Avatar of Thantos
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  • Posts: 1016 (0.28 / day)
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    1. Thantos 10 yrs ago


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Awesome. Give me some time to get this started up you guys. And we will be fighting as a team in the world of skyrim
Awesome @ShieldsOfWar
Thinking on starting a Skyrim version of the anime Sword Art Online where the real world is of course in occ but the virtual world is in the ic, we are a guild of course of any race. And that can include vampires and werewolves. Let me know if your interested in this form of Skyrim online. Will be bring up the actual occ soon
Pretty much. Occ ic moments where everyone can get alone and ic for arena fights in 1v1 or 2v2@Gareth
Thinking about making a SAO and Alfheim Online rp involving us all in a Merc Guild where we fight eachother and drink and party and train. You wanna do a battle another player ok. You want to party and talk thats fine too. Im thinking on using the occ to talk and the ic is the arena
The Marine arrived in gotham and drove his landrover jeep into a mountain and into a secret cave leading underneath central gotham. He got out of the jeep and walked over to hos clothes rack and weapons rack setting things away for another day and he walked over to his computer

"Power on, voice command password, Old Glory" the computer powered on as well as lights computer sounded, Good Evening Sir. How can i help you"

"Mission complete president safe and targets delt with. Reports on upcoming missions"

Computer showed a scanning screen. "Nothing to report. City has gone quiet except for the other heros arriving sir. Would you like to intercept their radio transmissions or conversations."

"Commence recon"
I am really sorry for not getting back to you guys last night. My boss decided that Communism is cool and every department had to help the others get their sale signs out after their own. I didn't get home until close to midnight. I work 8-4 today so after a well placed nap I will more than likely be able to get back to you all. Soooooooooo very sorry!

Sick the marine on your boss. Thatll teach him lol
Location: Washington DC
Objective: Rescue the President

The police and the news was standing outside the whitehouse watching as men stood by the windows of the oval office waiting for the terrorists that captured the president and are holding him hostage. They made their demands and the expect the demands to be met. Suddenly there was the sound of a fighter jet overhead and someone parachuted down ontop of the whitehouse. And snuck in through the airvent on the roof.

The figure was wearing a military uniform and with a mask. The figure was knot to the public as the marine, a hero without any powers much like the cape crusader of gotham.

The Marine snuck through the airvent and when he reached the oval office he strategically placed smoke bombs at each of the vents set a timer for about 30 mins for them to go off and then started to work his way to the vents to see if there aere any more of the terrorists in the white house. He then heads back to the office and sets off the smoke bombs at one then busting down from the ceiling starts to combat the criminals. Once the smoke cleared the men were defeated and the president saved. The hero stands and salutes the president and turns to leave. Walking out of the white house to a military jeep parked ouside and drove off toward gotham
@Master Crim I say Gotham
@Master Crim what do you mean my friend...forgive me if its plain to see...but the phrase was a bit...misunderstood on my end
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