Avatar of Sync
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    1. Sync 10 yrs ago


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Yo! I'm a fairly simply guy who's in here due to my love of writing. I've never got into the swing of things on these forums due to other stuff, hence the massive difference from the time I joined to the number of posts I've made. I'm a big geek when it comes to all things anime, fiction and games. I can roleplay just about anything as long as it doesn't involve me using an actual person's picture. I usually lean on the anime style of RP's, but recently I've been branching out for the sake of gaining perspective. I don't inherently dislike any character tropes, I believe if the execution is right and the direction is clear then something of value can come out of that. I might be online in theory, but that might just be me leaving the tab open. If you wanna talk just go ahead! I don't bite... much.

Most Recent Posts

Towering Giant, Survival of the Fittest

The battle has ceased well enough before Hafrbjǫrn patience did, the rummaging blood trails which adorned his steel were a testament of a hard fought battle. With a mighty swing, the blade was rid of any excess of vital fluids and holstered once again. His eyes started blankly at the Irregulars who seemed to have found upon themselves upon a squabble, if not minor between the healer mage and the witch doctor. Indeed, Hafrbjǫrn agreed more on what the doctor did, but he had not a single shred of interest in harboring more tiding with these people. Although his fingers trembled still under the strain of pain, fingers still finding trouble making a full fist, he proceeded towards his employer and questioned his thought. "Aught you considered what situation we have ventured upon, Garrett?" Without much pause, he followed through "We have, on three occasions, found ourselves at the behest of danger in which two of such have lead us highly astray by your insipid curiosity. We garner no quarter of the spoils of these men of guild presence and yet you find yourself upon intrigue at their posture." Crossing his arms, the giant looks down at his contracted 'companion' by trade of soverns and relentlessly allowed himself to venture further from his path of usual silence. The thunder deep brusque of his tone led notice of his discontent. "Unless you rather combat the guild mates over their riches, I suggest you tidy up and double-down. I rather not lose another of my axes, by extension of not allowing the spilling of human blood. Pick up your things, get what you need and we will accompany the Irregular upon the time we reach a place with roof and nourishment, if not, I suggest you reconsider our agreement and hand over what's left of my soverns with welcomed and necessary interest."
I myself have got a new job so I'm trying to settle and stuff. I should get a post up sometime tomorrow however, but no promises.

I haven't read the post too much in detail though, but is Garrett still with the team or did he part? I'd like to think of a feasible outcome of why Half decided to stay.

Towering Giant, Survival of the Fittest

What had occurred in the span of a few moments had left Hafrbjǫrn at the ready, although the tide of battle wavered at their favor it didn't demonstrate any means of of ever halting anytime soon. Garrett seemed to have downed the monster that clutched to him without a means of respite. Now pox, who laid stricken due to his previous injury now healed the young knight. The giant once more took upon himself to take notice at his left hand, it trembled under the weight of a pain brought upon that explosion. He could feel the tendons swelling and the joint stiffening further. Gripping the axe properly with both hands would reduce his ability to deliver a proper finishing blow. He could still manage with it, but his chances have decreased rather prominently. He sheathed his smaller axe, and once again brought to his grip the larger one. Sybille was his priority, as she was still chanting... Whatever she has been doing was certainly something of impact, something that would cease the continuation of this fruitless battle. A deep inhale, followed by a slow controlled exhale. Eyes gazing towards the entrance as more made their way in, tracking towards the far end somewhere upon the center, there stood the Queen upon her throne, bellowing its presence upon the Irregulars. Cockroaches the lot of them, if one fell three took its place. Hafrbjǫrn placed his hand on Garret shoulder and the two shared a glance. Once more not a word was utter on behalf of the giants mouth, but the firmness of the grip spoke of something foolish. If they were to be embroiled in a battle of tenacity, then... Perhaps after the head has been taken care, the rest will surely follow. Like before, he handed the young knight the bow he picked up on the previous battle before entering this place.

