Avatar of The book of bad juju
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  • Old Guild Username: Matxin Gartza
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    1. The book of bad juju 10 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
Current I've just written the worst post i've ever made in an Rp, and i don't know how i could have made it better.
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8 yrs ago
Give us the doctor.
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If you can read this, send me a quick pm, i need to talk with you.

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First off, editorial note: Martin must have looked really feminine looking. That explains the dash of nervousness. Second to note, they have 20.5k at this point. Third, this match took place at the very beginning of the Battle Royale.

So safe to say as it went on, more points wracked up leading this ladyboy to become super dangerous.

Did nobody else notice that that girl was playing Ghostricks alongside the whole Soul Absorbtion thing?

Aya remembers Tekkan and Drake fighting way back when over here. She didn't really remember who won or lost, but since he's here talking about losing and wanting to forget it all so badly that he's willing to duel over it, she's just going to assume shit rather then try to piece together the logical conclusion.

That's not me trying to mortar up a big plot hole, no sir. This is good old fashioned logic at work. "Really Standoffish Dragons Player" could totally refer to two different people that Tekkan's played against.
She rolled her eyes, as she engaged her disk, sighing. Whatever this guy was, graceful in defeat wasn't one of them. She rubbed her nose with a finger, checking the bleeding.

"I would have done it for free if you'd just told me." She began. "But whatever, a Duel's a Duel. Of course, if I win, i'll get to tell everyone about the time you managed to somehow lose against Tyrant Dragon Turbo. Even though that Tyrant Dragon player is probably already talking 'bout it behind everyone's back. DUEL!"

As the Challenged, not the Challenger, she could go first without too much of a problem. She drew her starting five, folding them into her palm as was her habit.

"I summon Retaliating "C" in Defense mode to my side of the field." She began. The monster barely had any time to react to being summoned before she played her next card. "Disrupted Kaiju Dream, Go! With this card, i can wipe the board clean on both sides of the field, and i get two beautiful Kaiju monsters to replace them with!" The Peaceful earth of the school's walkways cracked and split open as she played her card. The poor cockroach had no chance, being flipped and casually crushed by a passing boulder as the two Kaijus took to the board, the Insect and the Machine types making high-pitched keening noises as they faced each other on the field. Aya grinned, like a ringleader announcing her next act.

"With my poor precious "C" biting the dust this turn, i can add a Maxx "C" from my deck straight into my hand. But that's not all, no siree! By using Kaijus from either side of the field, I can XYZ them into a far more rare and powerful lil' beastie. Just watch this blatant disregard for the rules of the game in exchange for cool stuff, and come on out!" She raised a hand, dramatically, as both her Kaijus ran into each other, merging as one ball of light. She loved this part. When the sky twisted and turned dramatically, and from either side of the horizon what seemed like mountains moved, shaking, and twisted upwards, clamping down like a bear trap onto the twin specks of light that seemed so tiny in the behemoth's mouth. She breathed out.

"Dagiorah, The Sun-Swallowing Kaiju!"

She took a moment to revel in the sheer size of her monster, those spittle-soaked teeth that resembled mountains, those eyes so wide as to contain entire galaxies inside them. The monster was all mouth, the rest of the monster's vast form being hidden somewhere behind that enormous maw. It was a sight for sore eyes. That thing could use a Dyson Sphere as a toothpick. She just had enough time to admire that monster before it's effect would kick in.

"...Unfortunately, Daigorah's special ability kicks in-" She began, saying as slowly as possible. "If it was summoned by it's own effect like that, you, erm, get to have it. All 3300 of it's attack and 4000 of it's defense. And i'll set two cards to end my turn."

@Mr Allen J, you're just jealous because you didn't think of it first.
Yeah, i'm still around.



Well, thought Aya, That could have been avoided. Maybe if she'd been paying a bit more attention with where she was walking, maybe if she'd bothered to pack some more protection into her deck, maybe if she'd not been sitting near a window seat on the bus all of this could have been avoided, and she wouldn't be lying on the floor for the second time today with - She sniffed - Yep, a nosebleed. In bad mangas, a nosebleed often meant some deep, physical attraction to somebody else, usually brought on by two of the characters violently colliding with each other. As Aya picked herself off the floor and gave a few quick once overs to the other guy on the floor, she realized real life was probably a lot less easygoing then that.

