Avatar of ShadowSunRisen


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2 yrs ago
Current The wheel of time turned once more as bombs burst in the sky and the world rose anew.
3 yrs ago
It's an illusion of life. All the same. One and all. All in one. One and all.
3 yrs ago
Caught between the angels and demons. Pulled apart by heaven and hell.
3 yrs ago
Always in the process of becoming.
3 yrs ago
The dead have risen. The dead can dance.


Chosen Undead.

Most Recent Posts

So we are looking for new players, so I'm bumping this to check for interest.
So I'm gonna restart the interest check. I'll skip us ahead and get us off into the next investigation today or tomorrow.
I'm sorry to hear that. We'll really miss you. Wish there was something we could've worked out.

Take care.
Sure sure! Do you need motivation to post or discussing ideas to help?

Thanks for talking about your concerns. I haven't really modeled this rp off of DnD but instead Crpgs me and my friends have played like Planetscape torment and the old Fallout games. I try to make a world and give the characters all a problem to solve, in this case a murder mystery and they have to investigate the world and characters around them to gleam information before coming to conclusions.

My expectations of you are just to create a character with goals and motivations that we can collaborate on to make interesting stories. So far you've done well in that.

@Fading Memory

What have you been thinking on?
Just checking in. I think it's Fading's turn to post? What do people think?
Yeah I do apologize, I was late and just got too distracted to post last weekend. Sorry about that.

Anyways. The investigation is starting now. I encourage everyone to start interrogating Kaspar and perhaps using their connections to their deities to get an edge and reveal information other people couldn't see. There will be more of that going forward once we go to the crime scene next as well.

"Murder is murder. Right. But then everything changes when your father gets shot over some dispute between 'gods' supposedly up in the sky above. I think it's all bullshit, but what these people believe drives them to do the most insane shit I've ever seen. If even a bootlegger could get tangled up in these things then god help us all."

Marie explained with harsh crassness to the well-intentioned Cathal. In her eyes the involvement of the supernatural was all but guaranteed and the poor humans tangled up in their greed would suffer tragic fates for no greater purposes. Abigail's speech calmed her nerves and reassured her that the attempt to understand and bring these forces to justice was worthwhile still, despite her pessimism. She'd never admit it openly to the preacher, however.

Her attitude is reinforced as Kaspar arrives with the bad news. She could no longer believe in coincidences and the timing of yet another murder confirmed her suspicions. She'd glance down at her pocket watch, a tiny heirloom from her late father. The words of a friend repeating in her head. At once a great energy overtook her and compelled her to stand up from the bar.

"Yeah we should start our investigation alright! If we split up we're as good as dead if the guys who did this are who I think they are!" Marie shouted at Jane's question, coming up to examine Kaspar herself and getting face to face with the man.

]"What else did you see? Was there any strange spirits or did you get asked to do somethings you wouldn't normally do by strangers? Did any of them have snakes on their neck, like tattoos? You have to answer this now!"

The woman was angry and overwhelming the poor man. Abigail and Montag knew full well what she was referring to and what had caused this explosion of passion.

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