earliest opportunity, but while his eagerness to join what many believe to be a suicide mission may leave some to think of him as reckless, he is not stupid and makes sure he has something to defend himself with should the need arise. He is also fiercely loyal, first to his Emperor and his people like any good Berean, but his crew and his friends are a very close second. He is not given to outward displays of emotion, and his social skills are not always the best due to his penchant for burying himself in science, but he does his job well and has proved his worth as a member of the Marauders.

Weapon(s) : Valanx carries a simple blaster and a short saber for protection in most situations, but will often put them aside when he's working in the lab (they get in the way, and having a blaster accidentally go off in the lab would be a very bad thing).

Family/Relationship?: Valanx still keeps in touch with his parents when possible, and his position as one of the few Bereans to actually work for the Committee has earned him the ear of Emperor Nerax who seems to view him as something of a liason between Alpha Bereus and the Committee, though the Committee does not have the same idea (most of the Committee probably don't even know Valanx exists, and most of the ones that do know of him probably only know him as "that short guy from the Marauders").
Whoops. Forgot to tag @Jones Sparrow & @Akayaofthemoon. Character sheet is above.
And I think I'm ready for approval.

Name: Valanx

Age:somewhere over 30 Berean years (about 26 human years). He lost count sometime after leaving Alpha Bereus when his watch stopped working.

Race: Berean (BEAR-ee-an)

Race Description: The Bereans are so named because they live on the planet Alpha Bereus, the first major planet orbiting the star Bereus, a red dwarf in the region of the galaxy that humans call the "Orion Sector." The Bereans are humanoid in form, bearing body structures and proportions that are identical to humans in almost every way save 3: 1) Bereans' ears taper to a slight, but noticeable point on the top; 2) Bereans have 7 digits on each of their hands and feet instead of humans' 5; and 3) most Bereans are short, measuring no more than 4 1/2 feet, though there is a small subset of "giant" Bereans that are always more than 6 feet tall. Genetic testing has revealed that these "giant" Bereans are of the same species as the diminutive, and more common, variety, but why some of them will grow to exceed 6 feet while most will never surpass 4 1/2 feet is still unknown. The Bereans are also known for being incredibly intelligent and very fast learners, their average IQ being approximately equivalent to 300 on the human scale. In spite of their incredible intelligence, the Bereans remained firmly planet-bound and technologically poor until their discovery by the Galactic Committee. Since then, Berean technology has advanced by leaps and bounds, and the Bereans have established 4 outposts in the 4 nearest systems. While technically part of the Galactic Committee, abiding by their rules, and benefitting from that association, Emperor Nerax has declared Alpha Bereus and all outposts of his people to be autonomous of the Committee, and his people will always owe their first allegiance to him or whoever will succeed him as emperor of the Bereans. The Bereans are also naturally immune to the seductive effects of Satasi pheromones, though why this is is not fully understood. Two popular theories exist, however. The first is that the Bereans' hyperactive learning centers in their brains simply require so much energy and oxygen that the brain cannot afford the energy to spend on pheromone-induced infatuation and that if a Berean of more human-level intelligence were to encounter a Satasi, he or she would fall prey to the seductive effects of the alien's pheromones. The second, slightly more popular theory is that Berean brains simply do not have the receptors to properly respond to Satasi pheromones. More study is needed, but most Bereans are not willing to donate their brains to such an endeavor.

Appearance: Valanx is on the tall side of average height for his race, measuring almost exactly 4 feet, 6 inches in height with auburn hair that he keeps pulled back behind his pointed ears and cut just past the base of his skull. His eyes are an intense violet color, and his skin is a creamy off-white color. With the exceptions of his pointy ears and extra digits, one could almost mistake him for a dwarf human.

Faction: Marauder

Role in Team?: Science Officer

Bio: Valanx grew up in a comfortable, but little acknowledged family on Alpha Bereus. His parents performed vital, but well supplied jobs in the Third Quadrant outside the Capitol that nonetheless earned them enough to supply for all their needs while never being able to earn enough for a life of luxury. Bored with ordinary life, when Valanx reached "the Age of Decision" (22 Berean years, just less than 15 Earth years), he chose to join the Galactic Committee's Interstellar Exploration Fleet, becoming the first Berean to actively work within the Committee. Valanx knew of the dangers associated with joining the IEF, but his lust for adventure was greater than his fear of danger. Due to his naturally impressive IQ, Valanx excelled in the IEF training program, showing an early aptitude for science, particularly in integrated planetary geology and biology, making him a valuable science officer for the Fleet. He has been a part of the Marauders for the past five Earth years and has been instrumental in discovering ten new planets that are likely to support life (and determining what type of life they are likely to support), including the probable home planet or planetary outpost of the Ulnar.

Personality: Valanx has always had a thirst for adventure, which is why he joined the IEF at the earliest opportunity, but while his eagerness to join what many believe to be a suicide mission may leave some to think of him as reckless, he is not stupid and makes sure he has something to defend himself with should the need arise. He is also fiercely loyal, first to his Emperor and his people like any good Berean, but his crew and his friends are a very close second. He is not given to outward displays of emotion, and his social skills are not always the best due to his penchant for burying himself in science, but he does his job well and has proved his worth as a member of the Marauders.

Weapon(s) : Valanx carries a simple blaster and a short saber for protection in most situations, but will often put them aside when he's working in the lab (they get in the way, and having a blaster accidentally go off in the lab would be a very bad thing).

Family/Relationship?: Valanx still keeps in touch with his parents when possible, and his position as one of the few Bereans to actually work for the Committee has earned him the ear of Emperor Nerax who seems to view him as something of a liason between Alpha Bereus and the Committee, though the Committee does not have the same idea (most of the Committee probably don't even know Valanx exists, and most of the ones that do know of him probably only know him as "that short guy from the Marauders").
Still working on my character. I apologize for taking so long. I got sick, and that really slowed me down, but I'm back now, and I'm almost done with my character, I think. I'll try to get him up today or tomorrow.
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