Avatar of ShadowSunRisen


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2 yrs ago
Current The wheel of time turned once more as bombs burst in the sky and the world rose anew.
3 yrs ago
It's an illusion of life. All the same. One and all. All in one. One and all.
3 yrs ago
Caught between the angels and demons. Pulled apart by heaven and hell.
3 yrs ago
Always in the process of becoming.
3 yrs ago
The dead have risen. The dead can dance.


Chosen Undead.

Most Recent Posts

Waiting for one more CS from a certain someone. I'll probably start the RP thread soon today.

There's a loud crash as a now suddenly armored volkswagen crashed through the wall and obliterated a small fashion kiosk. She had made her own way into the shopping center and Nessie and Maria were free to hop off whenever they pleased. Tires squeal and grind against the tiled floor as Val shows no signs of stopping herself. Val announces 'coming through!' as she intentionally runs over a pageless. She'd then refocus to the ongoing conversation.

"I basically spew a lot of shit from my mouth and sees what sticks."

As Nessie climbed up and got in the back of the open roofed volkswagen. She'd kick open a compartment in the dashboard to reveal a hidden stash of Heineken alcohol. She'd pop the cap with a bottle opener she quickly crafted and began to down the beer in several filling gulps.

"This stuff is basic, but it gets the job done. I can't complain."

After downing her drink, she'd raise up her golden revolver and casually drive by shoot an unfortunate Pageless straight through the head, obliterating the monster. As usual Valeria remained in her transformed state, never allowing herself to be shown untransformed.


She'd giggle, and then turn to Maria to answer her questions.

"Oh, me and Oz? Yeah we go back a while. Of course she's amazing and all, one of the best in the academy. Just uh...I don't have a single idea what makes her tick. I know she went through some bad stuff with her last team that I don't want to say too much about. Just uh. She's been through a lot. Let's leave it at that. Personal stuff."

Val had her own things she wanted to say, but preferred to drown them in alcohol instead.

"Our first team is doing really good! We need to give them some names! I thought that was their job, tsk tsk. Gonna have to give them more homework for that. Nessie, Nessie! I hear talks there's a really good pub in the area. Your mission if you so choose it is to fetch me some of the nicest English beer you can find. If you can hold off the pageless who'd no doubt try to stop you. Maria and I can lend you a hand! Yeah!"

Valeria giggled, letting loose and having fun with reckless beer drinking. Blasting the magical monsters as they came out the side of her car with her golden handcrafted revolver.

Thomas unfortunately would be left waiting a while as the Tower switched and turned, leaving everyone in a flux once more.

The princess had taken up refuge in the casino and found she had actually grown to like the place. Compared to the dreary and battle intensive Abyss where she had yet again been killed this was a lovely change of pace. Having snatched a new costume from the wardrobes she'd adapt to a new role of a humble casino proprietor.

Katie would soon be joined with a short princess standing across the bar from behind, offering her a milkshake instead of the hard drink she was downing. She took pleasure with so quickly appearing once again with no warning.

"Why the long face, Katie? You can't be miserable in a wonderful place like this. Finally, no more prolonged nonsense about angry wolves and time warping demons! Erika is a real sweetie and gave me a job here! Check out my clothes!"

She'd steal a sip of Katie's drink and then make a disgusted face, sticking out her tongue.

"Yuck! You drink this stuff!?"

After pausing a moment, she'd think further on the people she hasn't seen.

"Have you seen Thomas anywhere? He was such a nice boy! Hope he comes back soon!"


Kanbaru had a new golden card that had appeared in her shorts pocket during the tower's transition. It felt as though it had always been there but the whale knew better about the ways of the Tower than most. On its visage was the pale form of Nephy, standing proud and giving a fanged smile as if always taunting the whale even if the real Nephy had managed to escape the tower.

Probably the best farewell Kanbaru and the others would get from that devious pair.

Okay I'll dm my thoughts to each of you.

As for when this will start. I'm waiting for some others involved to finalize their characters and see if they are ready to start sometime this week. We'll see for now.

