Avatar of Sirkaithethird
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 534 (0.22 / day)
  • VMs: 1
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    1. Sirkaithethird 7 yrs ago


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3 yrs ago
Current My last post was 3 years ago. I arise.
3 yrs ago
Oh my god, I haven't been here for a whole year
5 yrs ago
Been sick for the past 6 days, tried to come into work but don’t have the energy to focus, time to resurrect this account?
5 yrs ago
God, I’m stuck waiting for audition results... it’s so painful.
5 yrs ago
Dang 7 months of inactivity



Lord of the Sea

Most Recent Posts

Just how I write,

@pandapolio will recognize the ship name and characters, I continued the writing into a WIP book.
I may have got mover board with my Combat
Might go with an archer or a shipowner, if not those just a normal shield Wall member
I'll join after work
Short post I know but I had to get something up @poi I allowed for Koen to be found at Brussels Central
Koen awoke the same way he had for the last 6 months, hoping it was all a dream, instead here he was laying ontop of a semitrailer in the cool predawn chill. He quickly packed up his bag, not hard considering that he had next to nothing packed. He leaned over all the edges checking for Mort-vivant, after he was satisfied that all was clear he jumped down onto the tarmac of E19. In the distance he could make out the beginning of Brussels and there was his goal.

It was 11:00 when Koen wandered into Brussels cautiously he worked his way to the main train station, it was the only place he knew, there was certainly a map somewhere in the station. Finally at 1300 Koen wandered into the marble halls, he had dodged the Mort-vivant at the main entrance. As he walked in he noticed that all passageways to the platforms were locked, presumably there was Mort-vivant down there. He walked to the information desk, the door swinging in some unfelt breeze, inside he found a collection of maps. Koen pulled them out into the brighter light, he discarded all repeated maps and kept the rest, putting them in his bag. A flash light would be nice he muttered to himself in a mix of Dutch and French. If only I could find a gear closet, he wandered into the area marked staff only, "Not like they will mind" he walked in and continued down the hall, after finding what seemed to be storage he searched but found nothing. He walked back to the large skylit lobby and figured that this must be a beacon for survivants. He found a darkened corner where he could hide if necessary and set up camp.
I should get a post up today..... Or at least a start
<Snipped quote by Poi>

Even earlier than I thought myself. Anywho, you have the option to be with the scavengers or doing something at the bookstore hideout. Wherever you are, you'll all end up in the same area near the end, where you can agree with one of Hiroko's plans or tell her to bug off and make up your own plan.

Regardless of the course of action, it will affect the NPCs of the group.

Can I start off on my own?
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