Avatar of SephietheEvil
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    1. SephietheEvil 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Drawing pictures of my characters and mulling over backstories has to be one of the best (and more common) ways to avoid doing homework for me~


Konnichiwa, tomodachi ;3 You may call me Sephie, as most people do. I am indeed female, and I have a few years experience of roleplaying. I'm an artist, aiming for a professional career somewhere in art, so all of my OC's are a little...imaginative XD let's just say that I gotta draw my own pictures for almost all of them. I like a lot of detail. I'm also a writer at heart, so if I really let loose, some of my replies in a roleplay can get pretty lengthy. I'm a complete fantasy roleplayer, but I like things on the creepy, slightly violent, action-packed, and dramatic side. With some humor added in there too, of course. I love anime and manga, and I am currently learning Japanese through odd methods of self-teaching (mostly anime and vocaloid songs ^w^"). I love cats, and you're gonna see that a lot in my characters. One of my favorite animes is Soul Eater, closely followed by Elfen Lied and Higurashi. I love playing Pokemon as well, and I'm pretty good at it too. I spend most of my days drawing, listening to music, watching stuff on youtube and playing video games (when I'm not smothered in homework, that is.)

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Ah, I gotcha. I can edit it so that she lives somewhere in the city then, no problem :3
@SephietheEvilI have two problems with her.
1. I don't understand this and found it leagues harder to interact with other human beings than normal people would.
2. If she lives in the wilderness how is she going to interact with the othrrs?

Oh! Okay, sorry. Well, the best way I can explain the first one is that she's just really bad at social interaction. She can talk to people, but she's sort of afraid of them at the same time. "leagues harder" is just another way to say "super difficult".
As for the second thing, I was thinking about that too today (I wrote that CS at about 3 in the morning last night <XD). There's a couple things I could do to remedy the situation. I could make it so that she refuses to hunt/eat the animals around her, and needs to find food elsewhere. That, or I could just have her live in alleys with stray cats XD Whichever works better for you!

Name: Maxie Lynette

Age: 18

Power: Creature Manipulation- Can communicate with animals, and control them as long as she has the energy to do so

Bio: Ever since she was little, Maxie had been defined as "different" from all those around her. The girl suffered from social anxiety, and found it much harder to interact with other human beings than normal people would. She spent most of her time with animals wherever she was, whether it be a friend's house, relative's house, or her own house. It there weren't any animals around for her to be with, she'd stay eerily quiet, and sit in whichever place had the least people in it. When she was a young child, her parents wrote it off as "cute", but as she grew older, they started tiring of her odd behavior. They accused her of acting so cold just to get out of talking to people and so on. So, Maxie did what she thought was easiest.
Maxie ran away. Straight into the wilderness. In all honesty, she felt more at home there than she ever had back in her home.
By the time night fell on the first day of her journey, Maxie stopped under a tree in order to rest, but noticed something odd sticking out of the bark. It was what looked like a jagged piece of glass, glowing faintly in the dark like the eye of a cat. Maxie brought her hand forward to run a finger over the smooth side of the shard, to further investigate it, but when she touched it, the glow concentrated around where the had touched it, then faded away. The shard disappeared with it. Maxie was a little creeped out, especially when a sudden wave of whispers flooded her mind, but she figured it was just fatigue and stress eating at her anxious mind. She ignored the whispers as much as she could and fell asleep.
The next day, she awoke to find that several different animals were gathered around her. This didn't bother her at all, and in fact brought her great joy at first to have them around her, following wherever she went. Then....the people came. When people from the nearby city entered the wild, she suddenly felt...bad. Her senses tightened on the humans, and she felt this animal instinct take over. Voices were commanding her to kill those on her territory. She had no problem listening, and sending her little pack of animals after them.
That was only about two weeks ago. Maxie has since then taken to living in dark alleys, wherever stray or wild animals are hanging around. Every once in awhile she takes a walk in the wilderness, but the lack of supplies out there keeps her living in the city.

Hi there! Mind if I join?
And, if so, which would work better for this RP, ice-related powers or the ability to command/communicate with animals? I don't know if that second one would be too overpowered or not. Ice is my backup if so.

