Avatar of Tala Avana
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 100 (0.03 / day)
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    1. Tala Avana 8 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current @Magio Worn Feystones are dropped from tempered monsters, the higher the tier, the more likely.
1 like
6 yrs ago
Being too tired to fall asleep is bullshit of the highest order.
6 yrs ago
@Super Duper one of my old favorites is the Sword of Truth novels. Of course there's like, a dozen in the series and none of them are small, so have fun if you go for it!
6 yrs ago
Current mental capacity = moldy potato. Like holy crap I can't even do basic math.
7 yrs ago
Wake up in the morning, stretch, go into the kitchen to get some milk, see that it's snowing, go right the fuck back to bed because screw that. November, don't even start with me.


I have been RPing for a while. I'm not the best, usually only having a one to two paragraphs a post, but I do try to keep up with whoever I'm RPing with. I tend to go with smaller groups as I find it easier to keep going, with a strong like for 1x1.

RPs I prefer the most:

Medieval, both fantasy and not. Could be with normal people or mythical creatures, because Manticores, Dragons, and Lamias are simply awesome.

Pack/tribe style, having a small group that has to lean on each other to survive has always been enjoyable for me.

Freelancers, generally a very small group (usually 1x1) that runs around and does what they need/want to.

Post-Apocalypse, cus who doesn't like blowing up the world? Also, sometimes zombies, cus I like to make pretty splatters.

Spaaaaacccce, because exploring the unknown and getting into trouble is always fun.

Romance. Now, this does not mean adult material, I mean more of the cutesy moments that make my blackened little heart actually feel something. While I can go into the naughtier things, it's not something I'd just jump into. Also, I don't consider romance to be a stand-alone type of RP, only as a tag along with a larger story.

Also, if you put Pokemon (Feral or Gijinka) in front of any of those, I'd probably jump right on that.

I usually play females. I can do males but I'm not as comfortable with them. Also, I pretty much try to find any excuse to play a Kitsune, as they are adorable and I wish to hug them.

A small warning for the end of this, I can be rather mean to my characters, sometimes downright evil. Missing limbs or shattered minds have been known to happen with a few (more than a few) of my characters.

Most Recent Posts

Just say when, I'll be here.
Sorry for double post, but figured I'd drop this quickly.

Original ID: Isto Velve
Vanguard Codename: Night
Age: 27
Previous Human Occupation: Covert Operations mercenary

Power/Special Weapon: Nine shadowy tendrils that form from her back. They react by instinct, not needing Isto's actual attention to function. They vanish when there are no perceived threats.

Special Skills: Tendril Assault - Her tendrils solidify, lashing out at any targets close by with deadly precision and speed. They are extremely dangerous and can tear through steel, but have a very limited range.

Shadow Walk - Isto quite literally slips into her shadow, allowing her the ability to travel through places that would otherwise be unpassable. She is unable to be hurt while inside her shadow.

Night Zone - Isto emits a burst of black mist, blocking out any form of light for a medium sized area. (approximately 80 ft. wide area) While inside the mist, Isto can rapidly shift in and out if Shadow Walk and her tendrils have increased range, allowing her to strike enemies trapped inside the cloud repeatedly without fear of retaliation. While she herself is blinded, Isto can sense where everything is inside of the mist.

Personality: Focused, loyal and understanding.

BRIEF Bio: Isto grew up in the North American megacity, keeping herself alive as well as she could. Over the years she became adept at sneaking around and avoiding trouble, eventually earning a spot in organized crime. As she gained a name for herself, she began taking jobs from both individuals as well as corporations, ranging from infiltration and sabotage to assassination. When the first invasion occurred, she used several of her favors to have herself selected for the Nano-machines.

Notes: Isto has trained in hacking as well as learning six languages, one for each of the six megacities. She did have a number of other skills, but they have become irrelevant after the Nano-machines.
Sorry, life hitting back like a bitch. I've put thought into my character but haven't gotten anything actually written down yet. Will try to change that soon.
Haven't played Warframe in ages, probably since the the Prime Tigris came out, but this does peek my interest.
NEVER say you aren't enough for someone else, because if you put effort into trying to be what they needed to be happy and they still thought you weren't enough, then that's their failing, not yours. Changing yourself for someone else might help fix some things, but that can make yourself feel worse if you don't do what you want, and in the end if you aren't happy with who you are then it just makes it harder for yourself. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm certain a number of us would be willing to lend an ear if you need, even some of us that only know you through RPGuild.


..... Yep, that's Shyr.
Shyr watched the entire affair, silently looking at the oddball group that had apparently been stuck together for this little adventure. So they had another small furry creature, a really big fish, an oversized lizard, a smaller overly touchy-feely lizard, the older, boring human and a apparently young one that had a foul mouth and attitude problem. This was going to be all sorts of fun. When the young one mentioned she'd be here as an engineer Shyr had to fight to keep a giant grin from spreading across her face. She hefted her bag further up her shoulder before heading over to them.

"So you'll in engineering with me, eh? I can't help but think we'll get along quite nicely." She said as she looked at the young girl with a smile and a slight sing-song tone to it. After a moment she looked to the Captain, smile never leaving her face.

"In any case, lets get going! I wanna see see how this big Tralamurrpau purrs." She continues before scooting into the main part of the ship, looking around the interior like a child exploring somewhere new. She idly wondered where the main engine room was, but figured someone would end up showing her after the briefing.
Same, still kicking.
Woo! Firefly! I actually have the box set for it, sucks they only got 1 season. I was actually planning on putting a reference in somewhere and hope someone knew about it.
Not all that good, but it's something, right? God I hate how many times I had to redo something that small. Most of what I had tried to put in there felt more like just barfing words on paper and calling it a day than an actual post.
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