Avatar of TheDookieNut
  • Last Seen: 4 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: thedookienut
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1459 (0.38 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. TheDookieNut 10 yrs ago
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2 yrs ago
If anyone I used to RP with comes back to check my profile and is wanting to carry on: sod it, dm me your discord, let's get started again
3 yrs ago
I miss the old RPGuild..


Fuck recovery

Most Recent Posts

@Hey Im Jordan ah, sorry
@Hey Im Jordan it would probably be best to have discussions with others so that one person doesn't put BFF and the other despises them


*•.¸♡ MoMo ♡¸.•*

♡ Age
♡ Years in Training
4 - 3 with AS
♡ Nationality
♡ Place of Birth
Hong Kong
♡ Expertise
High Notes | Modelling

♡ Face Claim
Mirei Kiritani


♡ Personality
Mò Chóu, or MoMo as she's contracted under, is a bit of a Diva. Whilst not entirely a foul person, there's a difference between genuine joy and a more professional manner. Effectively, spoiled. Her mannerisms come off entirely as cold, at least until the effort is placed. MoMo, overall, is incredibly hardworking; reliable.

However, despite the Ice Queen exterior, Mò Chóu is more than willing to hold a relationship that's somewhat more than professional with other trainees. This won't stop her from being the irritating perfectionist and incredibly competitive sort. She can be found practising far later than she should. Thankfully, it comes with the job.

When it comes to her preferred style in music, MoMo enjoys three aspects above all others: singing in her native tongue, adorable and 'cutesy' concepts, and the attention she gets from the higher notes her colleagues can't quite reach yet.

♡ Background
Mò Chóu is the elder of the two Wang children, coming from a middle ground in the city-state of Hong Kong; although her younger brother is no more than thirteen months younger. The pair of had been performing from an incredibly young age, albeit always in front of family than on any form of stage. As Mò Chóu grew, her confidence in her voice grew, encouraging her to take extracurricular activities that supported that role.

It wasn't until her parent's moved to Seoul on a business venture that she finally took the plunge in her first audition. The affair went brilliantly until she was asked to repeatedly sing in Korean. Mò Chóu had attended five separate auditions before her Korean was strong enough to not seem a liability or a single performer for the Chinese market. At the age of fourteen, Mò Chóu signed with SeaB until they announced their closure in the October of that year.

Her audition with AS Entertainment went significantly better, with their interest in both her language skills. It was with a signed contract that was the first of the Wang siblings to join the ranks of AS Entertainment.



(-_-) Age
(-_-) Years in Training
2.5 with AS
(-_-) Nationality
(-_-) Place of Birth
Hong Kong
(-_-) Expertise
Comedy | Dance | Rock Climbing

(-_-) Face Claim


(-_-) Personality
In contrast to his sister, Chéng Léi is incredibly approachable and likely too naive to understand precisely how terrible this is. Although many would argue it was an entirely encouraging feature for such a business.

As he grew under his sister's influence, the confidence she seemed to possess had nothing shy of a great effect on the younger Wang. He found no issues finding friends and had little issue with talking to distant acquaintances. As for Chéng Léi's sense of humour, it blossomed from terrible jokes pulled from the dulled pages of a children's joke book to physical acts of humour. Often overacting to encourage a few extra laughs.

(-_-) History
It wasn't until his sister, Mò Chóu, joined SeaB that Chéng Léi realised he wanted a life similar. His voice wasn't as strong nor could he dance half as well as many of the established acts, instead, it was his presence and confident personality that he suspects swung him through the audition circle - then again, it very well could have been the rigorous training Mò Chóu put him through.

Above all else, Chéng Léi aspires to become a television personality. He spends his spare time watching variety shows and the comedy shows each free evening. Whilst interested in a career in music, it's this single dream that means the most to him.
Ill get round to posting a character tomorrow
Just as a heads up - I wont be on daily so I'll take a lesser part
Hecking bump
@OliveYou I'd be down for a group RP - I just might not be able to post everyday at the moment
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