He was cute, certainly, with a boyish charm and a big floppy mop of white hair that looked pretty familiar. She just couldn't place him, but he certainly looked familiar. He could talk the ears off an elephant, too, even while trying to pick her back off the floor. She declined for a second, pulling a little box of tissues from a skirt pocket and pinching the bridge of her nose with one.

"Yeah, thanks." She began, her voice slightly muffled because of the tissue. "I'm out of the tournament, since you're asking. So don't think this strategy of violently knocking people down then dueling them while they're dazed is gonna pay of-"

She finally placed him.

"Hang on, aren't you that Igknights guy? The one who lost to that really standoffish dragons player?"
He vanished, leaving Aya lying on the floor where she'd been since Royal Guard had attacked her. She had a nice little moment to think, down there amongst the table legs. Mostly she just pouted. She kept replaying the last turn in her head, trying to figure out what she could have done with her hand, meager as it had been. Could she have used a different Kaiju, she thought. Something that could have stopped that play in it's tracks? Mmm, no. Not without some brainbending use of twin twister on her own cards or some magic like that. She idly scooped her deck from off the ground, shuffling them all back into her hands into one big pile of face-ups and face downs.

Lets try again. She drew 5 cards, experimentally. No kaijus in her hand, but it was easy to see what to play. Terraforming into Kyoutow, Other terraforming to add a counter, Trade-in her Barbaros, which would give her... A Sacred Sword of Seven stars and a level seven machine. Rinse and repeat, and add a kaiju into her hand with Kyoutow. Summon Metaion the timelord, and use it's effect to float past Interrupted Kaiju Slumber, give her opponent Doggie while she got a Big Dragon thingie. Summon Exodius. Summon Malefic Cyber end dragon. Xyz Jizu and Metaion into Dora Summon the Turtle in her hand. Xyz Malefic Cyber end dragon into Tarantula into Pain gainer into Seven Sins. Now she had a three strong, powerful monsters, with the ability to negate almost every effect in the game. She could have won. And she could have won with some of the spookiest and rarest cards anyone knew about all stacked on top of each other like an occult battery; Exodia, Malefic, and Three Numbers all in a row. It would have been sweet. Textbook. So why didn't it ever go off the way it should?

Aya spent a good long while in that classroom, admiring her cards. Until the cold of the floor began to seep into her back and give her an ache, which took her mind off spiders and dragons. She got up off the floor, stretching a little as she did. Mister sun cultist was nowhere in sight. She probably would never admit it to anyone, but being told that she wasn't the sun-goddess he was looking for... That hurt. Like being told you weren't the dalai llama, only more of that. She didn't fancy spending the rest of her life as a four legged furry animal in india somewhere. Llama don't even get to play card games.

She shut the door behind her, and milled around lost in thought for a long time.
Yeah, most likely. My point still stands - Aya would be all over that like butter on toast. Only reason i wouldn't play it out in the rp would be because it would be a filler episode nobody could take part in

Also, speaking of that sun guy, do you not want to give him a few more lines, @KOGaming? The duel's over, he won, and i'm pretty sure you know it.
So, could there be such a thing as an Occult Numbers After-school Club that tries to duel with each other bringing out those scary Numbers cards, to see if the rumors are true?

Cause if there isn't, Aya's totally starting one up.
Ooh, neat. Nice little chance to expand on my character's backstory here, so lets begin.

1) If number 39 isn't available to anyone, how is it explained in-universe why a card people have never seen used and presumably never heard of is the figurehead of a whole House, representing the whole branch of XYZ summoning by itself?

2) What is the canon status of the Rank-up Magic cards? Do things like Astral force or The seventh one exist at all, given that all of the monsters it supports are one of a kind and presumably their Ranked up variants as well? Probably just the Phantom Knight and Raidraptor support exist right now, but i'd just like to make sure of their canonicity

3) When you mention that Numbers cards still have a bit of power inside them, do people know this? Is this an accepted fact of the universe, that sometimes people playing a bunch of unconnected cards will suddenly act differently and go a little bit kooky?

4) Does Exodius count as an Exodia card, or is it more common then that?

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