That's fine! :3

"So...what are we talking about today? Just more introductions? Background info? I'll give you guys the info. Of course, the secrets of my Pokemon training techniques, and my own magic abilities, are going to stay just that. Secrets." Sephie winks. "But seriously, I'm willing to chat. Because then maybe we can come up with a plan to rescue my Celebi pal. Maybe even my runaway Lucario too."
"I guess we can give what little info we have also." Rythian shrugs. "I do have a bit of inside info on the Revolutioneers if anyone is interested."
"Aw, Ry, you don't have to bring all that up again...I know you don't like talking about it..." Electricia frowns.
"Yeah. It's all good!" Mystarii nods.
"You say that, but really, I shouldn't keep this to myself. If we're being attacked by them, I should give my assistance, despite the bad taste it'll leave in my mouth." Rythian shakes his head as he follows instructions and walks towards Zarkju.

Tatakumei continues to take the scene in, trying to exercise her aura-reading abilities to the fullest in order to really get a feel for her new surroundings. There are many wild Pokemon amidst the tall trees and shadows of this forest they're now in, according to her findings. The beauty of it all, compared to the darkness, filth, and rust she had been in for so long before, energizes her in a way she's never felt before. Even still, when Aqua suddenly bursts through the shrubs, she stifles a cry and hides behind the bulky Garchomp who led her here. Tatakumei calms down some when she gets a closer read on Aqua's aura, and sees that she knows Heat.
"O-oh, um, hi..." Tatakumei steps out from behind Heat only halfway. She's a little embarrassed, and feels a little self-conscious in front of this new Pokemon. She looks so...normal. She looks like a Pokemon should, so energetic and healthy. In comparison, Tatakumei is positive of how malnourished, scrawny, and dirty she must look. She examines her paws, and suddenly, they feel...warm. She sends a little bit of aura power into them, and instead of a normal blue glow, a small orange flame comes up. She squeaks in panic, fearing she'll be lit on fire, but it simply dissipates when she stops the flow of aura into her paws. She glances back at Aqua and Heat, hoping they didn't notice that embarrassment of...whatever that just was.

Aruba glances at Ai-yu, without much of an expression, and takes the small mythical Pokemon by the hand. Aruba enters the room with Ai-yu and Vanitas, and sits down on the side of the table opposite of Vanitas. Ai-yu, too small for a chair, just sits on the table in front of Aruba. They both watch as he unveils his face from his hood, and Ai-yu scoots a little closer to Aruba, not put at ease at all, honestly. Aruba looks slightly interested, or surprised at seeing Vanitas take off his hood, but her expression doesn't change much. That is...until the next thing he says.
"Huh?...Who's Tatakumei?" Ai-yu only looks confused, and looks up at Aruba. "Aruba? Do you know her?....W-whoa, are you okay?"
Aruba has gone pale, and her pupils have become small, like an animal about to attack. She stays quiet, up until Vanitas shows her the scene of her daughter's escape. She doesn't even hear Ai-yu's worried little voice anyone, just the sounds of blood pumping in her head. She stands up out of her seat so fast that it falls over.
"This...is this a trick?!" Aruba tries hard not to start yelling, and to control herself. She leans forward onto the table, closer to Vanitas, and grips the table. "Who let her out?! What are you planning to do with her? I swear, if that Garchomp partner of yours is out there hurting her right now..."
"A-Aruba...who is she...?" Ai-yu whimpers. Aruba takes a deep breath.
"...She's the reason I left you and Sephie without saying anything. That's who."
Meanwhile, Montainum sits in his office, and notices "Nurse Wicked" looking a little more fidgety than she usually is.
"Violetta, is something wrong? You seem antsy." He asks.
"Oh, no, no, Monty. I'm just fine. Just one of those weird feelings. You know...when you have a feeling in your very soul that something is amiss...but, I'm fine!" Violetta replies, giving off mixed messages.

