Avatar of The Angry Goat
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 374 (0.15 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. The Angry Goat 7 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
Current you can never really tell if a person is looking out from behind their own eyes, or if the eyes are being piloted by tiny mice in swivel-chairs.
6 yrs ago
If you have Ghosts, You have everything
6 yrs ago
7 yrs ago
You aren't a true historian until you want to die because you have to properly cite 70 different footnotes on your 20 page paper at 1 AM the day it is due
7 yrs ago
Prayer does nothing. Demand change from your representatives. This is the ONLY country where mass shootings are a regular occurrence.



College student at a state college in the American Pacific Northwest. I am studying history to go into an education masters program, and then hopefully go teach high schoolers, also going for a political science minor since I keep taking polysci classes :V . Positive Nihilist, leftie, enjoy in depth discussion of topics/fun tangents, also enjoy being left alone... depends on the day. I also am not a fan of capitalizing the beginning of a sentence. why does it need a capital letter? there's already a punctuation mark before it! (he says as he continues to capitalize the word "I")

Other interests include:
-Overwatch: support/Junkrat main. #freefuey
-Combat Robotics: and if you're like me and are too poor to actually build shit but want to pretend you've made something anyway, check out ARC (http://s10.zetaboards.com/Drowning_City_Forums/index/). /cross-forum plug :V
-also in the vein of robotics, I volunteer through the FIRST (for Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics Competition community. FIRST puts on a lot of really cool robotics based events for schoolchildren, and I do encourage you to check out their events and/or get into volunteering if you're into that sort of thing. it's also a gigantic commitment and probably not as much fun for people who aren't as into it as I am :V . still, go take like 3 minutes to watch this, this shit is so cool! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjDSCT96K2w
-Hearthstone (fuck cubelock amirit I definitely dont love cubelock or anything)
-MtG (and by that I mean I dick around with a group hug commander deck with my friends)
-I play Sheik in one of the Super Smash brothers games but I forget which one. pretty sure it's not melee :V

Most Recent Posts

Bludhaven // USA:

May 16th, 2019 - 2:06 AM // Green Line Docks// It Always Goes Deeper

Ghost woke with a flash to the sound of at least 4 police cars pulling up to the warehouse.... shit she thought. She tried to lift herself upright, and quickly almost passed out again... she hoped it wasn't a concussion - but she needed to move NOW. Gritting her teeth, she moved up to the upper floor again, her flying clumsy, before collapsing again under cover in the upper area. Parts of it looked quite unsafe, and it was clearly unused, so she hoped they wouldn't send anyone up there while she nursed her wounds. The cops entered, guns drawn and holding flashlights, a few audible gasps as the stockpile of weapons came into their view.

"Carl, check the top floor. It looks abandoned, but you can never be sure"


Well. shit. Just one though... She could work with that. He walked slowly through the area, checking every corner - she could tell by the beam of light flashing over one way, then to the right, then back again to the left. She steeled her mind as he approached her position, forcing his mouth shut and gun arm straight up as he turned to face her.

Still lying on the ground and speaking in a soft, low whisper, "Only the criminals and corrupt of this city fear me - you need not if you are honest. I am the Ghost of Bludhaven, and you would do well to heed my word. The ringleader of this little operation was a man in garish green with a fiddle. Watch the Melville Park concert carefully, and be aware that he is active here now. Speak of my existence here and you will regret it." She released him and watched intently as he considered his options, and then slowly moved on with his patrol, and later back downstairs.


Ghost allowed herself a small sigh of relief. She also didn't appear to have a concussion, just a zinging headache, which was nice. She watched as the cops cuffed the gunmen and led them off - she was sure they'd see little of the cell, but fear of her was a far greater enforcement tool. eventually they left the premises, and she was able to leave from whence she came. The rest of her patrol could wait - she had an investigation to do.

Bludhaven // USA:

May 15th, 2019 - 2:47 AM // Saalima's Apartment (Near Blue Line North, Second Stop) // It Always Goes Deeper

Saalima was again grateful that she had managed to land an apartment that was cheap enough to live in without a roommate - realistically hiding her alternate identity would have been next to impossible in the long run, but it also helped that she could do things like grabbing
an ice pack out of her freezer at 3 in the morning without someone questioning why she was making so much noise - or why she had bruise marks all over her head and shoulders. Lowering herself into her desk chair, she pulled out her paper notes and started her computer. She began to consider the case as a whole. It was clear based on what she heard that this was bigger than just this violinist. His goals could be important to figuring everything out though, so she'd start there. Attack on a concert implied two things right off the bat - he was snubbed by a band pre-concert, or he was going over the details of the distraction to the real plan. These didn't have to be mutually exclusive... She looked through the set list for the park concert, and then started cross-referencing the bands that had violinists or fiddlers - 3 - with any articles or other sources of news (band websites, youtube pages, bandcamp accounts, weird internet music forums) within the past year or so. It took her a while, and she managed to find one Jamari Rivers, violinist for one of the bands who had left it 6 months ago to pursue his education at Rutgers University. It was an incredibly weak link, especially since he was still living in that city (confirmed, since he showed up as a club member), and also didn't look at all like the man she had fought, so she doubted it significantly.

