Avatar of Tala Avana
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 100 (0.03 / day)
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    1. Tala Avana 8 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
Current @Magio Worn Feystones are dropped from tempered monsters, the higher the tier, the more likely.
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6 yrs ago
Being too tired to fall asleep is bullshit of the highest order.
6 yrs ago
@Super Duper one of my old favorites is the Sword of Truth novels. Of course there's like, a dozen in the series and none of them are small, so have fun if you go for it!
6 yrs ago
Current mental capacity = moldy potato. Like holy crap I can't even do basic math.
7 yrs ago
Wake up in the morning, stretch, go into the kitchen to get some milk, see that it's snowing, go right the fuck back to bed because screw that. November, don't even start with me.


I have been RPing for a while. I'm not the best, usually only having a one to two paragraphs a post, but I do try to keep up with whoever I'm RPing with. I tend to go with smaller groups as I find it easier to keep going, with a strong like for 1x1.

RPs I prefer the most:

Medieval, both fantasy and not. Could be with normal people or mythical creatures, because Manticores, Dragons, and Lamias are simply awesome.

Pack/tribe style, having a small group that has to lean on each other to survive has always been enjoyable for me.

Freelancers, generally a very small group (usually 1x1) that runs around and does what they need/want to.

Post-Apocalypse, cus who doesn't like blowing up the world? Also, sometimes zombies, cus I like to make pretty splatters.

Spaaaaacccce, because exploring the unknown and getting into trouble is always fun.

Romance. Now, this does not mean adult material, I mean more of the cutesy moments that make my blackened little heart actually feel something. While I can go into the naughtier things, it's not something I'd just jump into. Also, I don't consider romance to be a stand-alone type of RP, only as a tag along with a larger story.

Also, if you put Pokemon (Feral or Gijinka) in front of any of those, I'd probably jump right on that.

I usually play females. I can do males but I'm not as comfortable with them. Also, I pretty much try to find any excuse to play a Kitsune, as they are adorable and I wish to hug them.

A small warning for the end of this, I can be rather mean to my characters, sometimes downright evil. Missing limbs or shattered minds have been known to happen with a few (more than a few) of my characters.

Most Recent Posts

Oh crap, we started? Seriously, why is there no notification for forum post updates?? I'll try to get a post up today, but I'm on my phone for now so it might not be the very much.
Once the rest of the blood was washed off, she picked up the bandages and started to gently wrap his arm.
"I rarely go into town, only when I really need to. Most of my food comes from the surrounding area, as well as the generosity of any travelers that stop by. As for my solitude, I've always liked the peace and quiet." She said as she finished. After a moment, she looked up to his eyes.
"It was an Oni that gave you those, was it not?" She asked, even though it wasn't really a question, more of a statement.
It didn't take long for her to return, bandages and cloth over one arm, a bowl of water in the other hand. She knelt down in front of him and placed everything between them, picking up one of the cloths before making it damp and pulling his wounded arm to her.
"Oh, I am alone out here. Other then the occasional traveler that stays the night, it's rare to see anyone, really. By the way, it should go without saying that this will hurt a bit." She said before beginning to gently wipe down the wounds.
Stepping forward and gently taking his hand in hers, she used her other to pull his sleeve out of the way so she could see the full extent of the damage. After a moment she gave a slight nod, releasing him and turning to the door.
"Let me grab a few things, I won't be long. For now just sit and try not to agitate the wounds too much." She said as she left the room before calling back one more time.
"And get your shirt off, I have no intention of fighting your sleeve while I bandage your arm, on top of the fact it will just get messier."
Looking at the samurai, she could have laughed at his caution, as right now he likely would lose a fight against a kitten. Keeping a straight face, she motioned around them with our end hand as she spoke.
"I am the lady of my home, the one you are currently standing in. Which, by the way, is not a very smart idea in your condition. You are physically and spiritually weak right now and will recover in time, but not if your up and about, swinging a sword." She said, motioning to his blade.

"I must say if you are threatened by someone like me, you must have had a very rough day. How about the you sit down and I clean and wrap those injuries of yours, hmm?" She asked, now motioning to the lacerations on his arms, tilting her head a bit to one side.
A Kitsune sat upon her pillow, eyes closed. It had been a relatively quiet day for her, but she could feel that something was amiss, something close to her little forest home but not enough for her to properly sense. She had built the place with the help of some... volunteers she had convinced long ago, modeling it after one of the many shrines that the mortals seem to love so much.

Her nose twitched, picking up a scent she knew well. Blood, fresh and plentiful, was on the wind. Getting to her feet, she made her way outside as she changed her form, causing her Kitsune features to vanish as she emerged from her home. The source of the scent was clear as she spotted the injured samurai that was currently dragging himself towards her home. For a moment she was almost tempted to simply take the man's soul and dispose of the remains, but decided against it. Moving quickly, she helped pull the man into her home, placing him upon a small straw mattress.

The Feudal Japan story line definitely has my attention. Maybe have it as a lesser Yōkai and Ronin that wants to take down the stronger Yōkai? (I pretty much try to find any way to play a Kitsune XP)
@Otaku95 Alright then, no problem.

I wouldn't mind getting into something like this, looks like a solid start for a good plot.

Was thinking of the HumanxKitsune pairing and having it in the monster hunters setting, with the Kitsunes usually deing more of the soul-sucking demon variety, and the Kitsune in question hiding herself as a human with illusions.
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