Avatar of StarWight
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Old Guild Username: LoneSilverWolf
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1137 (0.30 / day)
  • VMs: 4
  • Username history
    1. StarWight 2 yrs ago
    2. ██████████████ 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current I JUST saw today that they are remaking Silent Hill 2 and releasing a new Silent Hill game!!! Wow, I thought Konami abandoned the IP! I am more excited than I can put into words!!!
2 yrs ago
I haven't roleplayed in so long, I am super excited to jump back into things!
2 yrs ago
Moving my interest check from advanced to casual in hopes of snagging some survival horror interest!
2 yrs ago
If anyone is interested in a Silent Hill roleplay, check out the interest check! I'm hoping we can capture a fun survival horror feel!
2 yrs ago
Are we *technically* alive though? I mean really, shouldn't you say unlives?


Former Enlisted Army, and very avid gamer. I have fallen hook line and sinker for Dungeons and Dragons, which has actually taken over as my preferred method to roleplay--as both a DM and a player.

However, my roleplay adventures started with writing, and I always will be interested in creative writing. I left for a brief 5 year stint (Hey, that's brief to an elf or dragon, yeah?) but am back and ready to dive into something (though what, I am unsure).

Happily married to my wonderful wife @PrimalArcana, whom I met at this forum (thanks @Mahz) and I can't be happier :D Love to RP pretty much anything. However, my time is much more limited than it used to be. My PMs are open if you want to roleplay, I'm known to do both 1 on 1 RPs and open forum RPs.

I may not be active anymore, but this still applies: All Green, all Army, HOOAH!

Most Recent Posts

I was looking through the subforum and I saw there was an old thread of this!

What shows or movies are you currently watching? What do you like or don’t like about it? Would you recommend it to others?

If it’s something that may have spoilers, please hide it just in case someone doesn’t want it to be spoiled!!

Currently I’m coming back to anime and I’ve been watching Black Clover with my fiancé. It’s deceptively good in the sense that it has the slapstick humor that I tend to enjoy in anime, tropes that I’m familiar with but thoroughly enjoy, and a bunch of OP goodness. It may not be everyone’s cup of tea for an anime but I’m really enjoying it.

I also just recently started Spy x Family and one I fell in love by episode 1.

Outside of anime, I am super invested in Obi Wan Kenobi. I’m excited to see how it goes.

My first post back in 5 years and it gets to be this one!

House of the Dragon (or HotD as GRRM would like the show to be abbreviated) is what I have been watching. And let me say boy was I skeptical about it at first. But this show has wowed the heck out of me. I only recently watched the original Game of Thrones, so that show is still very much fresh in my mind (watched it for the first time a few months ago give or take).

The political intrigue, the dragons, the world of Westeross itself. I just love all of it. The darker setting, the low magic, the fantastic characters and plot development. I would definitely 10000% recommend the show to anyone who even has the slightest, remotest love of fantasy and/or medieval political interests.

Also waiting for The Walking Dead to air again, for the last part of their final season. I have loved The Walking Dead since their pilot episode (and I've never read the comics). Some criticize the show for seasons 5 and 6, and felt the All Out War story arch went on too long, but I disagree with those sentiments and very much can't wait to see how they end the story.

I don't watch a LOT of shows, so those are the only two right now. If anyone knows of any really good mafia-based TV shows currently running, let me know. I miss the Sopranos :(

Welcome back, nerd! Love ya!

Hah, I figured you'd be the first one to respond! It is good to be back. Got to reacquaint myself around here!
Hello all. Going to be real, I definitely struggled trying to think of an introduction, because I'm not technically new here; so I settled (we all know how that goes).

I've technically been a part of this awesome community since before the guildfall, but about I left about 5 years ago. There was a lot of personal stuff going on, plus I was very VERY busy in my life at that point (still am, if we are being honest), it just was a whole hot mess of stuff. Since then I haven't really had much time to write, so I am a bit out of practice on that front. That said, I have been roleplaying a different KIND of roleplay. After my brief absence from the RP Guild, I REALLY got into DnD. I am loving DnD and tabletop gaming in general, in a way I didn't really know I would. So hey, found a new hobby!

But I am back now, at the suggestion of my awesome wife who is also a member here--PrimalArcana. I've been wanting to get back into writing and roleplay (well, as much as I can anyway). I also changed my name, because after so long, I'm definitely...well, let's just say my screen name doesn't really fit me anymore!

The roleplays I love are really fantasy and survival horror, with some post apocalypse thrown in. I am a huge Silent Hill fan (and horror in general), and I love me some Fallout and Lord of the Rings. Oh and Star Wars too. Now that I am back, we'll see if I can find something (or create if I have to) that hit similar feels :D

But that is it! Look forward to seeing everyone, and seeing who if anyone I used to know is even still around anymore. Have a good one folks and see you in the RPs!
In The Last 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Right now it seems everyone is at the interstate with my character
In The Last 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I stare for a moment at "Jack Olsen." Hmph. Guy tries to jump me, maybe planned on killing me, and wants to shake hands now? I don't know. I don't want to kill the kid though. He's what, 16, 17? If he was even alive before...all of this started, then he has no memory of it. Likely wasn't even alive before. I gaze as his bloody cloak, his outstretched hands, and then I gaze him right in the eye.

"I won't leave you hangin, kid, if you answer 3 questions. You answer honestly now, and I won't have to kill ya." I fold my arms across his chest, and nod towards the stinking, rotting, infected that litter the ground--victims of their own insanity; the Scourge had shut down the parts of the brain that make people who they are. At least that's what the news told us, back when there still was news. I'm no fuckin' scientist so, who knows.

"First question, kid," I say after nodding towards the corpses on the interstate. "How many infected have you killed? I squint my eyes, staring at Jack, ready to put him down at the slightest hint of dishonesty. I hear footsteps approaching, but I pay them no mind. If they were infected they would be ranting and mumbling, trying to form sentences that could not come together with their shattered minds. The footsteps had to belong to a survivor, and that being the case, if they meant us harm, we'd be dead already. So I keep my gaze locked on Jack, waiting for his answer.
In The Last 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Gonna steal an idea I think started in season 3 or 4 on TWD ;) Hope you all don't mind, but I just think the concept is pretty freakin awesome.
In The Last 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@A Tattooed Girl Love the way you stated what characters your post mentions at the start. Freakin awesome! I'll post later today got some dishes to do atm
In The Last 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Been a long week but I'll reply tomorrow sorries. I have some new responsibilites at work and one of them is on thursday nights at 1700 til whenever -_-

Depends on what mods and overhauls you use though, doesn't it? I mean there are mods that make Skyrim a drastically different experience :p
Well I do have something but I can't post any videos yet. I was picked to be an Alpha tester for Mirage, the game made by the same people as Chivalry Medieval Warfare, if you're familiar with that game. BUT, being early Alpha, they have a clause against recording/posting any videos of it for now, which suuuucks because that game is going to be big, that's my guess. It's fantastic right now and it's just in it's 3rd Alpha. Mixing Chivalry with a magical twist.

Other than that, I just don't have any of the really new games so I have to do something older. I started to do an Outlast recording, but my rendering/editing software decided to be a prick and I didn't finish rendering the thing -_-

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