Their eyes connected once more, Hafrbjǫrn was trusting that Garrett would deliver suppressive fire towards those who would dare loosened their fury upon them. Hopefully, the same Snakemen were vulnerable to their own poison, but somehow the giant didn't believe. His feet stomped the earth beneath his heel in a furious display to stampede towards the entrance past the swordsman, grip on axe tightened, trashing through them. He needed to buy time, that Sybille had the only hope she could offer. And with a large yell, he kicked the ground to propel himself further to the air, and with one hand this time, had prepared to clobber the beast that were incoming under his might, if not get their attention. He could sustain a bit more than the others, it was time to play the shield.
I'm might post a bit later in the week this time, I have to work on a couple of stuff that'll take most of my time. So if I don't get a post up relatively soon-ish then I apologize in advance

Towering Giant, Survival of the Fittest

Under the weight of his own might, the blade of his foe crumbled and broke in one fell swoop. The center of his axe cleaved its head in two, and reached what seemed to be the soulstone. Witnessing its brim in the shine of its unstable magical eminence, Hafrbjǫrn had realized a moment too late the error of his action by placing such great strength on the back of his sing, he injured a core structure of this beast, causing a visceral reaction. His eyes noted the shine of the light soon shift into a cycling flame followed by a cascading boom. Reflexively he placed his left hand in front of his face to shield himself in what is a foolish attempt against the blast, sent backwards in a flight, his feet swept the earth under him to halt himself from furthering into the seams. A shine gleamed upon him, one which soon meshed into flesh an instant later. He has been boon'd with magical defense properties, noting his sides there had been some liquid on his armor which stained some of the leather fabric. Placing his sights towards the end the room, he concluded that it was this weirdly shifty man who he gave the bomb's too. Pox was what he was referred to, however this boon wasn't too potent to sustain the blast. The tried curling up his fingers and pain began to surge through them, he couldn't properly close his fist with the tendons screaming for freedom, fingers jammed and palm shaking. His double handed grip would certainly be hindered, but it shouldn't pose much of a problem. The battle continued, he needed to move onto battle once more. Ignore the pain, for now, your new comrades await for your testament of strength.

Alm and Sybille seemed to have been at their best with their targets, Pox remained at the distance so he remained at the safety of reach. The archers were certainly being pressed into a corner, but he needed to sustain his position in the front. Whatever the mage was doing, she held an idea to rid themselves of these obstacles in an instance, so he needed to pose once more as a threat. But, he found something rather interesting about the targets. He took one of the soulstones of these monster's previously. He picked it up from his pouch and pondered upon it. The blast from such was potent enough, at close range it would be quite dangerous... Garrett was upon the clutches of another one of these annoying monsters, Nanami was under the attack too... Which to choose... He needed to reach quickly. Damn it.

"Rouge Lass! Jump as far back as you can!" He ordered as he picked up on of the smaller axes, jammed the stone onto its bladed steel, and threw it at the earth near the Snakemen's on the right's tail. He would lose a weapon, but this is a menial loss to get rid of these creatures. With prejudice, Hafrbjǫrn moved towards Garrett's side, pulling his other small axe and swung at the tail. He wanted to slice it off so it would release Garrett of its clutches.

Ah, no problem! I don't mind if you guys have Half do some minor stuff for the sake of progressing the story. Mainly on @Arthanus side since he's the GM lol.

Towering Giant, Survival of the Fittest

Hafrbjǫrn silence had been his undoing, of course to his dismay the worst of all scenarios had unraveled before them. With quick grit the commander told them to promptly step into battle positions. He along side with Garrett and a couple others began to move towards the doorway to be met with more of these odd creatures. Two swiftly made their move and began on the offensive, these creatures slithered rapidly towards the corners while the final two remained at the distance clutching the safety of their bows. What to do...? He couldn't allow a single Irregular to perish, therefore, he would take up arms as their shields. He placed his hand on the odd fellow who masked himself under these avian guise. Pox, he believed he was called, pulled him closer and handed him his pouch. There were his throwing bombs. "Use 'em well."