Okay, so that's out the window. This left him as a distraction as the obvious deal. Desmond was in jail right now on tax evasion - he'd be out by the end of the year, but he was still a bit more limited in his abilities to act than usual, and besides, his level of crime generally didn't involve derelict warehouses full of guns that could easily be found by wandering do-gooders - and he had never really associated with other supervillains anyway. so it was likely that someone else was up to something.

With Desmond in jail, it opened up opportunities for others to try and get in on the local market. Who though? Could be any number of the nutheads that run around in Gotham - but why would they bother coming over here? They never really did when there was no one patroling this city, why would they start now that Batman had left their city, and she was here? She supposed they could still be trying out using this city as a base or something: it wasn't outside the realm of possibility, but there were others who could be up to something... She'd do more after some sleep. She had some friends that needed to be visited.
<Snipped quote by Simple Unicycle>

Yours is much better, but I thought I'd still share.

this one is terrible wtf
If we're posting maps, I'm using this one for bludhaven

Bludhaven // USA:

May 16th, 2019 - 1:55 AM // Green Line Docks// Meet the Fiddler

Four. she could count four for certain. Three armed, and one with... a violin? And dressed in garish green and white costume. Ghost had to consciously restrain herself from groaning at the sight of it. She had thought herself free of these idiotic men who dressed in costume to commit their crimes - but then she dressed in costume to stop it. Crazy attracts crazy, she supposed. Regardless, she assumed that this fiddle was important to whatever his theme was. He was the obvious tough fight, then. But first, listening. People give away many secrets for free to the wallflowers....

It was mostly logistical. some whens, some wheres, and the general plan came together - they were setting up to attack a concert. The open air one in Melville park tomorrow evening. She wrinkled her nose. She was thinking about going to that - go out more, they say...what could go wrong, they say. This couldn't be right. This couldn't be all of it. This was way more than they needed for an attack on a relatively unprotected event. And why attack it - the fiddle probably played into it..... . . . .

There must be something bigger going on. Whoever else was in on this wouldn't show themselves if she stopped the attack on the park, though... unless she got lucky and they didn't figure out. It was childish to assume that though. She squinted in thought, reaching under her mask to rub at the skin between her nostrils with a knuckle - an old tick. Her best course of action was of course still to stop these criminals in their tracks, but she would need a long term plan. Later. Right now, to the problem at hand. well, the problem in their hands, anyway, she joked to herself as she landed gently on her perch, and the first gunman collapsed as she pulled and pushed along his arm, fracturing the bone in multiple locations. The two other gunmen looked around frantically, calling for backup as another gunman fell, his own gun pounding his face into the ground. The two guards from out front rushed in, and suddenly found themselves tripping on bullets as Ghost pulled ammunition out of a box and into their way.

"whatever's causing this is clearly in here somewhere you imbeciles - try shooting upwards!" the green clad man demanded of his remaining guards. Ghost smiled - look at the cute little idiots, finally figuring it out. She probably had about five seconds to smash the third gunman's head into the concrete floor a few times - then breaking his trigger fingers just to be sure - before she'd have to move. She was out the window by the time the salvo of gunfire came from the two remaining guards, recovering from their autumn adventure.

She chucked to herself. She wasn't sure if the fall/autumn wordplay was awful or brilliant. Maybe she'd try it on someone. She looped around to the front entrance, making her grand entrance behind the last two gunmen, switching their safeties on. there was but a moment of audible clicking when they expected shooting before both were bombarded with ammunition, pebbles, and other debries as they both fell. All the while, her final opponent was tuning his instrument.

