Avatar of TheFake
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    1. TheFake 10 yrs ago


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Just your neighbourhood coffee fuelled sociopath

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Also from the wiki:
In YGGDRASIL, there were three different types of job classes. Base, high and rare. Base job classes can be leveled up to 15, high classes can be leveled up to 10, and rare classes, like World Champion or Eclipse, can only be leveled to 5. In fact, some powerful classes were unlocked by PKing heteromorphs without suffering from any penalty while doing so.

so at most either of your jobs could be level 15
<Snipped quote by Rune_Alchemist>

I don't think you even need that outlandish of a reasoning. Think about it:

You get off work at 17 get home 18 eat dinner then go to the gym at 19 come back at 20 and play games till 01(ish) till you gotta go to bed to wake up at 07. from 20 to 01 that's about 6 hours of free time and lets say a hardcore gamer dedicates 5/6 of those from games. So their not a NEET just games are their hobby/ competitive gamer.

~8760 Hours a year. 52 weeks x 5 days (excluding weekends) = 260 days, times 5 hours = 1300 hours , but for reasoning lets take 30 whole days worth of hours(720 hours) of those for idk. Your pet Kangroo dying and the crippling depression makes you like nothing in life and all you just want to do is nothing, but lay down and listen to Heavy Metal and sad Alternative Rock... Or possibly Birthdays, work parties, or signing divorce paperwork.

SO, 580 hours a year and the game lasted from 2126 AD to 2138 AD. so 12 years 580x12=6960 hours.

Almost 7000 hours of game play. Again for a person to put in just 5 hours of their day playing something already seems a little much (that's not including those broke weekends where you play it for like 10). No game in existence or any existence can have that much content for a dedicated Player to not have a Broken Godly level char. Shitttttt, you might have 3.

look at the characters story though. She's only 21 and has only been playing since her senior year of high school which would have been when she was 18 or so. so that's really only 3 years. of course, with full time play over those 3 years she could still have close to 7000 hours(or more) given that the game had already existed for 9 years(and I'd assume it had been updated regularly during that time) that amount of content sounds easily doable. Especially given the apparently heavy PVP element since apparently people seem to be able to put thousands of hours into the latest CoD games for some reason(which is beyond my comprehension).
Gonna borrow the DnD styles definitions of a couple classes. Haven't read the LN either and it's been a while since I've watched the anime so I may need correction on some points.

Guess I'm ready to post though.
I am interested, just have to dive into my library of images to find something suitable.

Edit +3 hours: getting there, just need a pilot pic, name and a final lookover.
I'm interested.

Kuroe stepped through the sky, letting her eyes wander the city below. It was strange that she hadn't come across anyone else patrolling, as if they were all elsewhere. Then something sent a cold shiver up her spine.

"Hey, Listen!"

She flinched and glared at Fid with a frown. The small fairy increased her distance from her partner and held up her hands. Kuroe shook her head.

"Yeah, I got it. And you've been playing that game way too much."

Fid nodded and pointed off to their right.

"Over there, looks like a fight!"

"Yeah, We might as well head over there."

She picked up the pace before throwing herself into a leap and drawing her Marker. Things below looked to be getting tense.

All at once the clouds gathered and piled up before spilling over. As if a limit had been reached a torrent of rain poured forth. All at once it seemed the earth had been split open as a peal of thunder announced the arrival of a bolt of lightening that sounded as it it might split the earth in two.

Clouds gathered above the negari with a brief column of rain. With a crash of overwhelming light and sound a pair of them already stunned by Golden Flower were obliterated by a bolt of lightning that turned them into pieces that steamed in the after math of the rain. Kuroe touched down a second later, jogging a few steps and breathing a little heavily in the aftermath of the spell.

— Orello Village —

The former thief sat silent through the Captains introduction except for a single nod at her own name. She continued to eat after the others started leaving. Her meal, however, was absent of any alcohol. Szeren had seen enough of what drink did to people and wanted no part of it.

At the very least she should participate in some way. It would be a waste of an evening to simply eat and go find a place to sleep. So shortly after leaving the tavern herself, Szeren found herself walking into the hot spring where several other cadets had already arrived.

Seeing the others, she touched her cloak that was laid over her arm with the towel and covered her body in impenetrable shadows before slipping into the water.

— Dragonback —

She adjusted her shoulders to better compensate for the now squirming children and tilted her head at 'Sult'. Salz looked down at her for a minute in thought. It took a few seconds to recall what had meen mentioned about the Sunfield family.

"Oh? Indrau hadn't gone into any detail regarding your sisters knights in his letters. I'd like to hear about them."

She walked another couple of paces, one for every two of the other knights. Then something else came to mind.

"Ah! And of course I'd love to hear more about you. Indrau wrote a great many letters but they seemed to be a little bit... critical."

Still around but my partner hasn't posted anywhere in over 2 weeks. thinking of continuing on on my own.

— Fort Orello —

Szeren walked into the fort behind the Princess, still unable to shake the feeling that this duty had been a punishment for missing the departure with the rest of the group. It hadn't felt like a punishment and she had no idea why the other cadets had been singled out either. But the feeling still persisted, even though the delay had been anything but her fault. It was likely that it was simply a matter of convenience.

The fort was about what she had expected for something so remote although the Princess didn't seem to have gotten a good first impression. There wasn't the relief of having finally reached a destination, sleeping on the road did little to bother her as grass and dirt were still an improvement over cold stone cobbles. There was also the fact that it seemed that they were moving along again anyway. Most of the other cadets she knew by sight, if not by name. And the Captain... anyone who attended the academy would know her. Without any new orders she stood just inside the gate to see who might take action first.

"I guess we're moving on again already."
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