Avatar of Sini
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Old Guild Username: Sinistred
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 564 (0.15 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Sini 10 yrs ago
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9 yrs ago
Current The Empire Strikes Back
9 yrs ago
Off to visit the little sister. Shall be back by Sun/Monday.
9 yrs ago
Trying to wrap my head around the new tools and bits of the site. Well done, Mahz.


Née 1991. I feel old already.

Been roleplaying from the age of 15, write on solo projects in my spare time. I heartily encourage interaction when it comes to writing and creative efforts. Like to think I'm an understanding but stern and solid GM when I host games, and a collaborative and creative individual. Used to draw. Write in advanced section.

While I might not be as omni-present a some of you are on RP:G, I have been a part of it since 2009-2010 (if my memory serves me right). However, I must admit that post Guildfall, my activity also dropped. Slowly getting back into things.

I attended university to acquire my master's degree in history. I already had an educational degree for history and English, and am teaching both in secondary school. Any questions? Ask.

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A few of your links and tags are broken. There is indeed something wrong with that hider. Not sure what. That's not a major thing or a reason to deny your sheet. I think it might be these: [i][b]often[/i][/b] in the skills section, at interrogation.

Go for me!
Looking forward to the finished product! Some first remarks:

I do suggest you look at making her less of "good at anything". I am particularly talking about her skills and such. Maybe try and outline where she excels, is mediocre in and what's she's bad at.

Also, making her 25 would mean that she was 21 at the end of hostilities. So that would have given her just over a year of actual field experience.

Tychus Alastor of Alsakan - Rooftop Garden Terrace - Sunrise

Being a Republic Senator did have its perks, mused Tychus Alastor the most honourable gentleman speaking on behalf of Alsakan, that proud and venerable world. It was early morning, and although the sun cast a stinging glare in Tychus’s eyes and lent the dewy grass, the rustling trees, the shifting water in the well-kept roof-garden a golden glow, there was still a treacherous nip to the air. But then, that was to be expected when you were on a terrace kilometres removed from the planet’s surface.

An Artiodac, massive but nonetheless unobtrusive, came bearing a chromium platter whereupon a single, tiny cup of steaming vine-coffee stood perfectly centred. A pristinely clean towel was draped over one very impressive looking arm. In his other hand, the servant held a small pitcher containing Traladon milk – a condiment popular in Corellian cuisine and the only sort of cream acceptably added to vine-coffee. The jug looked ridiculous in the Artiodac’s huge fist.

Tychus grinned, amused by his Artiodacan manservant’s diligence and perfectionism. “Thank you, Torka,” the senator said, daintily accepting the ceramic vessel. He took a minute sip, noting that the Artiodac had sweetened the drink according to his tastes. The surprisingly lithe retainer inclined in his head in response, then added a dash of the Traladon milk and retreated.

A deep, relishing sigh escaped Tychus as he reclined on his terrace chair. He loved the smell of good coffee and looked affectionately at the mocha in his cup. After all, this was none of that cheap swill served in the caf shops and kiosks below.

Beeps and boops dragged him from his revelry. “Sir, I have someone you’d like to speak to on an encrypted line.”

“Ah, you do know how to whet my appetites, Ulri,” responded Tychus. He really was in a good mood this morning. Perhaps due to the pair of ladies still fast asleep he had left behind to enjoy the sunrise? He considered this. No. It was the luxurious coffee. “A fine morrow to you too. Who is it?”

“Veralai Brax, of the Corellian Engin-”

“I know who the Sith she is. Patch her through.”

Tychus sat up so fast that he almost spilled his expensive bean-juice. Farkle me sideways. He had not expected to operate on this level just now, though he would rise to the occasion. Undoubtedly this was about the rumours trembling through the Senate’s hallways and backrooms regarding a bill of seizure. How did he feel about getting a call from one of the Galaxy’s most notorious women? After a moment of searching his feelings, he knew it to be flattered.

Vera Brax was evidently an early riser. But then so am I. Nothing encourages a man to leave his bed like being kept awake all night by searing cramps.

“My apologies, Senator Alastor. I’m putting her through holo-feed now.”

