Avatar of Slypheed
  • Last Seen: 3 hrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Slypheed
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1866 ( / day)
  • VMs: 3


Recent Statuses

5 mos ago
Ya know, I didn't think the start of March would be greeted with a some guy in HD2 falsly accusing me of stealing his machinegun and tking me as well. But here we are.
2 yrs ago
Just found out my left kidney wasn't done and decided I needed to deal with a second stone before I even passed the first one.
2 yrs ago
Kidney stone blocking the ureter...yay...thankfully only 4mm so it don't need surgery, just some meds. But that pain I felt is certainly not an ideal way to wake up.
2 yrs ago
Lightly fried fish fillets
4 yrs ago
And I was 'round when Jesus Christ, had his moment of doubt and pain


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Visitor Messages

Silverwind Blade 5 yrs ago
Hey there. Just logged into the Guild out of idle curiosity in the first time in ages, and also wanted to see who was still around. Good to see you're still here. Hope you're well and all is good for you. Much love.
Jurassic Weeb 7 yrs ago
Love the avatar, bro. Thank you for making my day!

Jurassic Weeb 8 yrs ago
I feel your pain. I have the worst luck around Singles Awareness Day.
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