"Ah, I was wondering when we'd meet... Ghost, they call you? I was hoping to perform for you later, but I'm sure that you'll enjoy my little solo..." he said as he started up a tune that sounded a little something like this, knocking Ghost back hard with a blast of sonic energy. She slammed into a wall and grunted in pain. She was unfocused, but could still push him back. The Fiddler too was knocked back into a wall, but recovered quickly. the sound of sirens was approaching, and he grimaced. "Looks like we made enough of a commotion for them to notice. addio!" he said, letting off a discordant shriek of a sound from his violin that blew ghost back again. She shuddered, attempted to rise, and then fell, the light fading to black.
Bludhaven // USA:

May 15th, 2019 - 3:00 PM // Port Authority Bus Tunnel

Saalima rolled herself into the elevator, bag of groceries on her lap. she fucking hated these damned derelict creaky-ass elevators, but at least they usually stayed running, and actually existed. She couldn't imagine trying to live in Metropolis: despite its glitz, it still had a long way to go on accommodating the marginalized elements of society. The elevator jerked into motion, and her and an elderly man with a walker moved upwards slowly. Saalima took the time to read the graffiti on the walls - mostly old, and the new stuff didn't appear to have any affiliations with any gangs she knew could become active again. They reached the top, and the formerly brown elevator opened up onto the sea of grey that was the bus exchange/blue line elevated terminal. She moved towards the stop for the train, and it rolled to a stop two minutes later. Not many people were on the train, which was nice, because it allowed her to take up the space that she needed to, as she moved her body onto the subway seat and folded her wheelchair, holding it up against the wall. The long ride back underneath The Narrows was uneventful, and she took the second stop off. exiting was always the hard part - she had to already be in her chair and ready to go before the train stopped, which meant bracing for dear life on hand rails if there were enough people around to catch attention. fortunately there wasn't, so she only made a visual of stopping herself for the security cameras, and held her wheels in place mentally.

When she got back home she'd finish up the website she was making and send that off, stream for a few hours, and then protect the city in her real job as...

Bludhaven // USA:

May 16th, 2019 - 1:00 AM // Green Line Docks

Saalima always felt a little silly floating across The Narrows in a black gown: it would be funny if it wasnt merited. She needed to project an image. The only way that the damned thugs were ever going to learn their lesson was through fear, and the imagery of a motionless ghost popping their arms out of their sockets seemed to do a pretty decent job of scaring them out of the ci -

she heard something.

a thunk, like someone had dropped something heavy, coming from the abandoned portion of these docks. She floated quickly onto the top of an old wooden roof, checking that it was stable before she landed fully, and listened closely.... yes...voices... whispered chastisement. two buildings down. At least two. She needed to scout out further. As she drifted across cover - quickly darting through gaps, keeping below rooftops, she considered... she had crossed the narrows for the better part of 5 minutes, and got a pretty good look across the docks. she didnt see any boats come in, though it was possible that a small one could have escaped her eye. but the warehouse was a fair distance away from the water, regardless. This was probably an escapade that she could mentally file under "car or other," meaning that they would be more carefully guarding the entrance closer to the roadway. probably. A southward approach seemed best, and as the suspected warehouse came into view, her suspicion was correct. Two guards, both with some sort of semi-automatic weapon by the looks of things.

This was clearly big. or at least they thought themselves big. Those sorts of guns were not legal in this area. She floated around to the side, trying to get a better view towards the front - they were keeping no one on the sides, and there was a gap in useful cover before she could move further, a collapsed building not safe to use both for the lack of cover and the possibility of making a sound. She kept watch of the situation at this edge for fifteen minutes... thirty...fourty five. No patrols. Interesting. Maybe not actually that big? She considered the possibility of an unseen barrier or alarm of sorts, but decided it was unlikely. She had been the most powerful person in terms of extrahuman abilities in Bludhaven for at least a year now. She'd keep an eye out though. As for now, the rear guards had to go silently. She had had plenty of time to consider the best course of action as she monitored the area, and moved swiftly into action, moving back to the roof of the building across from the two rear guards, landing lightly. She needed to focus. There was a myrad of gravel and other stoney debris littering the area, which made good projectiles. The swarm of pebbles quickly shot at the foreheads of both men, and they were unconscious before they really knew what hit them. She waited 5 minutes - nothing, and then floated over to where they lay. she mentally removed the body armor and shirts of both men, and used them to tie their arms together and gag their mouths. she switched on the safeties to both guns and floated them well away from the two, before smacking them in the head another few times just to make sure. One of the windows on the upper floor of the warehouse was broken, and she elected to enter through there. there was some cover still, and it made a great perch. As she looked around, she realized...

a lot more guns. like. a LOT. Boxes overflowing with ammunition, and a few people looking stereotypically evil, unloading the last of the boxes from a former U-Haul van. Someone was planning on starting something, and she was going to find out exactly what it was...
Reading is a rare skill
4 out of 5 fans of the DCU recommend this character.

Only the best fans. We’ve got the best fans. Those dcu people, you know, they aren’t sending their best over here.
I like the fact that you're still here and complaining instead of joining an RP that actually fits your criteria.



this website's fuckin huge dude just go somewhere else if you don't like that we want to have balanced characters
"what do you mean I can't have 4,000 different powers? look at superman, he does one thing really well, that's the exact same situation, right?"
I checked it for you, it is a rickroll

you can trust me
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