He pulled his large axe, held its grip with tightness and made a dive towards the snakemen at the left corner in an attempt to halt its flank. His massive axe swinging towards its torso with all the strength this brute could muster. Immediately, the left-ward lizard had halted its track before the slam of the axe would pierce the earth beneath their heel. Yanking such of the ground, now Hafrbjǫrn had to asses the fact that there were two at the ends... The archers would also pose a problem for any who were in the midst of battle. Of course, that's were Pox would be able to come in handy, he found at the distance. While they archer's looked for an opening, he could bother to use the bombs at his leisure. Hafrbjǫrn did not have need for them at the moment, he was too busy trying to defeat this monster before him. Another charge, this time Hafrbjǫrn leaped into the air, and brought his axe above his head, both arms this time holding it tightly in attempts to cleave his snakemen's skull in two.
I feel it's a reasonable decision considering that you've tagged him multiple times during the course of everything. I'm alright with containing forward.
I'm here too!

(Tiny) Half could use a new belt :D

Towering Giant, Survival of the Fittest

Scouring the monsters was in it of itself a means of survival. Something had to reveal a weakness, their armaments were in fact ancient and it spoke heavily of their effervescent nature and talent for murder. In the middle of their chest there it laid a marvel of a gem, glistened with a strength Hafrbjǫrn had not peered in almost a lifetime. His hands cradled its form and turned it to sunlight, allowing it to reflect through its limpid surface. Perhaps this could be infused with a weapon. An alchemist or even a rune expert could detail its qualities, if not, it could make a lovely ring for someone else. Regardless, such made its way into the giant's pouch. Standing, it seemed like it was about time to proceed further into the depths of this ruin. It was unwise to continue forwards without much strength in distance combat, this was an opportunity the giant would be foolish to pass up. He pulled the quiver and bow off a snakemen that hasn't tattered it enough during their squabble. Laced still with the poison, he carefully strapped such to his waist, as he couldn't on his back due to size, adjusting the belt as well as he could, he perforated another whole with his carving knife, broke an arrow and strapped the wood upon it well enough to sustain its sturdiness on his hips. Calmly following the now, large crow of people down their desired destination. The walls still held lingering traces of history, some faded into the stone unable to disclose any tales of secrets rites or passages of these places.

Hafrbjǫrn had a looming sense of dread pestering him. Although he had been assigned to protect Garrett something about everything of this screamed dangers. Though their trek seemed endless and they have not met even a single sneakmen, but a myriad of bodies and corpses was enough to bellow that whatever was here was not keen on letting its secrets known. Hafrbjǫrn however wore his silence like a piece of fine tempered armor. It was not his place to speak, but follow. Their feet continued and continued what seemed to be an endless path through this place. Hafrbjǫrn couldn't tell how far or deep their were underground or above ground anymore. The present smell of dust, mold and death surrounded them in an embrace before they made it to the end, with more dead men at their feet, but what Hafrbjǫrn had captured as to be this party's leader spoke about their tardiness of arrival to save these men. Hafrbjǫrn crossed armed heard what he had to say, and one of the younger ones decided to voice his discontent on the idea of leaving. Another young warrior clad in foreign armor. Not a whisker in sight and jet-dark hair which naturally flowed down to his shoulders.

Next was a young woman, hair shorter than the man who spoke, her set of armor strangely resembling that of a rouge, yet there was far too much clad involved to be anything of the sort. These two have been talking quite regularly, but that had to be expected of the seams when traveling with comrades. She too, seemed to have agreed to proceed. Hafrbjǫrn on the other hand felt it wiser to leave before the terms turned for the worst. The greed of men fashioned many forms, one of them in the selfless cloth of aid. To help those that perhaps do not need the help is in itself a form of greed. A need to satiate a hole upon their center, something Hafrbjǫrn couldn't agree with. But then he peered on himself, certainly continuing this journey for a couple Soverns was in itself greedy. Another one spoke however this did not seem as young as the previous one. Her weapon, ah what an intricate craft indeed. It is not something Hafrbjǫrn had the luxury to assemble quite yet. It was a marvel to behold, but his mien did not disclose this. If perhaps he would be a better conversationalist he would've praised such craftsmanship, however all that was handed was a quick glance. Now, what to do?

Hafrbjǫrn wanted to turn, perhaps this was it. This was the end for his journey with these people who seemed banked on their own interests. No, not that, there is some altruism behind this. Something that might herald a benefit for passerby's. However, any who venture this far into the area certainly does not expect to find anything that is not treasure. Bandits were ones who captured them and held them prisoners. This place reeked of unsavory deceit. Yet, the giant merely remained silent.
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