Avatar of Shyri
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    1. Shyri 9 yrs ago


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3 yrs ago
Current Rest in peppered ponies cowboy.
4 yrs ago
I haven't posted on here in two years. Whoops.
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6 yrs ago
This year I've managed to work through depression and actually get some posts out. Even though it's only a little, progress feels nice.
7 yrs ago
7 yrs ago
Happeh birfday to me~


I always knew, deep in my kokoro, that I was a big baka. I, of course, place the blame on kami-sama for not giving me a good senpai.

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Nation Name:
The Russian Empire/Russian State/Muscovite Tsardom/Moscow

Aleksandra “Sasha” Wrangel



1. Introduction. The Kaiser visits a dead friend. A Polish gangster get's into trouble.
2. Feliks wakes up in the back of a truck to a familiar face.
3. Prince Friederick's twin sons have a birthday part on a blimp.
4.German West Afrika formally rejoins the Empire.
5. Europe tries to work together. TURKEY LITTERS ON MY COUNTRY.
6. Prince Friederich enjoys a night on the town. Things go South.

1. Moscow Introduction
2. "Russia Will Be Mine"
3. Deserters and the Rise of the Mafia
Actually, can we play individual characters?

You should be able to, it was allowed in the last incarnation so I don't see why not. :)
The crown prince of Germany is named Friederich. The legacy shall live on.

Along with Japan, Crimea, and Central America, I believe. (Though I might have missed/be forgetting 1 or 2.)

EDIT: For clarity, on that map, Romania, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg are marked as grey just to clarify borders, but are NPC's. Then Poland and Lithuania are available, but are German puppets.
The German Empire


Leader: Wilhelm IV


<Snipped quote by Shyri>

Western Belarus is Polish, you mean.

That being said, Aaron's suggestion is probably most accurate considering the post-Russian chaos.

I mean, it's the territory Poland held between 1922 and 1939. Without WW2, it's understandable it would still hold those territories, regarded as "Eastern Poland" throughout this period of history. Especially since it existed as an entity before the Russian-explosion. With no Russia invading it to take that land, either, in 1960 it would thoroughly be a Polish territory. Even if it's had to deal with a refugee crisis for 5 years. Russia exploding doesn't suddenly make it no longer Poland's border.
<Snipped quote by ethanjory>

But I refuse. Someone needs to stand up to the Germans. Look at him, he's already made part of what I had claimed as western Ukraine as part of Poland, and that's not even his darn country.

East Poland is Polish. *gasps*

Anyways, it makes little sense that a 5 year old government can maintain control over most of their core territories, half of Belarus, and all of Eastern Poland. Especially when the same government doesn't even have full control of the Ukrainian population. In comparison, Poland as a state has existed long enough to actually hold it's cultural territory.

If you really want to get into it.

That said, I had been talking over the details of Germany over the last couple days with Aaron and Vilage. I didn't just look at what you put down, take a paintbrush to it, and scribble over what you have.
New, improved and finalized map of The German Empire, with it's two protectorates/puppets/clients/whateveryouwannacallem. (Done in HoI4's map for accuracy.) History following shortly.
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