You better get a character then. :3
@Fading Memory

Well the responss are pretty slow and we for sure have some open slots left so take your time.

Sure she can fit in as a patron for your character. God/goddess I should probably mean to say whatever deity your character follows, so this can include demons as well.

I'd like a bit more information on her relationship with Atermis and why she's chosen as her deity. Especially since she has a problem with what other gods have done to her.

It's 1930, and the light of the gilded age has faded. An age of excess and luxury has collapsed to a decade of poverty and despair. Faith in governments and economies across the world has fallen, and millions of lives are left lost in a maelstrom of economic turmoil, fanatic ideologies, and the heartbreak of a promised bright future turning into a nightmare. The promises of growth and wealth have come to naught, and now everyone must find a new place in this turbulent time or risk being swallowed by the waves of change.

That's the story on the surface, as everyday people understand it. Unknown to them there are hidden actors pulling the strings from underneath these waves. Ancient and powerful spirits and gods call from their retreats for a great new spiritual age as the light of Christianity wanes. The gods and goddesses of old demand to walk the earth again, and for their names to be on the lips of new followers. Some seek devotion, others blood and revenge. They poke and pull at the veil separating our reality from theirs. They cause loving husbands to murder their family, devout priests to curse their God, and committed killers to renounce their ways and devote themselves to new purposes. Monsters reappear in corners that humans dare to tread. New religious cults are arising, for Athena, Mars, Odin, Eris, Ra and other classical mythological figures. They claim to wield incredible magics and powers from their familiar gods, and are eager to show the world what they are capable of, both good or bad or inbetween. Existing religious orders in Christianity, Islam and Judaism reject these uprising revivalists as demons and lunatics. The chaos in the material world reflects the spiritual, or maybe it's the other way around.

The walls between worlds is crumbling, and anything can come into this reality.

You find yourself caught up in this storm and left with two choices. To either let yourself become a victim of circumstance and see how this wind will take you, or to dare to try and lead the charge and make a stake for yourself in this era of depression and violence. For some this is a nightmare, for others it's an opportunity.

New Haven is a fictional city set off the coast of California. It is considered the jewel of the west coast and a achievement creating a flourishing modern city out of what was once a set of grassy hills and untamed woodland. New Haven is on the cutting edge of society, technology and culture. A burgeoning film and radio industry, aeroplanes and automobiles and one of the hottest immigration spots in the world. It is also directly on the frontline of this spiritual and material cataclysm that's befallen civilization, as both the worst of the depression and religious agitation can be witnessed here.

In this setting a detective agency has been established by an ex cop and catholic priest to begin to investigate and solve the crime epidemic related to the ongoing crisis. Unofficial and with very little public backing, this agency is on the frontlines in attempting to make sense of the coming apart world around it. Montag Detectives Ltd have contacts in this world and the next and are often visited by all sorts of potential dangers.

Your characters are potential recruits for the new detective agency, and may be whomever you wish. Other than having a reason to work and try to solve cases, your character is mostly up to you. Here are some starting rules to help get you started.

On how the myths will work for your characters, each character has a god or goddess they may worship and commune with. This can give them benefits and perks of all sorts depending on what god they communicate with. For example, a character who has chosen Ares would do better in battle while an Aphrodite follower would be more charismatic. Gods aren't collectible cards though, and will require favors and tasks of you in order to maintain their good standings. You can also switch your chosen gods and follow whomever you please of the major pantheons, just keep in mind this can easily anger whomever you left behind. The benefits you get and the relationship with your chosen deity are largely up to you as well and subject to approval.

The only do nots are to not make characters who are omniscient, time warping, or other powers that are too much for a detective style premise to maintain.

Chosen God-
Reason for Joining the team-
Reference pic

I look forward to seeing all of your designs. There is only room for about six people max planned for right now, so please do not take it personally if you are not selected.

I'm @LightComposer and I'm bumping this interest check as I'm going to revive this setting. I'll probably write a new interest check tonight or tomorrow.
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