Avatar of SubjectVision


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Well, that was a rather turbulent year.
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5 yrs ago
Shady's back, tell a friend.
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5 yrs ago
It is time for churros.
5 yrs ago
A random generator created this username for me.
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5 yrs ago
Started playing Salem in F/GO. It's gotten to the point where the youtube ads are hyping me up for the timegate to be lifted.


Back from a spell with all my witty charm to take advantage of the quiet nights of a graveyard shift, one that goes from 20:30 [EST] to 8:30.

DMs are open for whatever. Discord handle will be given as needed, more often than not to make it easier to contact (or be contacted by) folks in ongoing RPs.

Ongoing mobage picks: Limbus Company; Arknights (every so often); Marvel Snap.

Avid fan of video essays.

Most Recent Posts

Welcome. Enjoy your stay.
One unpotted plant coming right up. A couple more of details are sent through DMs.

Uriel Bertolini

Darkness. A cold darkness embraced his body, inside of which he felt himself falling. So this was what happened when one was dead, huh? An endless fall within an all-encompassing darkness was his new home after that accident. Funny how it works, despite being dead he could still feel his body. He had to be dead, though, since he knows for a fact that he died. He remembers the bus and the crash, although he couldn't really dwell in the details of the event. Before he could delve deeper into the philosophical aspects of the afterlife and what it could mean for him, a whisper began to echo inside of his mind.

β€œAll in one piece. All at the right location. All according to plan. My heroes, adjust yourselves to your new bodies and head south. The Glade is only safe for so long, so don’t you dare slack off.”

New bodies? What could this voice possibly mean? Uriel went to open his mouth and murmur a question to this mysterious interlocutor, but something went wrong. From his lips came not words, but something else entirely. A thing that he felt began to move upwards as it escaped his throat. He thought that it could perhaps his soul escaping his body until a very faint series of pops came muffled from above, only audible due to the minimal echo. Then he realized just how awfully wet the afterlife felt.

Triggered by this realization, Uriel's mind became fully aware of his body and he began to frantically look around, holding whichever air was inside of him. The moment he saw the weak remmants of daylight pouring in from above, his insticts kicked in and he began swimming upwards, mustering a strength and flexibility he never knew he had. He wasn't sure what he had on him, but it was becoming annoyingly cumbersome on his arms as he began his ascents. What a way the goddess gave him to get used to this new body.

Eventually, Uriel reached the surface of the water and gasped for air the moment his head was out, the splatters he made echoing around him. He felt like his voice was a bit odd, but he rationalized that it was because of the place where he was in and because of the lack of air. In all honesty, he couldn't see jackshit except a little bit of sky at the far top. Moving to the side, he reached out and felt smooth, wet stone pressing against his hand. A quick check revealed to him that he wouldn't be able to climb out.

"Guess I'm stuck 'til someone comes for me, huh?" Uriel commented to himself. Then he frowned: his voice was actually different. It was a couple of octaves higher, and it was definitely much more effeminate than his usual tough guy chords. Then he fully processed what the Goddess had said to him, and his eyes slowly widened as the movement of his legs as he kept himself afloat revealed something dreadful between his thighs. Or, rather, the lack of something.

In the center of the small and peacefull village of Tici was a well. It was from within it that the villages gathered the water needed for the tasks and needs of their everyday life. It was also from within it that the screams of a woman emerged, bringing words like "WHAT IN THE FUCKING HELL IS THIS SHIT!?" to the ears of unsuspecting bystanders.
Welcome, hope you enjoy your time here!
Still taking people in? Or waiting on those from the interest check first?
This is my first post in the spam forums

Hopefully not too late for the shebang, got space for one more?
Evening, fellas. For the sake of my inner pride do please imagine this is being spoken by the Formula 1 voice setting of Worms World Party, as that is most definitely not the one I have.

In any case, as evidenced by my profile picture, I am a tad bit of a weeb, and came here on the possible prospects of casual roleplaying. More information about myself shall be added at a later date on the "Bio" part of my profile.

In any case, hi.
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