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    1. Taytay 6 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
Current Is that even a thing, it sounds gross
6 yrs ago
Coco Pebbles are the shit.
6 yrs ago
I gotta say, all that stuff you hear about missing your family after being away for a while is true.
6 yrs ago
I have a new found hate for snow.
6 yrs ago


Tay ♠ 19 ♠ Alaska->California ♠ Anime & Comics ♠ Full-time College Student ♠ Pm me music

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Real Name: Elektra Natchios
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Powers, Abilities, and Gear:
Elektra, even before her rebirth, was a deadly foe. What she lacks in superpowers she makes up for with her training from the Chaste and Hand organizations. Elektra is a master assassin, learning many techniques from both of the aforementioned organizations, aside form that she is proficient with almost all the Okinawan Kobudo weapons. Her token weapon of choice are the Twin Okinawan Sai, and sometimes katanas. Elektra uses a special technique which is know as the Assassin Instinct. Nick Fury can attest to the usage of this eerie mind control in person after her resurrection he conducted scientific experiments on the captured assassin and found strange morphology in her brain that explained her phenomenal reflexes, yet sane rationale. Elektra moves with heightened primal instincts but the more evolved parts of her brain remain intact, preserving her intelligence. In other words, she thinks like a woman and strikes like a cobra.

Elektra is proficient in many martial arts originating from China, Thailand and Japan. While many of them are unstated, Ninjutsu is the most noticeable one. She won trophies in aikido, kendo, karate. Also due to her training as a ninja assassin, she can blend in with the shadows and remain undetected by most humans. Among other things like pressure point location, acrobatics, marksmanship, etc, she earned her title as one of the hands best creations for a reason.

Elektra Natchios was born on a Greek island near the Aegean Sea to Hugo Kostas Natchios and his wife Christina Natchios. She grew up with her older brother Orestez Natchios. Elektra's mother was gunned down by enemies of her father while vacationing on a yacht. After her mother's death, Elektra grew up close to her father but was plagued by visions and voices with no known source. She reacted to them through self-harming herself. Her father eventually sent her away to psychotherapy until becoming more stable. As she grew up, her father required that she train in the martial arts where she excelled.

Her father was later appointed Greek ambassador to the United States of America. She attended Columbia University. This is where she first saw Matt Murdock when he was leaping across rooftops. From then on their relationship blossomed into something more exciting and raw, the two were a special pair and each fed into the vices of the other. They lived on the brink, drawn to the edge, and sometimes over. It was Foggy who told Matt Elekta's true identity and after, Matt went to her mansion where he broke in but was stopped by security, Elektra was playing the piano at a party as the guard crashed through the glass ceiling and right onto the piano. Elektra never stopped playing while the guards took aim and fire up at the window where Matt was standing. When Matt gets home and treats his wounds she was there and the two slept together, she leaves later on as Foggy arrived.

On her way home she saw a group of five gangbangers who she overhears them bragging about what they've done to innocent women. She lured them into a dark alley. Then left soon after with torn clothes and those tugs blood on her hands. It was her first time killing, mix that with the high she was getting from Murdock and life in Elektra's world was great.

This all changed when her father was gunned down by assassins. She soon after went to the Mountain of the Chaste to train from them, but she was later dismissed by Stick for bearing too much emotion over the death of her father. Determined to prove herself to her former mentor, she infiltrated the rival organization known as The Hand, wise to her plan the Hand instead tricked Elektra into killing the sensei with whom she had studied under before Stick. Elektra continued to serve the Hand thereafter, becoming corrupted by their ways. That was until she eventually rebelled and fled Japan.

Years after she became a bounty hunter/assassin for any and all who would pay, she met with the hooded vigilante Daredevil. Elektra who later find out the the blind hero was Matt Murdock, and they would go on to team up to fight Bullseye who was losing his mind due to a tumor. Daredevil disapproved of Elektra's chosen profession, but the two still cared deeply for one another. They would tackle not only the lost villain but also The Hand as they tried to hunt down Stick.