"Respective trainers? But, we have none, sir." Rythian glances at Jean.
"I think we should tag along anyway." Electricia shrugs. "I mean, really Ry, it's better than just staying here. It might be less dangerous, but it's more boring. And the more boring it is, the more likely Mystarii here is gonna manage to pull me into some dumb squabble."
"Oi!...That's completely true, but I still don't appreciate it!" Mystarii huffs.
"Oh. Sephie needs us, does she? Fine then...but if I sense a trick of any sort...just know that I am capable of cursing you." Sachiko warns before using her heightened senses to track down her trainer. Euphoria follows, but not without flashing Rythian another scary grin, most likely just to put him on edge.
Rythian is about to follow after them, out of curiosity mostly, when he senses a change in the atmosphere. He cannot sense auras like many of the others around him, but he instead depends on a sharpened instinct, one he honed during his time in the Revolutioneer force. His older brother, Darkclaw, was always the one quickest to go straight for the fight. Rythian was the strategical one.
His feelings are confirmed when Mystarii begins to look around, more fidgety than normal.
"I feel like somethin' weird just entered the forest...somethin' powerful that usually ain't here..." Mystarii looks at Rythian and Electricia.
"I feel the same..." Rythian mutters.
"Huh?" Electricia looks between her two friends and pouts. "Well now I feel left out! I don't feel anything!"
"...At any rate, I'm not so sure it's a concern of our. And, if it turns into one, you two know my plan." Rythian shakes his head, and proceeds to follow Sachiko an the others to where the trainers are gathering, as he originally intended to. Mystarii and Electricia look at each other.
"Plan? Did he ever tell us the plan?" Electricia whispers.
"...Maybe we just weren't listenin'." Mystarii replies. The two Pokemon then follow Rythian.

Sephie is still standing with the others, waiting, when the rest of her Pokemon show up. Well, all except for one.
"Seriously? Where the hell is he?!" Sephie groans. "I called for him an hour ago!"
"Who? Pipley? I thought he was with you already." Raven flies in and lands by her trainer's side.
"Oh, no, Pip is in his pokeball. It's been requested that I put you all into yours. Just for a short time, I promise." Sephie shakes her head. "I'm talking about Kip, not Pip."
"Last time I saw him, you were letting him lounge around in the pond over in the woods." Sachiko says.
"WHAT, WE HAVE TO GO INTO OUR POKEBALL?" Euphoria begins to whine. "NO! I DON'T LIKE THAT! THEY'RE TRYING TO TRICK YOU!" Her unhappiness turns into anger quickly, which, if gone unchecked, can easily escalate into an area-wide Hyper Voice slaughter...
"Euphie, it's okay." Sephie kneels on the ground in front of her Sylveon. "No need to attack anyone. These people aren't going to hurt me. They couldn't if they tried, and you know that."
"B-but..." Euphoria seems to calm down.
"It'll be fine. Seriously, all of you should just chill! I know I never really put you in these things, but that doesn't mean it should be a huge deal when I do." Sephie takes out 3 more Pokeballs painted like Pipley's, one painted in Staraptor colors, one painted in Sylveon colors, and one painted in shiny Meowstic colors, to help tell them apart. She puts everyone back in their Pokeballs, and takes out a last one, painted in dark blue, blue, orange, and cream. She sighs. "Come onnnn, you slacker..."
Sephie glances over as a huge, beefy-looking Swampert comes crashing through the trees. He wears a King's Rock proudly atop his head like a real crown, and his Mega Stone around his neck on a pendant, similar to Sephie's. He's not even mega evolved at the moment, but he's still huge.
"There you are, King Kipster! Good lord, I've been waiting for you! You already missed most of the action!" Sephie puts her hands on her hips.
"AW, SERIOUSLY?!" King Kipster looks deeply disappointed. "Man, I wanted to show people my wrestling skills! Ice Punch a few opponents in the face and shake things up with Earthquake, y'know?"
"Yes, yes, I know." Sephie snickers a bit. "But right now, I just need you with me. I gotta put you up in your Pokeball."
"That's lame." Kipster crosses his arms.
"That's the general consensus of everyone else on the team too." Sephie laughs, and sends her last remaining Pokemon into his Pokeball. Just about then, she notices the small group of Scattered Pokemon heading their way.
"Oh, hey, it's you guys!" Sephie grins. "What's up?"
"Oh, you know...craziness. Which is the norm when you're around." Rythian rolls his eyes, but smiles all the while.
By this time, Darkclaw has traveled back down the mountain base and made it to the nearby group, only to find Heat missing. He's about to go searching when he sees the group of trained meeting up from afar, and a very, VERY familiar shiny Zoroark as well. Restraining his feelings of surprise, he hides himself in the darkness of the forest and attempts to eavesdrop...