Instead of calming himself, he grabbed his excitement and squeezed it for whatever energy he could. Tychus reached into a paper bag, drew out a pinch of bread dust between thumb and forefinger, and tossed it at his feet. A mob of self-important water fowl had already gathered, and now they fussed at each other furiously in their efforts to get at the crumbs while the Alsakan senator watched them, his weathered face affecting an aloof expression.

A number of drones hummed into existence, having come to allow a holographic projection of the call. The CEC chairwoman would be able to view him at whatever locale she was. The image would be that of a man clad in a bathrobe, sipping morning coffee and feeding duck-like water birds. Whether or not she would allow herself to be projected was up to her.

“I am under no illusions, Madam Director,” Alastor drawled in his native Alsakan accent, as he accepted the connection, almost without moving his lips and without looking up from the quacking fowl. “If I were a betting man – and I am – then I would say this has to do with the gossip about our latest bill. You have your wiles and ways, so I’ll just assume you know what’s what.” He feigned modesty but went straight to business and clarification of his stance. From what he knew of the Corellian harridan this was something she would appreciate. No need to talk about the weather, or how the children are, or the relative merits of different-coloured ducks. “I am not a big enough player to compete in this contest, even should I wish to. But I am big enough to get something from it. I intend to get what I can.”

“There is no shame in that.” A melodious voice from an undisclosed location.

“I do not think so. I have a family to feed, and it grows by the year. I strongly advise against too many relatives.” Tychus looked up then, lazily. A sadness tugged at the strings of his heart and he surpressed it. “And then I keep dogs, and they must be fed also, and have great appetites.” Alastor gave a long, tired sigh, and tossed the birds another pinch of bread. He had them imported at great expense from somewhere in the Outer Rim. Naboo? “The higher you rise, chairwoman, the more dependents cry at you for scraps; that is a sad fact.”

“You carry a large responsibility, Senator.” Vera remarked blandly. “How large, might I ask?”
“I have my own vote, of course, and control the votes of several other chairs on various committees. The Perlemian representatives listen when I speak, and there are over a hundred of us.” Of me. “Senators and worlds tied to my own by bonds of friendship, of long tradition, and... incentive. I am a persuasive man.” Incentive could mean bribery and intimidation, though Tychus usually employed both. What good is a carrot when you do not have a stick to beat’em with?

“Such bonds may prove insubstantial in times such as these. You are certain of how many of those?”

Tychus turned his cold eyes on the optics feeding Vera his image. “I am no fool, Director. I keep my dogs well chained. I am certain of them. As certain as we can be of anything, in these uncertain times.” He tossed more crumbs into the grass and the ducks quacked, and pecked, and beat at each other with their wings.

“A hundred, then.”

“A hundred to take into account.” No mean share of the great pie.

Vera’s voice sounded unperturbed. This was business to her. “We would be willing to offer sixty thousand credits for each vote.”

“I see.” Tychus Alastor’s hooded eyes did not so much as twitch. “You are a long way from Corellia, madam. So little meat would scarcely satisfy my dogs. It would leave nothing for my own table. I should tell you that the Kuat family, in a highly roundabout manner, already offered me eighty thousand a vote, as well as an excellent stretch of property and estates. Prime hunting lands. Are you a hunting woman, Director?”

“I was.” A pause. “But not for some time.”

“Ah. My commiserations. I have always loved the sport. But then a spokesman for the IGB came to visit me.”

“How charming for you both.”

“He was good enough to make an offer of ninety thousand, and a very suitable suggestion for some of our corporate interests. This mining security bill for instance has a lot of backing companies up in arms.”

“You accepted?”

“I told their catspaw it was too early to accept anything.”

“I am sure we could stretch to ninety-five, but that would have to be—”

“Rendili Stardrive’s agent already offered me ninety-five.”

“Them? Was it Adira Serret?” hissed Vera.

Senator Alastor raised an eyebrow. “I believe that was the name.”

“I regret that I can only match that offer at present. I will remember your leniency.” He could practically hear her grinding her teeth.