Soon after Kingpin, the most powerful figure in East Coast organized crime, hired Elektra as his chief assassin. She was sent to kill Ben Urich and came into conflict with Matt, who stopped her and thwarted the Kingpin's plans. In retaliation, Kingpin ordered her to kill Matt's best friend and law partner, Foggy Nelson. When Foggy recognized her, Elektra realized she could not carry out the contract and spared his life.

Her failure was the perfect opportunity for Bullseye to reclaim his spot as Kinpin's chief assassin. So Bullseye impaled Elektra on her own sai, and she died in Matt's arms. Unwilling to part with one of its most talented operatives, the Hand attempted to resurrect Elektra and place her fully under their control through a magic ritual. Stone, a member of Stick's order, completed the process, bringing Elektra back to life after Daredevil had purified her spirit through sheer force of will.

Now purged of the Hand's corruption, Elektra left Matt's side, determined to find her own place in the world. Now with her life back in her won hands she set out to New York to find new contracts. The fall of the web slinger has stirred the under world and drawn Elektra back to a city that has caused her so much pain. She has many ghost to face, Matt, Stick, Kingpin, but all she can do for now is pick up her next mission and start to build herself from there.


High Concept:
In the case of Elektra, I wanted to tell the story of her struggle to finding a spot in the world. Before her second rebirth (via the Hand), she was lost and lacked any real direction. I wanted to focus on this part of her life because it was a major building period for her and sort of acted as a mini reboot to her entire character. Lets not forget that she is a killer, a cold blooded assassin or hire that has worked with some of the biggest and baddest. Ii want to show a raw and vulnerable woman with the skills to kill those who harmed her.

Motivation and Conflict:
Elektra came back to New York to settle debts that where long overdue. Aside from that she is lost, she needs to find some sort of purpose or drive to keep her going. With all the commotion going on it was the perfect opportunity to slip back in undetected and start to forge a path that she could be proud to walk down. She has no friends or family to lean on, her mentors have shunned her and The Hand is on her heels, hiding under all the commotion while trying to fix herself in the process is her driving force behind her character.

Notes: TBD


Player Name:Queen (or Tay)
Preferred Contact Method: Discord, or PM
Why This Character?: I choose Elektra because she is one of the few characters to die come back to life and reinvent herself every time. Aside form the fact she is one of my favorite Hell's Kitchen characters, she has always been well rounded to me and brings a certain spice to any of the Marvel rps I have ever used her in.
What Can You Bring to the RPG?: Aside from my experience being a roleplayer (not just on guild but other sites as well), I am a avid Marvel (and DC) fan and literally live the in comics and movies. I am a nice guy, awkwardly funny and once you get to know me, most say I am pretty chill.

Interacting With: @pkken

Jhin stopped making his almost complete web at the tone of his peer, his father said you should always look put for how people talk before you look at what they say. The true worth of a man's words are in his tone and his eyes. Jhin immediately asked him if that applied to women, which caused his father to chuckle and say yes, but the moral is the same. The boys tone is what caught Jhin's attention, it was different then most, event he train conductor did not have such an.....edge? His tone was sharp, mixed with his dismissive words, this caused Jhin to scratch his head with one of his free hands and then squint both pairs of eyes at the boy in front of him as if he was trying to see something that was not there. When that light bulb came on so did his expression, in a matter of seconds he would go from surprised back to indifferent and then begin finishing his web. The sight would be amusing to most, some would even think he had a mental disorder, but that was just how he thought about things like "reading between the lines."

Well have you planed a trip there? I just do not see the point in reading a book about a place you have never been if you are not planning on going." Jhin said with the same tone he used earlier, he was curious about his choice of reading especially since he was warned by both parents not to go anywhere near the Deadlands (first time they agreed on anything in front of him). Then something wormed its way into his thoughts, the boys second statements, about friends. Did Jhin want friends, sure they could be beneficial, and the kids back in his town had "friends" but he did not know where to begin trying to find a "friend." Wait....I do not know if I want a friend, what would you say entails a good friend? I do not think I have ever had one before so this would be a new venture for me, have you ever had a friend? And what makes you the wrong guy?" Jhin as he tapped his chin contemplating the "friend" subject. His mother always said friends stab you in the back, but if that is case then why was she not dead yet, or any of those kids?? She must have been wrong, but still he wondered if she was right why they stab you? Question after question began to poor into the boys mind until something triggered it all to go silent.

