Avatar of The Fated Fallen
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2785 (0.77 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. The Fated Fallen 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Alright, Inkarnate. You win the game of RP flex's, how does it feel? Do you feel like the hero you are?
5 yrs ago
I also bow down to you, Vox. You're still here and that's what counts!
1 like
5 yrs ago
I bow down to you, Altered Tundra. Keep on keeping on, you legend!
5 yrs ago
I'm fighting my procrastination to try and keep my daily posts at 1.51 instead of 1.50. I didn't realise it'd be this much of a battle!
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5 yrs ago
Retail is just a cancer of the soul
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Most Recent Posts

@The Fated Fallen whats that from? It looks awesome!

Rat Queens! (volume 1!) And yes, it is amazing!

Basically a medieval fantasy through a hyper-modern lens, or as the first volume is called; Sass and Sorcery!
Why the hell haven't I posted yet?

Edit: Well I guess I'm the busiest I've possibly ever been at my places of work, having to do 6 times the workload of anyone else (though with twice the time, overtime woot! (it's killing me inside)) and at my other work training new peeps... Does that count as an excuse? It doesn't feel like that much of an excuse to me, but sorry to everyone for my tardiness, and really sorry for keeping everyone back. If you do want to post skipping me then do feel free, it's probably the best option at this stage
I should be posting tomorrow, and reading up!
Want me to find you another site with Samurai Jack. That last one I linked had been working for 2 weeks until the night I sent it to you. Now I can't use it.

Yeah, that would be nice. It's typical, or maybe I broke it :S

@POOHEAD189 Actually it's not really this RP, don't worry. It's 'just' tze majority of the remainder of the guild that makes me tempted to leave this place because they make me feel like a shitiot. (Shit+Idiot)

I don't know why you feel that here, but I know the feeling from IRLsies. All I can say is that you're smart and funny and fun to have around, but I know you think I'm just saying that to be nice and don't think it's genuine. Well I'm being honest, and I hope you realise that!

Half the time people are acting smart and know it all is because it's all they can do as they slowly descend into failure. Sad but true, and we value your place here! You're not shit or an idiot! (the first ones subjective, but the second one is just blatantly false!)

Uhhh... I'm too tired to be talking sense, but I hope I got the message across!

tl:dr You're awesome! We're all awesome! Rock on!
@The Fated Fallen I miss you :p
Just stalking out poo's other rp's now I disappear hahaha

Yeah, those were the days. It's lovely to hear from you!

Ummmm... Still working on the thing?
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