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    1. Tangletail 9 yrs ago


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Programming a Wasteland/Fallout 1&2 style game. Going so and so.


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Raugar probably won't retreat until everyone else has just cus he's so darn proud.

Also it's not all bad @Searat There's six of us and one of him, even without the orc. Plus Raugar, Ano and Lilt can all heal, so if someone does go down, they should be up sharpish.

Don't make the kobold cry. Just get out.

Sides, don't depend on healing. Its so easy to get bad rolls in a game where average vdamage from enemies is 12.

Guys...I have a slight feeling that we can't win this fight.
In two rounds, it managed to bloody 4 party members while it seems to be more than fine going another round or two more than we can.

To be fair X3, we could have won... But he did pass like two suck or saves.

Actions have already been done. I also already rolled and I got a 13, which I think does beat your DC even without advantage.

Yup :|. Im useful, I swear guys!

I hope cleric is packing flex tape. Because theres about to be a lot of damage.
I might need to redo my post if searat is going for an attack. Hideous Laughter on its own already has a bad dc. Giving him advantage to resist is going to erase it.
I hope you like dad jokes.

@Searat Its all you.
Lilt... made one of the gravest mistakes any adventurer could make. Freeze. She watched in horror as the club swiped in an arc with her in the path. She didn't even move... not till it had already collided with her body and sent her tiny form hurtling into the ground she was standing on violently, bounce up and cart wheel in the air. She landed roughly on her arms and knees.

She felt nothing at first. Confused, she tried to stand. And made a pained and violent gag. She teetered as she sputtered blood. Gravity threatened to make her its dirty little mistress and pull her to the ground for good. But... a kobold's will is stronger than such natural forces. And miraculously, she pushed her self back to her feet. Her breathing had been reduced to a rattling wheeze, as she stumbled about in place.

A moment later, and she found herself being thrown across the gap and landed harshly behind rubble in a roll. She looked up to the orc with a hint of annoyance, but said nothing. The intent was appreciated none the less. As she rose back to her feet once again, she took note of everything going on around her. First the Orc bailing, after collecting some things from the hideout. Then the human barbarian absconding.

She got the message, and she wasn't about to dally. With a pained grunt she spun and took a step... about to make her leave herself. She paused and glanced regretfully back to the two still by the orc. More specifically... the Paladin, as the other had already earned her ire.

Her gaze shifted to her own pitiful state and back to the paladin. And with a regretful grimace, she turned her attention to the Cyclops ready to make a gamble. She climbed down the building, taking the safest path possible. She made a hacking cough before raising her voice loud enough to be heard by the cyclops...

"Koboldssssss... dissslike competition with cyclopssss.... they've alwaysss had their eye on the prize." She visibly grimaced to her own joke. They were never her strongest point... but unfortunately she had to come up with something on the fly.

She spun about and darted off in the direction of the temple, taking a route that would break line of sight with the monster in case her attempt to give them a chance to escape did not work. But she'd stay close enough for the paladin to catch up.

The devils advocate to Killing it is the hideout. The goodies inside and the fact we can hold out.

Either route we go. I should note that I have a spell specifically because of the trogs (though in truth I grabbed it because it fits the storm dragon theme)

Warding Wind... Helps us deal with the fart cloud.
Are we running or going to try and kill the thing?
A resident evil rp would be fun
I can give y'all temporary hp. Just tell me and Ill get Roy to inspire some health into you.

Wouldn't do any good. Maybe? One hit on a bad roll is all it takes to get dropped, even if I heal. And not terribly much I can do now. Or at least I can't think of any good options. It is largely up to you however. As it is your character making the choice.

Either I can heal (cus we may still have trogs...) or use hideous laughter and hope I can clutch two saves with a dc 12. One with advantage.

Which would probably stop you guys from entering the same state of limbo Im in.

Issa mystery. Wooooooooh.

Oh right... it can throw rocks. I guess I am in a pickle then. Healing myself is probably not worth it.

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