He looked down at his four hands and saw he completed his web. He looked at the boy in front of him and held up the web with some sort of awkward smirk in between his fingers. "This is an orb weave, easy to make but takes practice at first." He said then laid the golden pattern on his hand and gave it as a silent smile-less offering. He usually ate the web after making it, but when someone was near he would offer them to people trying to follow the whole "sharing is caring" teachings he received form his father, not that he cared, most did not accept it so he would just shrug and eat it anyways.
Can we start posting or should we wait?
@Kitty Oh they were, that is a coincidence. Great mind think alike right lol.

Interacting With: @pkken

Jhin had questions, some might say they were silly, others might say his questions were self explanatory, but at the end of day he still had them and was not gonna wait to ask them. He understood why he was coming to Mordhaben's (to get away from his parents) and he understood why the train ride was necessary (his father explained it would be a waste of time to walk), but what threw him for a whirl was the seating. Why did he and the other Chimera have to be segregated from the humans?

The whole ride there Jhin contemplated reasoning's for this; did he smell, he for sure he took a shower this? Maybe it was arms usually most did not blink twice at the six arms on his body and focused instead on the sharp claws that were on his fingers. Then he thought it might have been his abdomen but how could it, granted it took up space but the fur and skin was soft as a baby's ass and in situations he either uses it as a back pillow and lets it hang off the side. Could it be his looks? He considered himself quiet handsome for a 3rd generation Chimera, most females from the Flynenhael Conglomerate (mostly non-human, but still there were the outlandish humans) thought he was "exotic", whatever that meant. All in all he was confused and asked the conductor why they had to sit separate and the man simply said "That's how it is" and walked away after checking his ticket.

As they filed off the train Jhin was still contemplating what the man had said to him, and how the answer he gave was such phooey. He learned from his time in the forest that there is a reasoning for all things, even thought we might not answer it, so to hear that come from a person's mouth is just unacceptable to Jhin. When he got off the train and stepped onto the wet platform, there was a certain bubbling sensation in his chest. This sensation coursed through his body and made his lower left hand slightly shake, he seen it before when his parents first started to argue over who would get him next like some piece of meat. His father told him it was "anger", and that it was a good thing he was feeling something about that whole situation. Now its back again but he cannot exactly find out why, was it the man on the train or still his parents. Jhin shook this emotion off and followed in one of the lines up the trail towards the school.

Jhin choose Mordhaben's because it was the best place to get his questions answered, like why is he upset, or whatever. The rain reminded him of home in the north, the wet forest and wild hunts, he and his mother had to weave thick webs to make sure they stood up in the wet weather. Jhin pulled out a ball of silk he made on the train, he was going to save it to fidget with later but now was as good a time as any. He was halfway through his design when they reached the courtyard. He did not have the luxury of spider legs like his mother so he could only use his claws and pedipalps to help make his webs, it was done by weaving the web with his claws (snipping, reconnecting, and stretching), the final product was usually nice and pretty. He used his primary arms and lower arms to wave while the upper arms held onto the straps of his bag. Jhin looked around at the Chimera and humans, noting some that stood out and others that blended into the crowd, and wondered if they felt "angry" as well with the seating on the train.

When he looked to his left he spotted a boy that was taller then him reading a book on the Deadlands and walked over, he had a question to ask. Upon closer inspection the boy was not a human, but Jhin could not tell what kind of Chimera he was just that he had a tail.

"Why read that book? Have you been to the Deadlands?" He said with a blank tone and curiosity in his eyes.
Okay coo, probably gonna do X-23 is that alright, if not I'll just go Electra.
still accepting?
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