Tatakumei still doesn't speak, but her stare becomes a little less intense when Vanitas approaches the cage. She recognizes him a little more than most of the other Revolutioneers who venture down to the cells. He'd never come off as too much of a danger to her before, even when using her weak abilities of aura-sensing to identify him further. Tatakumei watches him prepare a small meal for her, and sniffs at it hesitantly. Her mother had cautioned her to inspect all that she was given while in the cage, to make sure it wasn't laced with any kind of paralytic or sleep-inducing substance. Even if her mother gave it to her herself. When the berries seem to check out alright, and Vanitas walks away, she starts eating them faster than she thought she would, not realizing how hungry she was. She's drinking the water when her cage begins to react to a sigil cast in the air by Vanitas. Tatakumei almost does a spit-take when the barrier and bars are broken and warped to make way for her escape. She's left in shock as he leaves, almost about to cry. What she, and her mother, had attempted to do for so long had been done for her. She had a chance now.
Tatakumei walks up to the opening, preparing to make a run for it, when Heat shows up and nearly causes her to trip over herself while backing up. She listens to what the large, intimidating Pokemon has to say to her, frozen with shock and confusion. Was this...a trap? A sick trick? Should she actually leave, or had her mother done something bad enough for them to take her away, or even kill her? Tatakumei doesn't know what she should do, but more than anything, she feels the strong desire to flee.
"E-even if it's a trap...I can still run from them..." Tatakumei mutters to herself. Plus, as she thinks it over some more...the Garchomp seems like he didn't want her mother raising a fuss. It made him less suspicious...but only slightly.
At any rate, she decides she'd rather be anywhere else but in these dark cells, next to a cell with the corpse of another Pokemon in it. She climbs out of her cage and leaps into the Corridor of Darkness. When she exits, the brightness, something she's been without for so long, strikes her first. She takes a moment to get used to it, but when she does, and is able to look around, she does start tearing up. She could see the sun, and the trees. There was warmth around her in the breeze. There was fresh air, and the permanent smell of blood was finally missing. Tatakumei doesn't say anything to Heat, but decides to trust him for the time being and stay by his side while she looks around.
"Rest? No. I'm fine." Aruba shakes her head and stands up, using Montainum's desk to help support her. "Besides, Vanitas said he needs me for the interrogation. I have no time to rest."
"Kehehehe, I don't even know why I bother telling you to rest sometimes!" Violetta cackles. "You never do it!"
Aruba doesn't reply, but instead glances over at Ai-yu. The Celebi catches her gaze, looking concerned about her friend.
Montainum listens to Vanitas' private reply over the speaker, and turns his eyes to Serran.
"No, Serran. Vanitas has requested a private interrogation, with only the Celebi, and Top General Aruba. He is a valued member of the Revolutioneers, and has not failed to get results in the past, so I shall honor his wishes." Montainum tells him.
"What a pity for you." Violetta teases Serran. "Guess you'll have to find something else for you to do~!" Despite her jeering, an activity she would usually put to use against everyone anyway, friend or foe, Violetta begins to get an odd feeling. Like something is...amiss. Something connected to her has been messed with more than usual. Or, at least, that's what it feels like.