“I look forward to hearing from you, chairwoman.” Tychus turned back to his ducks and permitted them a few more crumbs, a vague smile hovering round his lips as he watched them tussle with each other and sipped his coffee. The allegory, he was sure, would not be lost on a woman like Vera Brax. Then the connection was severed.

Damn, but this is a good morning.” He then tossed out the contents of his drinking vessel. "Torka! Another. This one went cold."
<Snipped quote by Sini>

Will probs make it with Bryndon as it would have been several years ago, if that’s alright.

Sure! You can find me/us on Discord to chat things out if you want to work on details.
Having read your review again @Ellri I felt the need to point out a few objections. Yes, Jorick's Embrus has a lot of force and warrior skills, but is that really a deal breaker? Having such skills is something I'd expect from a Darth character. It's when I feel as if a PC approaches invicibility or "OP-ness" my alarms go off. Granted, I've know Jorjor Binks for quite some time and my trust in him as an RPer might influence this. He kills his own chars more often than not if it helps the story. Brutal.

Usually takes at least a decade with a teacher who has mastered it to reach this level, if it is ever reached.
Guide to the Force, on advanced talents

So, even ignoring the other abilities, he has spent five decades studying the advanced techniques, at least as much again studying to become well-trained with five talents, and he’s spent the equivalent of a century or more to master five talents. All before reaching the age of fifty.

For comparison, Darth Theya Katherion, who has spent decades in exploring the nuances of the Force and the Dark Side, has mastered telekinesis and one or two closely linked sub-branches. While we haven’t defined whether it was an innate talent or not (we should fix things like that), the feeling we have of her is that it is not an innate talent. Darth Theya has about 120 years of life more than Darth Embrus, yet she is clearly vastly less powerful in the Force than you’ve made Embrus. See the issue.

We also compared with another character built in the same era and using much of the same material (Sundered Echo’s Darth Nyiss), and she was, with her lower age (59-65) even weaker, even though she too is older than Embrus.

By the age he is at, if he’s spent especially much of his time using that, perhaps in battle considering his Primary Sphere of Influence, he could perhaps have reached mastery in one technique, with near-mastery in something closely related.

I agree he put in a lot of powers/skills but there's a flaw in the criticism here. By your logic only longevitous beings will ever be Darths, something which is fundamentally untrue in Star Wars. Though not era-specific, Anakin was in his early twenties when he became Darth Vader. There are other examples, but this one was easiest. It's also stated in our own PG material that for the rank of Sith Lord the "guesstimate" is 40 years of age. Having Embrus be a Darth at age 45-46 isn't a stretch.

As described in the Sith Guide, there are a number of requirements for the Dark Council to grant someone the rank of Darth. While not all must be present, some are mandatory and most must be present.
  • The Dark Council must see the need for a new Darth.
  • Good relations with at least one member of the Dark Council
  • No enemies on the Dark Council
  • The Dark Council will not promote someone who cannot keep his/her enemies in check, either through careful manipulation, or elimination.

In regards to the points I retained above:
  • The GMs decide that need, and given the dearth of Sith chars I'd say why not have a Darth? Looking at the source material it of course states that Darths are rare, but what is rare? Plausibly everyone in the PG could pick up a Darth character and we still can classify it as a 'rare' title because it's a setting of galactic proportions.
  • Having good relations with one member of the council is fine, but that shouldn't exclude having enemies!
  • This can not be a hard requirement. Having rivals and enemies is intrinsically part of Sith (and maybe even Imperial) society. It is not as if the Council has a thing like a 'veto'. I bet a lot of Darths would have enemies on the Dark Council. Personal advancement is often tied in with elimination of the one standing in your way.
  • "Keeping enemies in check". Kinda seems like this is where all those fancy force powers and warrior skills could come in handy.
Essential translation of Ellrisms: "Darth" is too fancy a title for this guy.
Like Ellri I would like to see some more meat to the bio/interview. Elsewhere I see no glaring issues, but address the questions and feedback provided above regarding his skills in the Force and pilot seat, as well as some of his connections. If you mention associates you need to flesh them out a bit so they can be interacted with not just your character. When working out possible plots or contacts, these NPC associates might be an easy tie in for other players.
Looks great to me. Character's bio picked up speed toward the end. Get it? ;)
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