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1 yr ago
Current nine more months of work and i can graduate...
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1 yr ago
very glad we're in agreeance
1 yr ago
...anyway. what about victus?
1 yr ago
i raise you garrus
1 yr ago
kaidan alenko, that is all


blessed are those who thirst and hunger for righteousness.

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You know, I don’t think I’ve ever come across a service animal out and about. I don’t personally know anyone who has one. I suppose they’re not as common in England?

That being said my household has two Labradors and they’re little terrors. Adorable little abyslings. Hard to imagine training them to the standard that would be required to perform such a service, though I’m sure it could be achieved with lots of time and work.

Are service dogs the same as or similar to guide dogs for the blind?

As far as I know, service animals are much harder to acquire in the UK because there are stricter laws in place. The US is pretty lax with their laws on service animals, which is both good and bad.

Training really needs to start from the time the dog is puppy and be consistent. Even then, some dogs aren't cut out for service work. They have to have the perfect temperament and intelligence - they can't be little heathens running around, y'know?

Guide dogs are a type of service dog. Service dogs can be psychiatric, mobility assistance, guide dogs, alert dogs, etc.
bump again because I'm bored
Come one, come all!

I saw one of these posts maybe a year and half ago but wasn't that active on the guild so I didn't care to reply. But here I am, opening my own thread so that you can ask me any and all questions pertaining to service animals, emotional support animals, and therapy animals! Granted, I'm in the United States so I can't answer all questions as laws vary from country to country but I bet I can answer a majority of them.

Feel free to ask about my disabilities and my service dog, but please note I won't be revealing any extremely sensitive or identifying information!
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