"Ohhh, please don't shoot him!" Persephone looks as if she's genuinely concerned about the spirit himself, until she follows it up with, "You'll waste your bullets! You can't kill him that way!"
As she's led up to the door, she opens it and steps into the security room. Her eyes first catch Michael and Sarchesker interacting.
Sarchesker represses the urge to glare or make a snide comment at Michael, and tries to keep up his facade of harmlessness. "My good sir, I'm not so sure she'd agree with you on that. I mean, look! She's here, coming to help me, instead of participating in a battle!"
"Yeah, and it looks pretty fun too." Persephone huffs. "Displaying my battle skills would be awesome, considering the only impression I've probably left on some of these people is that I'm weak, since I got killed and knocked out in my first hour here! What are you gonna do if others start trying to attack me, because they think I'm an easy target?"
"...Honestly, knowing you, you won't need help." Sarchesker replies. "However, if it came to be...I'd help defend you."
"But you know that I'd really just leave you, right? I cannot believe what I just said." Sarchesker thinks to his charge afterwards.
"That's just rude!....Hehe, but I know it's true~." Persephone thinks back with an unchanged expression. She turns to Tobias. "So, what's the deal? Do I just take him with me now, oooorrrrrr....?"
"They want clarification on why I tried to kidnap you." Sarchesker reminds her.
"AH! Yessss, yes, yes. That!" Persephone laughs. "Well, sometimes, we play a game when I'm bored! We call it Warrior-Princess-Witch-of-Awesomeness and Beast!"
"I opted for a different name than beas-" Sarchesker starts with a certain reluctant look in his eyes. He knew this was about to get bad. For him, specifically.
"Anyway," Persephone cuts her spirit guardian off, "Since I don't have any warriors to fight for me usually, I have to be both the person who's kidnapped, and the person who beats up the beast! Sarchesker here just gets a little too rough sometimes!" Persephone stepped in front of Sarchesker's cage, and grinned at him. "Don't you, Chessie?" She cooed.
"You're having way too much fun with this and I do NOT appreciate it." Sarchesker kept his expression from changing.
"Too bad. Gotta comply with me if you want out..." Persephone's thoughts were spoken in an eerily malicious tone, though her innocent grin only grew.
"Yes, well...you're usually so strong, combat-wise, that sometimes I forget how physically frail you actually are." Sarchesker nods.
"Hahaha, most magic users are like that! We pack a punch with out weapons and magic, but when it comes to muscle....well, why do you think we're primarily magic-users?" Persephone snickers gleefully before turning back to Tobias. "So, does that satisfy your questions, sir?"
"I really don't know if there's much more to say myself..." Sarchesker's eyes trail back to Michael as he speaks.

Ruitsume is still on her way to get Kanashiko back to her room when a commotion starts up. There's noise, the presence of some big beast, and flames.
"I hope this has nothing to do with Persephone." Ruitsume breathes out a weary sigh. She's reassured by the announcement she hears over the hotel's intercom that comes next, but still looks annoyed. Mostly because she's not looking forward to what's coming next.
"So, Kanashiko...change of plans." Ruitsume turns to her. "...We might need your help with whatever the hell is out there."
"Ohhhh....but it sounds terrible." Kanashiko's eyes water, as they usually do. "A-and, I wouldn't be any help...I'd just ruin everything..."
Ruitsume tries her hardest not to roll her eyes. Kanashiko was her friend, and she can't really help her personality, considering her job, but still, the constant put-downs she dished out onto herself would get grating on one's patience.
"Kana, there's fire out there. And what is your main magical ability?" Ruitsume attempts to get her on board with a new approach.
"...Tears..." Kanashiko sniffles.
"And what are tears made of?"
"And what does water put out?"
"Exactly." Ruitsume takes her depressing friend by the hand. "So, logically, even if you can't fight the monster itself, you can still help. So, we need you. Come on."
"Okay, Rui...if you're sure..." Kanashiko agrees weakly.
With that, Ruitsume leads the way outside to where people have already gathered to try fighting off the construct.

The shadows glance around at their new surroundings, before grinning some more.
"Man, you picked the best place to live!" Amber says to Karl. "Closets are the best!"
"They're perfect for scaring people!" Clancy nods in agreement. "Especially children!"
"Definitely children! Of course, the second place spot is deffffiiinitely under the bed." Amber's grin turns a little more wicked.

Unless specifically requested I bring them back, I'm going to refrain from writing anymore on Sephie, Ammi, and the others. My lack of memory on where their stories were headed has put me at a blank, and I just really wanted to finally write a post. I may bring them back, I might not also. I dunno yet.
I probably will if I can think of something new to do with them, but summer break just started, and my brain's still healing from all the school indoctrination BS whatever-the-hell they teach there :3 so I'm just gonna do what I can handle now.

I just realized I used a character who wasn't on any of my CS lists in my last post.
I'll make sure I get one done soon here <XD Sorry.
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